Astral Shapeshifting

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Astral Shapeshifting

Postby nuit09 » March 12th, 2006, 11:07 am

Well, i've thought about it and there are a few people here who express interest in paranormal or magical scripts.

So how about a script that teaches the basic technique of astral shapeshifting? The change is in the astral body not the physical. The aura or astral body is altered into another shape for various reasons. magicians believe doing this can have effects in the physical world. it is suggested that this is a useful defense for example. even if you do not believe in the astral and auras per se; the psychological boost alone is reason enough for it to be useful for defense. For example if you believe your astral body has grown into a huge dangerous people munching dragon and you are that dragon in a sense then it will effect your confidence and so on. so it will effect how you act how you carry yourself and how other people percieve you.

The file will effect your ability to hold an image in your mind and it will put a visual template for the astral body and or aura for you to work shapeshifting from. it will also augment the ability to manipulate the astral template i just mentioned. And if you do believe in such things to begin with the astral body is the basis for what happens in the physical world. so continual shapeshifiting will have physical effects if you remain in one form and work on it intensely, repeatedly and constantly. it can also be used to heal the body because what manifests in the astral body happens to the physical and vise versa.
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Postby InsaneCPRClown » March 12th, 2006, 7:14 pm

I like that idea... I am into that kinda stuff... And basically ur saying it causes physical change over time?
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Postby nuit09 » March 12th, 2006, 7:24 pm

InsaneCPRClown wrote:I like that idea... I am into that kinda stuff... And basically ur saying it causes physical change over time?

Indeed. according to magical theory (lore, if you think "theory" is misapplied) a thought form on the astral plane will manifest in the material world if fed enough energy.

There are all sorts of applications for astral work. shapeshifting. healing. creating tulpas. creating artificial elementaries, charging talismans and amulets. the list is nearly endless.
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Postby nuit09 » March 12th, 2006, 8:07 pm

InsaneCPRClown wrote:I like that idea... I am into that kinda stuff... And basically ur saying it causes physical change over time?

Also if physical changes are what you are after; i am a firm believer in the idea that the more ways you can reinforce your intent and make your will known the faster the change will happen. so if you do this *and* also use other files that go about it a different way then it should be all that much faster and dramatic a change. lets say you build a female shape into your astral form to include astral versions of a woman's reproductive organs and skelatal characteristics and you constantly maintain it and add energy to it plus in addition you use one or more of the transformation files that work though hormones or body chemistry...
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Postby InsaneCPRClown » March 12th, 2006, 11:40 pm

ahhhh ok i understand it a bit better now lol.... Really good idea ya got going there...
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Postby nuit09 » March 13th, 2006, 1:11 am

Since you are into it i should differentiate between the astral body and the aura a bit. magicians consider the aura to be an etheric body not quite astral and not quite material but a little of both. the etheric body only leaves the living tissue at death (actually it disintigrates over about 24 to 72 hours) but the astral can leave the body's environs at will.
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It's there!

Postby nuit09 » March 13th, 2006, 12:15 pm

The proposed astral shapeshifting file is now up for vote on the voting page. I hope people vote for it. the seed idea in that proposal is useful for far more than just the shapeshifting. it is ubiquitous.
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Postby nuit09 » March 20th, 2006, 4:31 pm

Induction ends.

Body begins. [First draft; prototype script suggestions]

Now as you lay there completely and deeply relaxed your awareness seems to shift and expand. you feel now a pleasant but insistant vibration through out your body and now even beyond it. it is low frequencied at first but appears to be rising slowly in frequency. as it rises you feel as if your body is somehow expanding its boundaries growing outward but your body is still there just like it always was. The expanding feeling continues for a while and as it does your awareness also expands, expands so that you become aware of a light filling the region around your normal body shaped vaguely like your own. you realize this other body is also you. the light within that region, the you you are now just discovering, grows brighter and brighter. your expanded awareness is so odd in a pleasant way. you now realize this version of yourself you have just found has been there all along you just could not see it because you hadn't looked for it. you note that though your light filled body looks like you it's edges are somewhat flowing. the shape is changing at random like the surf of an ocean the clouds in the sky a rolling mist. it does not change in density or disipate. it remains at the same strength and that is reassuring. you know it is not in any danger but that it's nature is plastic and moldable and this is good. now you feel a sensation again within your earthly body and you hear a kind of droning sonorous low roar rather like the hum of bees, and numerous points within your body seem to loosen to open and unknot. it feels pleasant: this loosening. when it happened for a moment your awareness your point of view seemed to shift to that of the boy of light; your body. It is you and your consciousness was seated in it the way it normaly is in your body of flesh. This new awareness that there really is more to you than just your flesh makes you want to soar, soar like an eagle and see as an eagle sees. But for now you want to explore the plastic nature of you body full of light that moves like a mist. There will be time for flying later.

