Ending Diaper Guilt

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Ending Diaper Guilt

Postby My_Pampers » December 12th, 2006, 1:51 am

I have a confession to make and a request. First the confession; I have been on and off this website many time and under many different names. I have racked up 30, 40, and 50 comments at a time under the various names I've had while on here,, while this is the first post under THIS name I am not a newcomer :oops: .

Now, onto the request; the reason I have been on and off here is because I have run into great feelings of guilt about being a Diaper Lover and at times being an Adult Baby :? . While I am sure that I am not alone in this experience of guilt I am wondering it there might be a way to create a file that would allow someone to indulge in their love of diapers and not be wracked by feelings of intense guilt because of it :cry: . I have downloaded the same files over and over and time and time again I have edited them with Audacity and Acoustica sound programs. Consistently I have edited out the part where EMG says I would 'feel emotionally upset at going in my diaper'. While I do WANT to use my diapers and yes even be hypnotized into NEEDING them,, the feeling of guilt becomes an obstacle that keeps derailing my enjoyment :cry: .
I know that probably a great many of you would just say,,,"Dude,, live it with it,, you're a Diaper Lover,, just accept who you are 8) ". Well with the upbringing I've had it is much easier said then done. I am wondering if there are others out there that would like to enjoy their diapers with out being snarled by the feelings of guilt. I have a little bit more I'd like to say but I want to stop here and see who would be interested in the creating of a diaper file to do away with the feelings of guilt.
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Postby Duckypin » December 14th, 2006, 10:50 am

I agree with you. I would love to just enjoy my diapers and not feel guilty. A file that would encourage that process would be wonderful. Why not put something together and put it in the voting area?
Or maybe we could work on something together here and then submit it for voting?
Let's do it, baby.
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On second thought

Postby Duckypin » December 15th, 2006, 1:58 pm

I was thinking about your request and wonder if the Diapers Only file in the Diaper Training series might not be a good start for overcoming guilt.
I am interested in continuing this conversation if you are.
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Postby My_Pampers » December 19th, 2006, 11:18 pm

Sure I'm always up for continuing a conversation. However I think I'd be wasting my money to purchase any files from this site. I have never met with any success with any files on here. At best I find them fun to listen to or entertaining. I am 30 and have been 'into' diapers since age 7. My interest in diapers was formed and carried thru my life with out hypnosis,, so if anyone tries to say I come back to this site because i am hypnotises,,, let me tell you,,,,, you're wrong. This is a cool place to hang out, read and post the forum, but as far as 'getting' hypnotized,,,,, naa don't ever see it happeneing.
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some successes

Postby Duckypin » December 20th, 2006, 9:09 am

I was happy to read your post. I am sorry you have not had success with any of the files. For me, the most successful has been diaper training 2. I was soaked after listening to it. It was wonderful. I had my thick cloth diapers and plastic pants on (I am in my 50's.) and for the first time in years felt wet from front to back. I think that it is one of the free files.
I agree that this is a good site and the discussion is helpful. I also find parts entertaining. I guess just having the freedom to talk about my diapers is helpful to me. The guilt is something I want to let go of and make wearing and using diapers my normal situation.
Hope to hear from you soon.
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Re: Ending Diaper Guilt

Postby sarnoga » January 9th, 2007, 10:53 am

My_Pampers wrote:
Now, onto the request; the reason I have been on and off here is because I have run into great feelings of guilt about being a Diaper Lover and at times being an Adult Baby :? . While I am sure that I am not alone in this experience of guilt I am wondering it there might be a way to create a file that would allow someone to indulge in their love of diapers and not be wracked by feelings of intense guilt because of it :cry: . I have downloaded the same files over and over and time and time again I have edited them with Audacity and Acoustica sound programs. Consistently I have edited out the part where EMG says I would 'feel emotionally upset at going in my diaper'. While I do WANT to use my diapers and yes even be hypnotized into NEEDING them,, the feeling of guilt becomes an obstacle that keeps derailing my enjoyment :cry: .
I know that probably a great many of you would just say,,,"Dude,, live it with it,, you're a Diaper Lover,, just accept who you are 8) ". Well with the upbringing I've had it is much easier said then done. I am wondering if there are others out there that would like to enjoy their diapers with out being snarled by the feelings of guilt. I have a little bit more I'd like to say but I want to stop here and see who would be interested in the creating of a diaper file to do away with the feelings of guilt.

