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Postby FrozenRose » March 29th, 2008, 6:00 pm

Welcome, I am a female tist! I have all Messagers NOW! Check below my post you should see msn aim and yahoo. Add Me! I look Forward!.

I am looking to help people in self help or any naughty stuff they want. Seems to be the only things here. I am open to trying new requests and everything. I felt like this needs a better intro then just typing fast, I am happy that people still replyed and PM me. I would like PM's from you if your interested, posting here is alright, I like to check my PM"s first, so just a fair warning. I am STILL OPEN, I am not swamped, since I don't have all messagers just yet. Tell me what you want from me. What you dont want to happen to you. About yourself or anything in general. I have aim and msn messager, for fast chatting. I don't have yahoo messager yet. Sadly. Maybe I will soon! If its better.

Good news, if you can go just a tiny bit under in trance I can get you to go fully under, I tryed a couple people and it worked wonders, I hope you have the same result to, if you need help, you well be able to get your dreams come true when you can go under for any files you want to work.

I look forward hearing from all groups of people.
I have no limits. I'll help you for anything you desire.
You can be anything, male, female, shemale, bi, gay, striaght, anything.

Listen carefully, if you didn't hear from me, please kindly say I think you forgot to send me a reply. Which I didn't mean, don't think it mean's your not accepted. So if thats the case, I would like another PM so I can address you back personally. Thank you for posting and PM me. I look forward to hearing more from you all.

I would like to address as well to not be shy in contacting me. You will be replyed and added, so there is no worrys. I have lots of time, you will be helped. I feel there might be a few people thinking that they wont get helped because I will be busy? I am having no problems yet really. If you don't contact me it's your loss, if you do then great! =3 I however still need to get yahoo still however. I am writting everyone who posted for my help in my forms and in PM. So if you get another e-mail its to make such everyone got how to contact me and such, I hope that's okay with you all. Contact me if you like help in any way as well, I am still open. =3 Peace!

Letting people have a chance, if they don't check where I first posted my threads to. Have a chance to see there is an option that they can take.

I have MSN AIM and YAHOO now. Click them below to add me! =3
Last edited by FrozenRose on April 9th, 2008, 1:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 82
Joined: July 7th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby catgirlatheart » April 2nd, 2008, 11:46 pm, hope to heard from you
Posts: 76
Joined: December 24th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby catgirlatheart » April 2nd, 2008, 11:48 pm

or at
Posts: 76
Joined: December 24th, 2007, 1:00 am

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