Failing repeatedly at trance

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Failing repeatedly at trance

Postby kelemanga » February 14th, 2008, 6:21 pm

so this is the third time I've been back here in annoyance.
I really have a problem getting my body to enter trance. I need a technique that'd be good to help me enter trance.
For example, I am using random feminization files at the moment, for transsexuality issues, and I need some way to go under easier.
Could anyone make some good suggestions?
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Postby loony28 » February 14th, 2008, 10:40 pm

What inductions have you ben using? Did you listen to just the inductions before trying the fem files or did you just jump right to the fem files?
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Postby kelemanga » February 15th, 2008, 9:18 am

Well, to be honest, I tried one of EMG's twice and one of Cardigan's files once.
So, I guess I kind of skipped to the female files.
I looped the file on my ipod last night and listened to it 6 times. (TrigFemaleForm)
When I did say the triggur phrase, it had a strange effect on me. It simply made me feel hot and dizzy and made my chest feel slightly heavier. But those effects seem to not happen anymore.

What do you think I should do to get these files to work?
I really need this file to work for the good of my life. I hate being male, and I need this form of escape until I reach my sex change operation. If you can help put me under and get this to work, I'll forever be in your debt for making my life worthwhile.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 15th, 2008, 11:00 am

It's easy to tell from your note that this is important to you. Take a moment to smile. You're among friends. We're real people who share your interest in hypnosis.

It's challenging to diagnose a situation remotely. But your latest note may have given a clue.

I want you to start listening less.

    - Pick a single file that you'll listen to for the week - Just ONE file for the whole week. You'll get to pick a different one next week - but only if you want to.

    - Before listening, prepare yourself. I don't know what puts you in a relaxed, happy (or even sexy) mood. But you do.

    - Listen just once each day- at a quiet volume.
Other hypnotists here on WMM will have ideas for you too.

More than anything else... be good to yourself. Our subconscious minds are incredibly strong. It's unnecessary to pound the message in. A feather-touch is really all that's needed.
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Postby whatthe75 » February 15th, 2008, 4:02 pm

First i would like to congratulate you on Listening to Yourself well enough to know what you really want and moving forward with it. Many people ignore internal signals and surpress them or fight them daily. The fact that you take good notice of your internal signals is a sign you are in tune with your unconcious. Being in tune with our unconcious is a thing not many do and many people even fight it.

So being well intune with your unconcious should mean that you would be a good trance and suggestion subject. Each person has their own preferences for trance inductions and different things work for different people. Try listening to a few of the other tists files and see how they work on you. And if you find one that really works,then you can go from there.

I didnt pick up the exact file you are listening to but i guess it has some form of Hallucination. If so this would take a longer time before it starts to work well.The fact you said you get some tingling feelings is a sign the suggestions are starting to work.They dont just start working suddenly,they progresively get stronger and stronger. My advice is to continue.

Another one i noticed and you might think this is trivial but it is very powerful and goes along with what MN Friendly said. He said be good to yourself and treat your subconcious as you friend. Your message was filled with lots of negatives -including " i hate being male". Stating things positively in your mind can make a hell of a difference.Stating things positively draws your unconcious mind to them making them more effective. The voice in your head that nags you saying" i hate being male" i guess is in a nagging tone. That can be very self destructive.

So instead of "I hate being male". Change your thinking to " I want to be female" or "I am going to look so good as a female". Change the voice tone to a pleasant one too.Make it into a sexy female voice and have it say the above sentences instead. DO IT you will be surprised how much better it will make you feel about yourself.
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Postby kelemanga » February 16th, 2008, 4:45 pm

Thankyou very much for the help guys.
I'm planning to do a few induction files tonight.
I've had a long day and I'm in a very relaxed state, so I'll see where it takes me, listening to the induction file I find the best around 4-5 times.
I hope this all works. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to get used to this process, but when I do, I'll be grateful. The way that the file is phrased seems just perfect.
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Postby kelemanga » February 18th, 2008, 12:52 pm

Sorry to double post, but need some more questions answered.
What is the best induction file? How many times should I listen to it, and when do I know I'm in trance? Sometimes when EMG has finished the countdown, I feel no different and therefore leave the file instead of carrying on anyway.
How can I listen to his words more? I've listened to him intently, and nothing, and I've tried not to listen to him, but have the file play, and that hasn't worked either.
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Postby whatthe75 » February 18th, 2008, 4:57 pm

kelemanga wrote:
What is the best induction file?

The one that you like the most.If differs for each person.

kelemanga wrote: How many times should I listen to it, and when do I know I'm in trance? ?

As many times as you want,there is no exact answer. How do you know your in trance.Thats like asking how do you fall asleep?. What do you do internally that makes you fall asleep? Basically you dont know.And thats the same answer to How do i know i am in trance.There is no magical test that you can compare too.There is no definate YES/NO answer.I have been in trance thousands of times.I think. My eyes were closed and i opened them at the end. Sometimes i remember what was said,somtimes i didnt.Sometimes i was bored shitless,and day dreamed and sort of heard the words in the background.Some times i have felt like i was floating through space.

Basically You dont know. But one thing i do know.Worrying whether you are in trance or not is not going to make one bit of difference.It's your concious mind doing the worrying.Your unconcious will do all the trance work.So save yourself the energy of worrying and wondering to much and just turn on your mp3 files and see what happens.Sometimes you'll concentrate fully and hear every word.Sometimes you'll be so bored you go off day dreaming.Sometimes you'll wake up 20 minutes later thinking you have only been there for 3 minutes.But whatever happens your unconcious would have been listening.And thats all that counts.
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Postby kelemanga » February 22nd, 2008, 4:05 pm

Thankyou for all your help,
I'm failing at trance. Nothing seems to work in the slightest. I really don't know what to do, I feel really relaxed, but I just don't get put under.
Posts: 19
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