Have you tried the files in my series Diaper Dependance. Some of the suggestions in those files are designed to do exactly what you ask.

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Postby rcain2 » January 30th, 2007, 12:11 pm

The feeling of shame and diapers is a childhood training, you might try reading some of John Bradshaw's work on shame or lookup shame based emotions online.
I use to feel shame but now that I wet my pants a couple of times a month I wear diapers and am very discrete about it. People who know I wear diapers have seen me in wet pants and know they are a proper response to a very personal problem. Diaper Dependence is a help and the other WMM files that encourage pants wetting will make it plain to anyone you are around that diapers are the right underwear for you. Diapers are the only underwear you should ever wear. Other people don't want you wetting there car seat or sofa, so after a few public accidents you friends may encourage you to wear diapers.
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Postby torsion » February 10th, 2007, 2:50 pm

Deailng with causes is a separate thing from managing the present, I think. Be it disease or trauma based, the need is real. For some of us it would be quite liberating to fully accept the need for protection with no remorse or regrets. The anxiety about constantly worrying whether or not we'll be able to "make it" in time can be terribly draining. Add to that the lost sleep in delaying our nightly bedtime literally can prove exhausting. While I haven't had much success, either, I keep trying to enhance induction receptivity so that I'll be ready should such a file come about. I just want to integrate diapers as part of my daily routine so the rest of my life can progress.
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Re: Ending Diaper Guilt

Postby Bettypooh » November 11th, 2007, 6:38 am

I AM a newbie here but maybe I can help You say "I have run into great feelings of guilt about being a Diaper Lover and at times being an Adult Baby?"
Well, you're not alone on having guilty feelings about things! You see, I've had to deal with decades of guilt about crossdressing, and only by exploring it have I been able to reach a comfort level that ended the guilt. I won't bore you with the details of my life but I wear what I want to without shame except at work where I must be 'male'. To get here I had to follow these steps:

1-Be honest with yourself that this is what you really want to do. If it isn't then you'll never get there.
2-Allow yourself to do it; after all as long as you're not hurting someone else there's nothing wrong with doing anything you like to do.

3-Let yourself explore all parts of what you want to experience as you become comfortable with it and as the opportunity to do it happens.

4-Don't rush into things, you DO have the rest of your life to have all the experiences you want.

Rushing into things can also lead you to making rash decisions that can hurt you, anbd may take you to places you didn't know you would go. In my life I discovered that my need to wear women's clothing was just a symptom of a larger issue. I am transgendered and if I had a choice I wouldn't be, but there it is and it is who I really am. To let myself go where I needed to I had to 'come out' to everyone(except work)because it was going to be apparent that I was changing, and I'd rather have me tell the truth than someone else start rumors. It was a costly choice but the right one for me and now I am living happily. Back to diapers(Oooh I love that word) I always knew it was there too but like the other I had repressed it. Well not anymore! I have always had bedwetting tendencies and I love the feeling of a wet diaper so I gave myself permission to become diaper-incontinent and trying hypnosis files to help. I do wear to bed(alone only)and sometimes wet asleep but what I want most is to sleep and wet without waking but only in diapers. If it works I want to add a few unexpected bedwettings every year without diapers while sleeping alone to remind me that I should be diapered for bed. I will post my results as they happen but I expect results since this is what I really want and that is what makes things like this work :)

Remember, so long as you're not hurting someone else there's nothing wrong with whatever you want to do so do it!
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Diaper Guilt and Big Baby Guilt

Postby MindMaster » January 24th, 2008, 12:24 pm

I'm not new here but guess I'd be considered a lurker. I was absissy's Master before we parted ways a month ago.

I am a D/s lifestyler with many years training and experience with hypnosis and NLP both for therapeutic use and in D/s or S/m play and scenes. I've also used hypnotic training with my pets to help them fulfill their inner needs or desires.

I have developed a series of files and scripts that will truly train you to:

1. wet yourself uncontrollably all the time, needing diapers just like a little baby.
2. accept that you ARE a baby because you wear diapers and use diapers
3. adopt certain specific baby behaviours as normal and natural. Some all the time and some only when in safe company.

This is a 3 step process that must be followed in order.

