need help nothing is working

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need help nothing is working

Postby Teltroxine » April 3rd, 2008, 10:50 am

i have been trying a few different hypnosis files for months now and nothing is working. I listen in bed before trying to get to sleep usualy and also after i wake up and shower. i always get a very relaxed feeling sometimes my mind drifts off and then comes back after the file and sometimes i remain concious the entire time and can hear whats being said through out the file. so far not one file has worked on me, i havnt had any effects.

does anyone have any advise? what am i doing wrong?
Posts: 47
Joined: March 9th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby Henrique » April 3rd, 2008, 2:50 pm

How long? You use one file only for a week? What file? TrigFreeze is a simple file, so you can build confidence in hypnosis with it and then select other file. There's plenty of FAQ's here, and many people with the same problem. Try looking into other posts to find out. Maybe the answer is really out there...
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Joined: August 17th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby pyroid » April 6th, 2008, 12:12 am

I to haven't had a file work, and I have found that it was my eagerness that stopped me. Like me you probably wanted to see result now and it doesn't work like that. Sadly I to haven't sucessed in making a file work, but I have trained myself to except trains more and more, hell, just last night I was flipping through files as I was surfing the internet and I hit a file by EMG and for what ever reason I didn't go on to the next. As I listened I drifted into trance, totally by accident, partly because I wasn't expecting it. When I came to the file had just switched to some random song on my computer.

To me I felt unusually comfortable and rested, my body felt not numb exactly but heavy. It was great, total comfort. It will be different for you most likely, but I have been trying for almost a month now and just now experinced something, keep trying, it will hit you when you least expect it, and a helpful hit, make sure its a file you really sure you want to be affected by, because, I still have no clue which one I listen to lol, I guess we'll see.
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Joined: March 27th, 2008, 12:00 am

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