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Postby mai » March 4th, 2008, 9:52 pm

Morality can not be divorced from context. To use a good example, "Raped by Happiness", makes perfect sense if that is how your psychology is wired but is shockingly wrong if "normality" is how you're wired. I've realized, however late in the game, this site and its contents, the whole EMC game I've been active now for five years is not what I've found to be who I am.

You only know who you are when you've seen your sky. For many of you your future and happiness is contained in this world, and that's fine, I hope you get so far with it you can't ever recover. I've reached a point in my life where the world has opened up in such a way I know that this was for me a fantasy world of my own creation. A baseline from which it couldn't possibly get worse.

After all, hypnotism in this community is just playing out a shared desired fantasy. I did not come here to become something so much as to trick myself into thinking that revealing my desires was actually transformation from some external power.

My fetish has always been about growth, about a shared celebration of life's pleasures and openness. Much as I know many here come from a different context and understanding, I can not see how tales of submission, masochism and the like fit into a childhood dream of sexual freedom elicited through hypnotism and the other games we play.

Submission in my context is freedom, but the freedom of abdication, of drunkenness, its means is the ultimate stupor, its ends is a kind of death worship. Others here use this as a path to liberation, to me it was the ultimate set of vices.

I wish everyone here well. Those who feel that what they do here is damaging may want to leave. Those who feel this is Liberation, who have felt the positive impact of self realization, by all means its something you ought to celebrate.

The party I'm invited to is at another place.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 5th, 2008, 4:05 am

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Postby lorcain » March 5th, 2008, 10:57 am

whatthe75 wrote:Whatever

I'm going to second this.

From what I gathered (and I really didn't read too closely) you seem to be saying that hypnosis is fake and that everyone here who has actually achieved some kind of success is deluded.

Really, with that kind of attitude, I can honestly say I won't be sorry to see you go. If you don't believe in hypnosis, then whatever, but actually saying the these are all just "tales" and "tricks" is just showing your own ignorance.
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Postby Apothem » March 5th, 2008, 7:07 pm

lorcain wrote:
whatthe75 wrote:Whatever

I'm going to second this.

From what I gathered (and I really didn't read too closely) you seem to be saying that hypnosis is fake and that everyone here who has actually achieved some kind of success is deluded.

Really, with that kind of attitude, I can honestly say I won't be sorry to see you go. If you don't believe in hypnosis, then whatever, but actually saying the these are all just "tales" and "tricks" is just showing your own ignorance.

Thirded. The post seems to assume that the entire site is just sex related. Which it's not. There's a good chunk of self help in here, not to mention- hypnosis, when done properly, is an excellent form of relaxation and release of stress.... At least for me ;)

I can see where he's coming from though. From a quick glance of the content, it's very easy to misconceive the content of this site to be completely related to sex and fetishes. But you do have to delve deeper than what's on the surface to realize there's much much more.
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Postby BobbyS » April 20th, 2008, 5:23 am

In addition to the refusal to believe that the hypnosis on this site can work (I'd guess most likely brought on because it didn't work for HIM/HER), I also found the whole thing to be nauseatingly pretentious. And if there's one thing I can't stand it's pretentious, florid and self-righteous prose.

I mean - this?
Much as I know many here come from a different context and understanding, I can not see how tales of submission, masochism and the like fit into a childhood dream of sexual freedom elicited through hypnotism and the other games we play.

Don't know about you but I certainly wasn't thinking about sexual freedom when I was going through childhood - I was more preoccupied with school, and friends and building dens and... y'know.... childhood things. Furthermore, all s/he's saying is basically "The genre of hypnosis on this site isn't for me - I'm not into S&M."
Well, bally for you - but could you sound less like a retard when you make such comments please?

That said, I myself am rapidly getting sick of this site too, but for different reasons.
For one, I'll openly admit the files don't work for me. I've tried again and again, but I've never had much luck with online hypnosis - the best result I got was a freeze trigger to work over IM.
Second - I do admit there are a wide variety of files on the site, and not all of them sexual. Still, a LOT of files ARE S&M and some are downright disturbing - check out this recent addition;

Description: The listener will experience their Master blindfolding them, taking them outside, staking them to the ground on all fours and smearing bitch in heat urine on them. Then a pack of wild dogs will spend the night raping their body. (works for men or women)

I don't know about you, but I'm with Mai on this one - that is DEFINITELY not what I want from hypnosis. I just like the idea of friendly hypnosis, maybe getting a bit kinky - orgasm and arousal triggers are always good, as well as freeze and slave ones. But I don't want to constantly come across files and people that revolve around getting raped by feral beasts or having your dick retreat inside your body.
Thirdly, and possibly connected to the last point - it's clear that a lot of people who use these forums aren't well. People begging to be humiliated by shitting themselves, or the NaughtyCouple poster (who is blatantly just one guy) who goes on about things like this;
"i would much rather be in the middle and surrounded by cocks, all fucking pussy and filling it with cum, then one by one each woman squats over my face and empties it all in my mouth. while guy after guy shoves a big hard cock in my ASS. filling me too, turning my asshole into a big cumfilled fuck hole for nothing more than dumping load after load of cum. "

There's much much more but I'll spare you the gory details.
Suffice it to say it's this kind of stuff that puts me off WarpMyMind.
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Postby FrozenRose » April 20th, 2008, 7:03 pm

Yeah some things are just beeped up and messed up, I do self help and help people with what they want in hypnosis, it annoys me to see the gross and messed up file ideas, not all of them are bad. I might be doing a wide range of files, I think people would do better with a female voice.
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Postby Cubivore » April 20th, 2008, 7:46 pm

Last edited by Cubivore on December 12th, 2008, 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby saren88 » April 20th, 2008, 10:48 pm

Wow, I thought I was long winded but generally I try to relay some coherent thought at the same time. Reading the OP took some real effort to process, and a lot of it was simply there to sound smart. I'm no stranger to using fancy words, but only when they're more effective than simple ones.

That said, I will admit that were I more conservative in my views I probably would've written this site off. I'm not into any sort of hypnosis slavery myself, but in truth I find the subject interesting in theory. I second BobbyS in that a lot of content on the site is pretty extreme, but on the other hand everyone who comes here has the choice of whether or not to use the files. Sure, the description alone can be pretty disturbing sometimes but there are no lasting effects.

I do believe a lot of good can be done through hypnosis, and I applaud the writers and hypnotists that provide their services here. If a site like WMM didn't exist, I'd have no single place to seek advice and try various induction methods. The good side of WMM is what gives me some hope I can be successful in the realm of hypnosis.
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Postby pimmholly » April 21st, 2008, 11:22 am

What a long-winded and pretentious way of saying goodbye and screw you. But it did give me an idea for a file. This file would make sure that everytime the you left a room the door would hit you in the ass on the way out.
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Postby abba149 » April 12th, 2009, 6:37 pm

When i came here i was a Hypnosis junky on a bad trip.

I got Hypnotized By every one even subs

SO all Hypnosis here works in my opinion
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