Questions about hypnosis by a semi-newbie!

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Questions about hypnosis by a semi-newbie!

Postby Reboot2099 » January 26th, 2008, 1:06 am

Hi all!

I am a 34 yo man and even though I m new to this site and to hypnosis, I read a lot about it before trying anything (because I didn t want to spend my hard-earned cash on something I didn t have any idea it would work on me and didn t find anything free..until now), but I still have some questions.

I listened to one file, only once (lack of time, and don t worry, I know it shouldn t work with only one listening) but I think I was in trance but not sure how much.

I am very analatycal (sorry about the spelling, french is my first language) and I have a constant dialogue in my mind almost every minute of everyday. In fact, I suspect I enter trance quite a few times everyday, if not almost all of my days! lol While I work I often go on automatic mode and start imagining things, situations, dialogues etc. And I sometimes don t see the time go by and the only way to get me out of it by a co-worker is to say my name when talking to me! Only I imagine those things, not in images, but in words...I guess I ll have a hard time with imagining vivid things, but maybe a facility to go into trance? I don t know...

So when I listened to the file, I was sitting on a chair but my head didn t have anything to fall on. I started to feel very heavy, I couldn t and wouldn t move my body and my head fell on my shoulder. So far so godd, right? But wait! My neck got cramped so I was thinking, all the while the file was playing, that I should stop and get more comfortable. I didn t want to, so I stayed like that, but I kept telling myself I should get more comfortable. That and many other things like analysing lots of the things being said, like when it said "you don t hear anything else but my voice", I kept thinking " but I DO hear my refrigerator! And my fish hitting the side of the aquarium and...and...and man, my neck is hurting! And what s that in my oants? Am I supposed to get an erection in trance? I m that much of a pervert??" You see what I m talking about?

Seems like I WAS in trance, but my conscious mind wasn t cooperating..that s weird. So, my question is: can the file still work on me if it s like that everytime I listen to it? (yes I know, I ll get more comfortable next time, but still, my internal dialogue will probably still be present)

Also, while listening to the file, my stomach and leg started to spasm, to that normal in (half) trance? That too got my mind talking :)

And one last question..if a file is self-triggerable, and it works, and it, for example, is supposed to get me on my knees and imagine something, would I do it automatically, without thinking anything after I spoke the words? Sounds weird to me since I m the one saying thsoe words and I know what they do and when I do it...

I probably will have more questions soon but I think I ranted for far too long already :0 Thanks in advance for your answers!
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Joined: January 14th, 2008, 1:00 am

Re: Questions about hypnosis by a semi-newbie!

Postby whatthe75 » January 26th, 2008, 6:13 am

Reboot2099 wrote:

So when I listened to the file, I was sitting on a chair but my head didn t have anything to fall on. I started to feel very heavy, I couldn t and wouldn t move my body and my head fell on my shoulder. So far so godd, right? But wait! My neck got cramped so I was thinking, all the while the file was playing, that I should stop and get more comfortable. I didn t want to, so I stayed like that, but I kept telling myself I should get more comfortable. That and many other things like analysing lots of the things being said, like when it said "you don t hear anything else but my voice", I kept thinking " but I DO hear my refrigerator! And my fish hitting the side of the aquarium and...and...and man, my neck is hurting! And what s that in my oants? Am I supposed to get an erection in trance? I m that much of a pervert??" You see what I m talking about?

Seems like I WAS in trance, but my conscious mind wasn t cooperating..that s weird. So, my question is: can the file still work on me if it s like that everytime I listen to it? (yes I know, I ll get more comfortable next time, but still, my internal dialogue will probably still be present)


What a perfect example of what trances can be like. You wanted to move but you didnt ( thats cos your concious mind wants to but NO your unconcious is in charge and wants to listen so it wont let you)

I can hear all the noises and my internal voice all around me.Thats again because your unconcious is busy listening to the file and your concious mind is bored and notices everything else and is doing it's own thing.

Welcome to the wonderful world of hypnosis.The effects of the files will only get stronger. ENJOY!
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Postby testry » January 26th, 2008, 10:41 am

a probably answered question somehow but: a deeper trance is something where you would feel FOR SURE as being a deep trance? Well how much deeper could I have been in this case, was it enough to be into a suggesting state?

I am using lutz file and today even felt unfocused as usual suddenly I felt all the body warmed up (I was in bed anyway) and a cool breeze on my face (strange a little after he mentioned the face relaxations). Then I felt only the voice and the chill on my face like someone was holding his palms on my face. Felt like a new sensation, usually my heart was beating harder but this time I felt like it probably doesn't or does just very slowly.

This caused me to feel like bursting in laughing, felt couple of spasms in the legs... I am not sure if this woke me up but I felt like I was able to keep the feeling, not scared me awake as another time.

I don't remember the time when I got up after but I remember it was finished and I stopped the file. Tried the trigger, didnt work to enter the trance (or probably my mistake, at the beginning I should think just positively. But after used just felt into a deep sleep a few mins after. Last with a weird dream (I usually don't dream much).
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