Additionally, I've created 2 further training files that will

1. train you to be a sissy baby, adopting sissy behaviours as normal and natural

2. train you to be a bisexual sissy baby slut, serving females and males equally and submissively

These files will be made freely available here and a couple of other sites that are non-commercial and don't charge excessively for membership or file access.

My question is simply, how many of you really want this lifestyle? Many fetish people seem to fantasize about wetting like babies, or being a sissified male, or becoming a bimbo slut but when it looks like it's becoming a reality, they turn and run.

I have a full time pet, who is a full time baby girl, behaving as a typical 2 year old toddler and wetting and soiling her diapers as an infant. I have trained many fetishists to realize their inner desires. Some now wet uncontrollably all the time. Some exhibit their femme side openly and honestly. Some become triggered oral sluts or airhead bimbos with insatiable sexual appetites.

I find the adult baby world intriguing because it allows me to take away the earliest control one learns as a child, and then your constant wetting serves as a reminder of the control you surrendered.

Skillfully applied, hypnosis can easily train you to wet helplessly and uncontrollably, and to accept your true baby self and behave as a baby, but I ask how many of you really want to achieve these goals.

Please reply to this post here, or if you prefer more private exchange, PM me or email me at the address given.


Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » January 25th, 2008, 12:11 am

I am the OP of this thread (Yes, I'm under a different name now,, but that's because EMG gave me back my original screen name). Two of my main concerns are: 1) the cost of buying so many diapers, if I were to achieve my desire. 2) I only want to loose control ONLY when diapered. Whenever I am in a diaper I want to have 0 bladder control. But when I am not in a diaper I want 100% control. But as I have stated before,, I've never had hypnosis work on me before at all,, so I just see it as some obscure source of entertainment and nothing more.

I'm not into the sissy scene, or becoming a slut, or anything of the like, although I will say I have fanaticized about it. But real life and a fantasy are two VERY different creatures. But the diapers are real, when I do wear them, I've worn them everywhere, except to church, or around my family. Other than that, I've worn them literally everywhere to include on the job many many times. The only thing, as I stated in my original post at the beginning of this thread,, is that at times I run into deep guilt over my liking diapers, and occasional getting off in them (to put it bluntly honestly, lol). However I’ve not worn diapers now for about 3 months because of the feelings I’ve mentioned in my original post at the very beginning of this thread.

I don't know if you would qualify this as an answer to your post MM, but that is how I see things pretty much
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Ending Diaper Guilt

Postby MindMaster » January 25th, 2008, 8:14 am

Diapered_Cherub wrote: Two of my main concerns are: 1) the cost of buying so many diapers, if I were to achieve my desire. 2) I only want to loose control ONLY when diapered. Whenever I am in a diaper I want to have 0 bladder control. But when I am not in a diaper I want 100% control.

.....other stuff.....

I don't know if you would qualify this as an answer to your post MM, but that is how I see things pretty much

Dear Cherub:

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I have to agree entirely about the cost of diapers. We spend around $500.00 monthly for Baby's disposable diapers and diaper service for the cloth diapers. It can indeed mount up, but then babies need diapers, so you have to budget for baby's expenses.

While it is possible to train someone to wet only while diapered, this is NOT how a baby wets. My intent is to help true big babies recapture their little self and become the big babies they really are. Hence, they will wet all the time as babies do. Also the Bladder Retraining file creates a psychological addiction to the pleasure of wetting in diapers, so you wouldn't want to be out of diapers anyway.

With regards to sissy training or sissy baby training, this program is modular, with five modules, first to train you to be the baby you want to be and are, then if you want to become a sissy baby. You can choose to stop at any level. There is no need to use the Sissy Baby or Sissy Baby Slut files if this is not your goal. The same applies to the Baby Training. You can stop after file one when you wet as a baby, or go on to Baby Acceptance and accept that you really are a baby, or go further after file one and two to Baby Behaviours and begin behaving as a baby.

It's entirely up to you. There's no hypnotic coercion or suggestion that you must go 'all the way'.


Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Postby brieri » January 26th, 2008, 11:10 pm

Mindmaster. I am intrigued by your files. I voted fully for them and since I have just retired I will paciently wait for their release.

So count me as all in. Why not? You are right that you simply have to budget for diapers. My husband bought me 15 new cloth diapers custom made from bear bottom a few months back and suprised me with them. He had them made a touch larger since as we age we all get a little rounder. Now that I am retired and just taking college classes I can freely wear cloth or disposable. No big deal either way.

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