fears phobias etc

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fears phobias etc

Postby shadowfaerii » March 20th, 2008, 7:07 pm

im absolutely terrified of the hospital, but only cos i seem to going more and more rcently.. so much so i get ill the day before..

also using public toilets..

can i get any help with this?
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Postby lettuce » March 20th, 2008, 7:13 pm

I thought recently that hypnosis could be an excellent method to get rid of phobias. With my limited knowledge, I'd say that making a file to stop a single phobia, but I'm not too sure about making a file for phobias in general, since that would be much more practical if it worked. I'd personally love getting rid of my irrational fear of spiders, although it's a bit unmanly to not confront my fears.
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Postby cardigan » March 21st, 2008, 6:10 am

lettuce wrote:I thought recently that hypnosis could be an excellent method to get rid of phobias. With my limited knowledge, I'd say that making a file to stop a single phobia, but I'm not too sure about making a file for phobias in general, since that would be much more practical if it worked. I'd personally love getting rid of my irrational fear of spiders, although it's a bit unmanly to not confront my fears.

Hypnosis is an excellent way to cure phobias. Unfortunately the approach of "one file to fit all" may not work with phobias. You see - a phobia is a trigger really - or rather the object of the phobias - say a spider - acts like a trigger and instills terror in the victim.

In fact the victim of the phobia has hypnotized himself to install the phobia. Something unique has happened to that person - an experience as a child, normally - has startled the person - given him a real fright and made it so that every time he now sees the object of that terror - he feels a quite devastating fear or terror and is quite often paralyzed with fear.

The reason he cannot by himself just think logically and remove the trigger is, that his mind has forgotten all about the primary motivating incident. It was so scary that it has been covered up and in a sense forgotten. But it's still there. The subconscious know all about it, but can't handle it. So every time the triggering object is there, the subconscious takes over and brings forth the terror.

To remove the phobia you need to find out what caused the fear in the first place. This is done by hypnotic regression - asking the subject to go back in time to the first incident that has to do with the phobia. Then several techniques can be used to remove the fear and to deal with the incident in such a way that it no longer has any potential for fear. This is quite effective and usually only takes one or two sessions with a hypnotist.

Since the reason for one person's arachnophobia is completely unique to that person, and the others who suffer from the same phobia have had different experiences to install the trigger in them, making a general file wouldn't be truly successful. You could probably help some completely, make the fear less of a problem to others, and completely not help yet others. It would be very random. Whereas one-on-one hypnotherapy has an almost 100% rate of success.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby shadowfaerii » March 21st, 2008, 5:43 pm

but are there any files like this?
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Postby cardigan » March 21st, 2008, 5:58 pm

I don't think there are any files like that here - yet. But I would think that someone like Wendi Friesen might have made one or two. But they would be pay files, of course.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby shadowfaerii » March 21st, 2008, 6:15 pm

im a poor person.. and cant afford anything.. damn im dreading fornight friday :(
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Postby DianaW » March 22nd, 2008, 2:57 pm

There is an option.

You have power in yourself. You can break the phobia on your own. The above poster was right, a phobia is basically a learned responce with a deep set basis.

Here is what you do:

1. Take a few deep, calming breaths, try to relax. I know it sounds very difficult but you can slow your heart rate, lean back, breathe deeply.

2. Think about why you are afraid, what are you afraid is going to happen. Analyze what you are afraid of the doctor doing.

3. Think of all the times that you have been to the doctor, think of how many of those times went without incident.

4. Resolve to yourself that you will not be afraid. Promise yourself that you will go even if you are afraid. Elect to not let fear control you.

Yes, those four steps seem silly, but take it from me, I have an irrational fear of bees and in situations where bees are I can force myself to calm down. Just remember, you are in control, you made the fear and you are the master of the fear.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 22nd, 2008, 3:50 pm

Fair enough Diana but that still keeps the fear there, you are just fighting it.The fear still remains underneath and makes it uncomfortable. A fear though is different from a phobia.

A true phobia you have no concious control over and is to strong to be calmed down with the technique you are saying.
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Postby DianaW » March 23rd, 2008, 10:25 pm

Thats not true.

Phobias can, and have been, overcome without the use of hypnosis through exposure therapy. Which is in effect fighting it repeatedly. Over time the fear, and the phobia, lessens.
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Postby cardigan » March 24th, 2008, 3:17 am

Diana is of course right, that there are more ways to deal with a phobia. You can use normal therapy and confront your fears and work through them, and there is a method related to accupuncture, where the healer taps on certain meridian points while the subject is concentrating on the feeling they want to overcome - I don't know the name for this therapy in English. And there are bound to be other methods too, but what I like about hypnotherapy is, that it's so quick and direct. Usually it will take from 1 to 3 sessions to cure a phobia. That's quick! With a classic therapeutic approach it can take several months and be very painful for the subject. Whereas hypnotherapy is completely without pain and suffering.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 24th, 2008, 6:31 am

And of course the NLP phobia cure.Very quick,simple and extremely effective.
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Postby cardigan » March 24th, 2008, 6:36 am

That sounds interesting. Please expand a bit on the NLP phobia cure. Hypnosis and NLP go nicely hand in hand.
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Postby mistschaufel » March 24th, 2008, 10:42 am

cardigan wrote:Diana is of course right, that there are more ways to deal with a phobia. You can use normal therapy and confront your fears and work through them, and there is a method related to accupuncture, where the healer taps on certain meridian points while the subject is concentrating on the feeling they want to overcome - I don't know the name for this therapy in English.

I believe Cardigan is referring to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)


There is a free book (pdf file) downloadable from the site, as well as pay-for video training etc.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 24th, 2008, 4:48 pm

cardigan wrote:That sounds interesting. Please expand a bit on the NLP phobia cure. Hypnosis and NLP go nicely hand in hand.

I was actually thinking of making a file for here using it, which would also answer this threads query on a generative phobia file.


It also has other uses too as shown above ( for ptsd for example ).

It uses Dissasociation from the fear to retrain the briain so that it no longer reacts to the phobia. the most commonly used method is the cinema and projection booth metaphor.

The only problem i am thinking with making a file using it, is the people i have used it with take different times to make the images required,which might cause a problem with the timing in the file.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 28th, 2008, 8:20 pm

OK - I have made the file and added it to the site.

Please let me know how successful this file is, or any comments you have.
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Postby mc » March 29th, 2008, 7:01 am

Talk about conincednece!

First time I've been on here for a while, and the reason I'm on is to look for a file to help with my fear of heights. I'm not entirely sure if your file will work for that, but I'll give it a try.
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