Help with a script

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Help with a script

Postby tecywiz121 » December 30th, 2007, 9:54 pm


I am writing a new script for sleeping. I have trouble falling asleep sometimes, but once I am out I sleep soundly, so I was looking for a bit of input on my current script:

From this point onwards, the words "Nighty Night for you" will have a special effect on you.

Whenever someone says the words “Nighty Night for you”, you will find yourself drifting off into a deep, peaceful, sleep.

You will find that the words “Nighty Night for you” will make you intensely tired and relaxed, no matter where you are, or what you are doing. You will find yourself drifting away, your eyes closing, and your mind shutting down into a much more relaxed, dreamlike state as you fall asleep.

There is no choice, you cannot stop it, you will simply just fall asleep, deeply sleeping. It will just happen whenever anyone says “Nighty Night for you”

Your eyes will close,
Relaxed, and without thoughts,
No ability to remain awake,
No reason not to surrender into sleep,
Deep Sleep.

So deep, that nothing will wake you for 30 minutes, unless someone says the words “Revert To Normal”, sleeping so deeply and relaxing, no reason to stay awake, because the words “Nighty Night for you” make you so tired, and sleepy.

It is as if a warm comfortable blanket were being wrapped around you whenever you hear the words “Nighty Night you you”, drawing you into a nice deep and relaxed sleep, feeling totally safe and calm, warm and relaxed, tired and comfortable.

Sleeping is such a normal thing to do,
Imagine hearing “Nighty Night for you”,
Imagine your eyes closing,
Your breath slowing into a slow rhythm,
Sleeping soundly for at least half of an hour,

There is no use in fighting it, because fighting it will just relax you more, make you feel safer, and more comfortable. In fact fighting will let you fall asleep faster, trying to keep your eyes open will make them heavier and more relaxed. You have no choice but to sleep whenever you hear “Nighty Night for you”, but you won't mind, you will feel surrounded by a warm, comfortable, blanket that draws you into a deep sleep. Sleeping for at least 30 minutes, no matter what is going on around you, because you are just so tired, and so warm.

Sleep will come automatically, and peacefully, the words gently slipping you into a deep sleep, a relaxing sleep.

The time of day does not matter, you can sleep because you are so tired when you hear the words “Nighty Night for you” guiding you down into a nice, deep sleep.

So comfortable, so relaxed, so warm. Nighty Night for you.[/code:1]
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Postby whatthe75 » December 31st, 2007, 5:52 pm

You might want to put in a safety thing here. You might be driving and a friend says "Nighty night". Maybe suggest it will work only where it is safe to do so.

Also your subconcious might take the deep sleep and relaxation part of the suggestions literally and make you go deeper and fall asleep during the file, make sure your voice tone doesn't emphasize those words when recording it,and that they are the same as the other words and lines.
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Postby Mino » December 31st, 2007, 7:26 pm

Try changing, "there is no choice" etc, to something like, "this is your choice, you want this to happen, you want this to happen more than anything else in the world", I feel that it would have more success as saying they have no choice is sort of saying like they don't want it which may hinder the effects.

Also safety is a must, things like, "if it is vital and important that you have to stay awake then the trigger will have no effects, you don't need to worry" etc...
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Postby tecywiz121 » January 1st, 2008, 9:58 pm

okay, I will make a few changes, and then post it again, Thanks for your help
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Postby CycoMelody » January 1st, 2008, 10:31 pm

you may want to consider making this one self triggerable only. Just for safety reasons. If someone were to find out this trigger and get over zealous with it, it could cause a big problem for you. ie. you are at work and someone's being a jerk and knows the trigger and puts you to sleep. Ya end up jobless. just a thought.
You define your reality!
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Postby tecywiz121 » January 1st, 2008, 10:34 pm

[code:1]From this point onwards, the words "Nighty Night for you" will have a special effect on you.

Whenever someone says the words “Nighty Night for you”, you will find yourself drifting off into a deep, peaceful, sleep as
long as it is safe to do so.

As long as it is safe to do so, you will find that the words “Nighty Night for you” will make you intensely tired and relaxed, no matter where you are, or what you are doing. You will find yourself drifting away, your eyes closing, and your mind shutting down into a much more relaxed, dreamlike state as you fall asleep.

