Far fetched.

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Far fetched.

Postby FrozenRose » April 7th, 2008, 3:37 pm

This area is a bit far fetch to me. =3 Can I ask what makes it so exciting and amazing to you? I like to hear your side of things. I would never be doing these to myself. However I'd enjoy hearing about it from your point of view if thats alright. Doesn't matter if people reply or not. lol. =3
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Postby jeremy12321 » April 7th, 2008, 10:57 pm

I can only answer for myself, so many people are into diapers for different reasons. But, growing up, I had a lot of stomach problems. No matter where I went I needed to be fairly close to a toilet. That manifested itself into a desire to wear diapers, for in the worst case scenario of not reaching the bathroom in time, the problem would at least be contained.

Now, in polite society, you can't just go around saying you want to wear diapers as a personal choice. But, if you actually couldn't control yourself and really needed diapers, then you've got a legitimate excuse.
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Postby patj » April 8th, 2008, 8:58 am

In our society, there is an undue amount of stress that they face each day. The stress comes from work/school, family issues, government/taxes, motgage/bills, etc.

Many people long to escape to a time when there were no stress factors in their lives. That time is often associated with very early childhood. It is a time when there were no worries, no issues, and they felt loved and cared for. It was the only utopia that most people will ever experience in their lives.

Yes ... to escape to that time brings comfort and release from all the troubles people must face each day ...

Diapers/incontinence is a reminder of that time when all those issuses were not part of daily life.
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Postby FrozenRose » April 8th, 2008, 1:42 pm

Why not have the enjoyment taking away the bathroom stuff. If possiable, I mean you get the enjoyment with out the mess and extra cost. For ones that need it, I have no problem with them.
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Postby steve14 » April 8th, 2008, 3:07 pm

FrozenRose wrote:Why not have the enjoyment taking away the bathroom stuff. If possiable, I mean you get the enjoyment with out the mess and extra cost. For ones that need it, I have no problem with them.

some do --there is a wide range -some like the Dom sub aspect some the feeling of warm wet diapers some the regression to child hood probably as many reasons / variations as there are enthusiasts
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Postby Exrandu » April 9th, 2008, 6:23 am

FrozenRose wrote:Why not have the enjoyment taking away the bathroom stuff. If possiable, I mean you get the enjoyment with out the mess and extra cost. For ones that need it, I have no problem with them.

Symbolism has great power in the human mind, as enthusiasts of hypnotism I am sure we all understand that. For me to be able to truly relax as my younger self, I need to feel that loss of control. Not just the physical you see, for the physical control is a symbol that resonates powerfully in my mind and my soul. To truly regress, I feel one shouldn't just go halfway. Recapturing an infantile state of mind requires infantile attire and all the loss of control that goes with it. Total relaxation.
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Postby LilJennie » April 9th, 2008, 11:07 am

Most of the time I just say, "If you don't get it, then you're never going to get it." You might as well post on this forum and ask, "What's the big deal with hypnosis anyway? Why would anybody want to do that?" If you don't like diapers and baby stuff, then no amount of "explaining" will change that -- and if you already like it, then there's no need to explain. There might be some "latent" people who would like diapers and baby stuff if they ever tried them, but just never have -- but I don't think that explaining would help them either.
A feeling of helplessness and dependency, maybe. Or a feeling of safety and security and feeling cared for and worry free. Or for others it's a feeling of humiliation and belittlement. What people get out of it varies a lot.
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Postby demigraff » April 9th, 2008, 11:40 am

Like many things, it varies from person to person.

I know one couple for whom its a very powerful symbol of control. My friend isn't into diapers, or being a baby. But they have a very intense Master-slave dynamic. The problem they had is that these roles seem somewhat superficial unless Master can punish her when she does something to displease him. Caning makes a good punishment for the naughty slave, but this is just a role, something they both enjoy. They wanted something that could be a real deterrant for when Master is genuinely upset. Having some previous experience of hypnosis, she was trained to lose bladder control in response to certain triggers. As humiliation beyond what she can enjoy for its own sake, this punishment makes the power exchange between them seem so much more intense and more real.
(And seeing a slave, kneeling and begging forgiveness, wet herself on being told she will be punished certainly has quite strong symbolism. I have to wonder how friends unaware of the trigger might have interpreted that scene)
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Postby steve14 » April 9th, 2008, 10:04 pm

it may be interesting to consider a large number/percentage of females who enjoy dl/ ab play became introduced to it by a boy friend and had not considered trying it before ?
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Postby TarouYannick » April 12th, 2008, 1:15 am

There is no way to get good statistics on this sort of thing. We are too much of a niche group, and since regular could not be counted on to answer consistantly (many would refuse to answer at all) so there is no way to get an actual random sample, and even those who did answer could not be counted on to answer truthfully.

Some have theorized that this is deeply rooted in our personality before puberty.

It is possible that there are latent desires in a very significant percentage of the general population, but stigmas prevent them from trying it out in the first place, or continuing to do so even if they like it. Those who are actively ABDL are those whose desire is strong enough that it overpowers the inhibitions of stigmas or fear of being a social outcast.

All of this will vary from person to person, and the motivation will also very from person to person, but you do start to see patterns after reading numerious persons's take on all this.
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Postby Elac » April 12th, 2008, 1:24 pm

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