SFW somewhat successful but need help!!

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SFW somewhat successful but need help!!

Postby calvin89 » March 29th, 2008, 2:42 pm

Hi ive never posted on here but ive been on this site over a year now. Ive always wanted to be a woman but have always been very conflicted about this. Anyways im 19 and i started listening to super female whammy and curse male 2 female like 2 months ago off and on and i have had some effects but i still look like a guy in most ways. I've had some hair loss and some small breast growth my butt has gotten more fem and so has my waist and i have a harder time getting erect. My problem is that i dont know if i want this or not because i have a gf that ive been with over a year that i'm real close to but at the time i started listening i was thinking about moving to be a girl with my friend that lives in texas..i live in Pa. The problem is that i decided i cared about my girlfriend and family here more that wanting to be female. I have tried making a file for Virtual hypnosis(a application that lets you make your own files but i'm not to good for it) that would reverse this and i listened to muscle bound no hair loss to try and get testosterone back through me but i need a better file to help me reverse this and become more of a man again. Also if anyone knows of a file that could make you want to be a man and not a girl id appreciate it. My problem is also complicated by the fact that my girlfriend found out i want to be a girl(i was texting my friend about it and one of the texts got sent to her somehow) she reacted very well to it(she was real upset at first tho) but she still wants to be with me and we are talking about getting married after she graduates college. So that made it very difficult for me to leave so i didnt but i need help. Anyone with info or advice would be very appreciated.
Posts: 14
Joined: February 27th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby SDoll » March 29th, 2008, 5:43 pm

You can still buy curse removal files for both, but they'll cost you $30 each. http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?op=NewTab&name=Services&TabSel=3
Posts: 193
Joined: November 6th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby BobbyS » March 30th, 2008, 5:24 am

The other alternative is just to avoid listening to the Curse file itself. Most posthypotic suggestions only remain for a fortnight or so after listening. You haven't had any completely radical changes and I reckon without reinforcement your body should sort itself out to how it used to be.

If after a month or so your still having erectile difficulty, and the feminine attributes, then buy the 'Cure' file. In the meantime, if you can save yourself the (imo unneccesary) $30, then do so.
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Joined: April 11th, 2005, 12:00 am

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