AS you turn your thoughts to your light filled body, your wonderful light filled body, your awareness again shifts into that body. you see though it's eyes feel through it's "skin" in fact all of your senses are it's senses. It's senses; Your senses, are wondrous, exquisite and perfect. in fact you are aware of far far more than what your eyes can tell you, your hearing, your sense of smell, touch and tastes tell you. you cannot help but know that this is so; your awareness is expanded in ways impossible to describe. You revel in it. it is as if you were blind all your life and now you can see for the first time. This expanded awareness is like that.

You will now use your new senses to examine your light filled body. you can see through your new eyes your new hand. you look at it and it is a duplicate of your physical bodies hand. you flex it's fingers and close it into a loose cup. it feels wonderful. you open it up. feel it. you know it is your own to command and use as you like. you use your new eyes to examine your old self. perfectly safe. it's ok to explore some more and you want to. you look back at your ligh filled hand. thats odd. while your awareness was elsewhere your light body's hand, your hand, morphed its shape. this is ok. weird, but ok. you decide you want your hand back. after all you might need it. And so you look at the indistinct outline at the end of your astral arm. somehow you know what to do. after all it is your body. you command in your mind your hand to reform as it was before.
you know it will; and it does. you see it shift form back into a hand the more you look at it and the more you will it the firmer and more distinct it becomes more and more until it is as it was when last you needed it. it does not take long. it does not take much effort. it only takes awareness and will. you also visualize the change happening and as you do the change actually happens. you are delighted. this is fun. and it might actually come in handy.

So now you want to try this with other parts of your body. you don't want to do anything to elaborate at the moment. there will be plenty of time for that because you can do this any time you want. from now on. So for now i want you to think will and visualize and even feel your astral light body expand into a ball shape like it was a balloon. a perfectly sphere of living light. it only takes a moment. you do so with ease. it's easy. much easier than the first time with the hand because now you know what you are doing. you notice that for the most part your new form did not change your awareness or senses. you are aware of your new dimensions of course and you're awareness of your old body is antennuated a bit but other than that you are much the same. your senses are still magnificient as ever. And so now you know that here in this body you can assume any form by simply willing and awareness of the change happening. you know this body is plastic and shifting in nature and it responds to your wishes.

[Here i need help transitioning out and installing the template so that this visualization is rendered easy for the subject no matter thier former visualization skills. I do not know what is possible in that area. so advice would be appreciated.]
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Postby Cwolf_FA » October 3rd, 2006, 4:59 pm

I voted. Oh, and this just might be the best file idea ever.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » October 3rd, 2006, 5:00 pm

I voted. Oh, and this just might be the best file idea ever.
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Postby AFA » March 3rd, 2008, 3:00 am

If this was still there I would vote for it.

Has there been any new progress with the file or should I just try and figure it out myself?
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Postby steve14 » March 3rd, 2008, 1:32 pm

i would give it a vote to what heading is it under or is it gone?
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Postby AFA » March 3rd, 2008, 7:07 pm

Unfortunately I think it was deleted from lack of interest or something.

I’ve begun looking into this and if I do try to make a file out of this I may have to break it in to more than one since I would have to not only deal with the shifting aspects which there is somewhat of a good start but also because this is dealing with Astral Shapeshifting. I may have to break it up into two files one just about astral projection and then the second about Astral Shapeshifting. Whatever I do though I think it is going to end up more like a guided meditation than hypnosis, but I have more research to do before I think about trying to conquer this.

It’s no wonder it wasn’t finished it looks like a lot of work.
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Postby axl233 » March 25th, 2008, 10:44 pm

Maybe it would be easier to make a file just dealing with astral projection itself, since most people would have a very hard time just projecting, let alone doing something while projecting.
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Postby Draylen » August 25th, 2011, 6:57 am

It's an interesting idea, but it's one I feel is really, really bad to fuck with. This would work best of the astral body was something separate from your mind as a whole, your perceptions both of yourself and the world around you, your emotions, thoughts, feelings, actions, all that makes you you. Doing something like this, changing the person you are in the you that isn't the you that you show the people who look at you, but is really the you that nobody sees and is the 'real' you, even to yourself, where you exist solely and purely in your own, unique, individual form, can screw you up a hell of a lot worse than any possible benefits. You're not talking about changing something small here - you're talking about a complete, total, utter, absolute transformation. And there are a SHITLOAD of problems with that.

for example... you mentioned turning into a dragon of some kind. Between the constant and fairly aggravating phantom limb feelings from the tail and wings that you'll have, there's the claws that can't be used, the teeth that are too short and too dull, the snout that isn't the right shape, the strange, pale fleshy substance covering you where your scales should be... The fact that you're not eighty feet tall and capable of breathing fire... Ecetera.

That's not even getting into the personality issues. you say turning into a dragon will give you more self-confidence - but that, right there, can be such a huge, massive change, such a gargantuan trip, that you lose control over yourself. Too much of ANYTHING is a bad thing, especially things that could work.

If anyone is still thinking about this, I humbly plead you to not do it. Maybe having more self-confidence sounds like a good thing - and you're probably right, at the right levels, earned the right way, it isn't, it's great for you. But don't do something like this. Don't change your entire being, because it's not worth the price you'll pay.

There is a reason that the Shamans and Medicine Men don't Borrow other forms. Not even that of their Guardian.
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