'Lo everyone. I think after months and months and months of trying out all the inductions, all the files, deepeners.. that I might have figured out why I and many others have so much trouble with getting hypnosis to work.
Sure, you can trance, you can go pretty deep, all of that stuff. But while the subconscious mind is responsible for whether files work or not, is it not also your perspective on life? For example, I've noticed that I have an extremely analytical mind. I'm not a defeatist or pessimistic much, but I have realized that my mindset is somewhat straightforward and realistic.
I've read a couple of rumors that some overanalyzing people don't even dream at all.
This isn't necessarily true. From what I hear, our subconscious is always thinking, and probably always dreaming. While we're asleep, we could very well be dreaming, but we don't remember. Why? Well, from some sources, I hear that dreaming is, of course, related to OOBE (out of body experiences) and astral projection.. At first, I didn't really believe the stuff, but now I do a little. But to the point: I hear that there are two concurrent memories whilst you sleep: What your subconscious is doing, and what your body feels like as it's asleep. Apparently, you can't have both memories. Usually the more dominant memory takes place (ergo, whatever your body believes is more significant) and therefore we only just remember that we went to sleep and no dreams came about.
I'm just throwing ideas back and forth here, but with that in mind, wouldn't the whole analytical mindset come into play? If it's responsible for making it so you don't remember dreams, it might be relevant as to why the subconscious isn't capable of performing hallucinations and all that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've heard of a lot of analytical people having hypnosis success, but probably not as much as the more optimistic and outside-the-box people.
So say this isn't all BS. Wouldn't that mean that the current goal of most hypnotists wouldn't be to try and make the subconscious more susceptible, but to actually go to the direct source of the problem, the mindset? Sounds like therapy in a weird way. Maybe some suggestive optimistic-like files could be made to resolve the problem.
Anyway, just some food for thought, I just thought I'd share.