Hypnosis Q&A

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Hypnosis Q&A

Postby EMG » March 27th, 2008, 6:34 pm

Someone recently asked me my views on hypnosis for a research paper she is doing on hypnosis for college. After answering the questions I asked permission to post the questions and answers here. This is the message and my responses for anyone who is interested.


I know this sounds kinda weird, but let me give you an explanation. I'm a senior getting my BS in Psychology. My in-progress senior thesis is about the applications of hypnosis and I need some sources. My professor wants me to not only use book sources but to interview people too. I've already interviewed with a professional hypnotherapist and a stage hypnotist, but I also need someone who knows erotic hypnosis for my last interview. I looked around the internet and found your website and it looks like what I'm writing about.

1. What theory of hypnosis do you personally think is the most accurate (Social construction, dissociation, neurolinguistic programming, systems)? Why?

Personally, I lean towards a combination of systems, social construction and NLP. I believe that hypnosis keys on some of the natural systems that exist in everyone but is reinforced by social construction. It can't only be explained as social construction because hypnosis does work even in people that are not aware of it on a societal level. NLP comes into play mostly with triggers and word associations, it uses the power of language to help create mental links to ideas and concepts. Done well, all 3 of them meld together to create a comprehensive whole.

2. Do you believe (as some hypnotists do) that the act of paying for hypnosis will enhance the suggestions due to cognitive dissonance?

Yes, and no. I am quite certain for some people the act of paying helps cement in their mind that what they are getting is of a higher quality than anything they might get for free. However, others with experiene in hypnosis do not require the same association and will respond as effectively to free hypnosis as to something they pay for.

3. What are your views on the physiological effects of hypnosis? Have you heard testimonies or seen visible effects from feminization or other such files?

I have seen and heard of high levels of success with a variety of files and have also had success working with the few people I have worked with in person. Hypnosis seems to amplify a person's own desires(subsconscious or conscious) and allows them to act on them. It also gives people who are suffering from fear or guilt related to these desires an outlet to bypass their conscious feelings of fear/guilt and act on their desires.

4. Do you think that erotic hypnosis will continue to increase in popularity on the internet? Do you think that other sexual practices (so-called "fetishes") feed this practice?

Yes, hypnosis will continue to increase in popularity because people will have a greater exposure to it outside of nightclubs and therapists offices. Add in videos of people doing some pretty amazing things on youtube and websites such as mine and people are becoming more able to explore their curiosity and discover what it can and cannot do for them. As for other fetishes feeding the practice of hypnosis, I personally see the two as being complementary and don't really directly drive one another. If you have a fetish(especially one that has a social stigma attached to it) exploring hypnosis can help you explore your own personal fetish and come to terms it but having a fetish won't bring you to hypnosis(unless that is your fetish) any more than enjoying hypnosis(even erotic hypnosis) will increase your interest in fetish. The web simply increases the information availabe fetish and hypnosis on the web don't have any more connection than that.

5. What do you think about the effectiveness of hypnosis without the presence of a hypnotist (via mp3 or chat or ect.)? Do you think it makes the trance more effective? Why?

Personally, I believe that the most effective hypnosis is one on one hypnosis, a love hypnotist can judge the reactions of his subject and respond to them accordingly and have the greatest level of success. After that, I would go with webcam/audio chat, then mp3 or text chat. The problem with an mp3 or any fixed format media is that it is a mass-market product intended to work for as many people as possible. When you do that you lose the ability to craft something that works ideally for the subject. That said, the advantaged of mp3's and other fixed media is that it can be very difficult to find a hypnotist that's willing to indulge you in your own personal fetish. you can also do it very privately, hiding what you are doing from the rest of the world since listening to an mp3 just takes a player and a download and can be done anywhere and any time.

6. What can you say about your methods for inducing trance and/or giving suggestions?

I have experimented with a variety of methods of inducing trance and find that knowing your subject is the most helpful tool in inducing a trance. If you know a bit about how the person reacts, what things they find comfortable and calming and whether they respond best to visual or audio stimulus you can take them into a much deeper trance than if you don't know them. A calm steady and confident voice also helps since it works on their own personal expectations.

7. Do you believe that sexually charged suggestions increase the effectiveness of the suggestions?

No, not unless you are making a sexual suggestion. To make a truly successful suggestion your best bet is to link it to something similar or related. If you were trying to get someone to quit smoking, linking it to a sexual stimulus would probably fail because other than the stereotypical cigarette after sex the two just aren't that strongly linked. Yes, a sexual suggestion can be VERY powerful because it feeds feelings that make us feel good and can be tied to orgasm a very powerful and positive experience but unless the suggestion, and sex have a mental connection for the person you're not likely to have a great deal of success. As for whether a sexual suggestion that is desired would be more successfull than a normal suggestion that is also desired, I am not certain, the sexual suggestion might be slightly more successful.

8. What advice do you give members who have difficulty experiencing deeper trances?

If you want to experience a deeper trance and you don't have someone to work wth personally, I would suggest trying a variety of different inductions and find the one that works best for you. People are all different, some people respond better to strong words, others to descriptions, still others like one voice and hate others. Find an induction that you like and work with it. Listen when you have a minimum of distractions and can relax fully. Some people trance better when tired, others when wide awake so try it at different times of the day. Finally, try echoing the words of the induction silently to yourself, it can help you focus on what you are trying to accomplish and remove other distractions.
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Postby notyou » March 27th, 2008, 9:15 pm

If you can, refer her to Ruetha's emcpodcast.com as well. It's the best introduction to erotic hypnosis that I've seen.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 28th, 2008, 2:02 am

Interesting study. I think your answers there EMG should help answer of lot of questions that seem to continually pop up in the forums.
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Joined: December 10th, 2005, 1:00 am

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