This is your choice, you want this to happen, you will simply just fall asleep, deeply sleeping. It will just happen whenever anyone says “Nighty Night for you”

Your eyes will close,
Relaxed, and without thoughts,
No ability to remain awake,
No reason not to surrender into sleep,
Deep Sleep.

So deep, that only an emergency will wake you for 30 minutes, unless someone says the words “Revert To Normal”, sleeping so deeply and relaxing, no reason to stay awake, because the words “Nighty Night for you” make you so tired, and sleepy.

It is as if a warm comfortable blanket were being wrapped around you whenever you hear the words “Nighty Night you you”, drawing you into a nice deep and relaxed sleep, feeling totally safe and calm, warm and relaxed, tired and comfortable.

Sleeping is such a normal thing to do,
Imagine hearing “Nighty Night for you”,
Imagine your eyes closing,
Your breath slowing into a slow rhythm,
Sleeping soundly for at least half of an hour,

There is no use in fighting it, because fighting it will just relax you more, make you feel safer, and more comfortable. In fact fighting will let you fall asleep faster, trying to keep your eyes open will make them heavier and more relaxed. You have no choice but to sleep whenever you hear “Nighty Night for you”, but you won't mind, you will feel surrounded by a warm, comfortable, blanket that draws you into a deep sleep. Sleeping for at least 30 minutes, no matter what is going on around you, because you are just so tired, and so warm.

Sleep will come automatically, and peacefully, the words gently slipping you into a deep sleep, a relaxing sleep.

The time of day does not matter, you can sleep because you are so tired when you hear the words “Nighty Night for you” guiding you down into a nice, deep sleep.

So comfortable, so relaxed, so warm. Nighty Night for you.[/code:1]
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Postby Kharon » January 16th, 2008, 12:01 am

A few thoughts...

In trance, positives are far preferable to negatives. If you can't think of a positive way to say something, it may not be something you should try to get across in trance.

I have recently made my own re-write of the TrigMasturbate file, and even recorded my version. I removed and altered as many of the words that consciously hit me as "negative" terms as I could, only leaving a few in the final version. So far, I think my remix is having a better effect than EMGs version ever did, but still no definite results.

Another suggestion is that the subconscious mind really only parses two times: NOW and BEFORE NOW, or the present and the past. that means that future tense verb forms are another danger. Your subconscious mind has no idea what "will do" means, and gets confused by the term. You can prevent that brief confusion by rewording your future to present forms -- whether complete or ongoing. So...

"Whenever someone says [TRIGGER] you FIND yourself..." as opposed to "you will find yourself".

This was another thing I did in my rewrite of TrigMasturbate, changing all of the "will do" constructions for the future into present action, things that you just do when triggered, so you mind doesn't try to say 'I will do this later', but 'I do this now'.

If you'd like, PM me the script (I know it is right here, but I'm too tired and may forget to review this tomorrow) and I will PM you back with a version that is more palatable and makes things feel more comfortable while you change the subconscious mind.

Positives, Present and Past only, and appeal to the conscious by making it a safety thing. If you think of your mind as a club, you consciousness is the bouncer, the subconscious is the proprietor, and the mind itself is the club. The subconscious dictates how the club is run, the conscious decides what gets in. All of your beliefs and thoughts are like the decorations, and any ideas you're undecided on are like the guests.

Your subconscious accepts new ideas readily because it wants to have a cool club, but it's easily confused when you use "complicated" ideas like the future or negative words. Your conscious has to take care of those complicated things, so if you want changes, it's useful to word things as positively as possible. And then, take a few days if you have any doubts about how well you did, and read it like you're five. If it says "no" or "not" anywhere, or has words with equivalent negative meanings (wouldn't, without, anything ending with -less to indicate absence), pretend it's not there. "powerless" may take more breath as "you have given up the power", but it's also more clear to the subconscious than "powerless", with it just interprets, more or less, as "power".
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Postby tecywiz121 » January 16th, 2008, 10:04 pm

Well, I will definitely take another look at it then. So, things to avoid are negatives, and future tense. I think I can manage that :)
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