by pyroid » April 6th, 2008, 12:12 am
I to haven't had a file work, and I have found that it was my eagerness that stopped me. Like me you probably wanted to see result now and it doesn't work like that. Sadly I to haven't sucessed in making a file work, but I have trained myself to except trains more and more, hell, just last night I was flipping through files as I was surfing the internet and I hit a file by EMG and for what ever reason I didn't go on to the next. As I listened I drifted into trance, totally by accident, partly because I wasn't expecting it. When I came to the file had just switched to some random song on my computer.
To me I felt unusually comfortable and rested, my body felt not numb exactly but heavy. It was great, total comfort. It will be different for you most likely, but I have been trying for almost a month now and just now experinced something, keep trying, it will hit you when you least expect it, and a helpful hit, make sure its a file you really sure you want to be affected by, because, I still have no clue which one I listen to lol, I guess we'll see.