Looking for female submissives - no sessions!

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

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Looking for female submissives - no sessions!

Postby HypnoWraith » April 4th, 2008, 3:13 pm

Hi all! It's a shame that this area of the forum never really took off. Anyway, I'm looking for a submissive female to discuss submission and the potential combinations of submission and hypnosis. I'm not currently looking to do any sessions. I'm always trying to get a more well rounded view of what a will work best when using hypnosis with domination and submission.
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, http://hypnodom.blogspot.com !
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Postby missypuss » April 6th, 2008, 3:57 am

Helllo! I am a female and a submissive one at that.. What did you want to talk about?
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 6th, 2008, 8:20 am

True modesty, as you are THE submissive female on this board. :wink: I know what brought me to hypnosis and domination, but I'm looking for more insight into what brings different submissive females to this combination. So in your case, how did your interest develop? Did you start as submissive, and had the hypnosis aspect mixed in later, or were you into hypnosis first, and noticed your submissive side develop from there?

Since you have a lot of previous posts, feel free to direct me to ones that are appropriate.
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Postby missypuss » April 6th, 2008, 12:53 pm

In answer to your questions. My hypnosis fetish started long before I realised I was submissive, with a friends brother and a spiral in a garage, exploring being hypnotised and enjoying it, and later some films that I watched in the 70s,
My submission came along later, but is linked to the hypnosis fetish, after all , how can one submit to your hypnotist unless one is submissive........

My other fetishes such as the bondage, latex , rubber ones came along in my twenties, but are all undeniably linked...... :twisted:
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 6th, 2008, 1:20 pm

Do you think that you would have realized your submissive nature if you never did hypnosis?
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Postby missypuss » April 6th, 2008, 4:17 pm

Yes I think that one way or another I would have realised my submissive nature.
I like the feeling of surrendering control sexually too too much.....
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 6th, 2008, 10:28 pm

How much does your submission carry over into your regular life? Do you have triggers or instructions that are specifically designed for more mundane situations? And most interesting to me, do you find that your private triggers, if you have any, still cause somewhat of an internal reaction in public?
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Postby missypuss » April 7th, 2008, 2:42 am

Interestingly,yes, there are more mundane triggers, such as eating well or studying hard which I am beginning to notice are affecting me more and more,
Quite exciting triggers are the arousal I feel when I am near or am touching or smelling certain materials, and also when I am in the bath sometimes...

The phrases that are spoken , specifically one phrase, even if its spoken by someone on the tv or in my prescence, now that one can send me somewhere ........... its very hard not to have a reaction to that phrase.....Il refrain from telling you what it is!! And leave that to your imagination :wink:
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 7th, 2008, 9:58 pm

Following up on the last answer (and doing my best to avoid guessing the magic phrase), on the triggers that gain strength, are they gaining strength without further hypnosis (solely with the passage of time)?
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 7th, 2008, 10:01 pm

Any other submissive females out there, don't be shy. I'm finding the conversation with missypuss fascinating, but this was never meant to be a one on one. Feel free to answer any questions that apply to you, or PM me if you'd rather chat privately.
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, http://hypnodom.blogspot.com !
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Postby missypuss » April 8th, 2008, 2:56 am

Like you said Wraith I do appear to be THE submissive female on the forums.........perhaps that is why this has become a one on one.
And in answer to your question,
I find that certain trigger phrase to get stronger over time yes- but Im sure that is partly to do with my wanting it to........ :twisted:
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Postby Darkmind » April 8th, 2008, 8:56 am

Check out the Garden of MC forum: http://www.mcgarden.org/forum/index.php There are quite a few submissive/switch females around there, who would be willing to discuss things. (Most would probably not be willing to trance online.)
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 8th, 2008, 11:37 am

Darkmind, thanks for the link! I lurk around the Garden of MC, and even post sometimes on MC Forum ([url]http://www.mcforum.net[/url]). Both have some interesting content, although focused more on fiction than real life.
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, http://hypnodom.blogspot.com !
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 8th, 2008, 11:38 am

missypuss, if there is only going to be ONE submissive female on the board, you're a great choice. Someday, in the distant future, if all the stars align properly, maybe we can get up to two, or god forbid, THREE! ;-)

Wanting to follow the triggers definitely makes them grow stronger. Sometimes the trigger is really just a mechanism that's added to give yourself permission to do what you always wanted. Thanks for the back and forth, it is very entertaining.
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Postby Subwench » April 9th, 2008, 12:00 am

The stars must have aligned then HypnoWraith as i am also a female submissive.

Unlike missypuss, my submissive nature was there well before the hypnosis fetish. The hypnosis fetish is fairly new to me.
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Postby missypuss » April 9th, 2008, 12:54 am

Darkmind wrote:Check out the Garden of MC forum: http://www.mcgarden.org/forum/index.php There are quite a few submissive/switch females around there, who would be willing to discuss things. (Most would probably not be willing to trance online.)

Are you saying most of the "girls" on there would be willing to trance in person.......? Interesting. If that is the case I wonder why we dont see more postings on here from submissive/switch girls willing to chat about their experiences?
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 10th, 2008, 6:21 am

subwench, welcome to the thread! We've now effectively doubled the number of submissives, no easy feat.

You mentioned that the hypnosis fetish is new to you. Do you think that your hypnosis fetish developed out of your submission, or did it develop independently? Do you combine the two now?
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Postby Subwench » April 11th, 2008, 4:35 pm

Thank you HypnoWraith.

Yes i would say the fetish developed from my submission. It was through a Dom's advice that i first came to this site and looked around. Hypnosis had never been really been an interest of mine until then. i chatted to a few people to get their advice on files etc and was eventually tranced .... it was an amazing feeling. From there i was hooked!

Yes the two are combined now. After a bad experience which occured soon after i joined, Master now ensures my safety by making all my triggers only accessable to those trusted by Him so that i'm safe.
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Postby EMG » April 11th, 2008, 5:14 pm

Subwench wrote:Yes the two are combined now. After a bad experience which occured soon after i joined, Master now ensures my safety by making all my triggers only accessable to those trusted by Him so that i'm safe.

Very wise of him, and I'm glad you're enjoying the combination. Personally, they seemed to go hand-in-hand. From the Dominant end, I've always been Dom(since before I understood what the word meant) and into control. I discovered BDSM before hypnosis but not a lot before and since it's control I love, they've both been hand-in-hand ever since.
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Postby Subwench » April 11th, 2008, 8:00 pm

Thank you EMG. i find it quite a heady mix.
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Postby jennieprice » April 12th, 2008, 6:39 am

Speaking for myself, hypnosis and bdsm kind of came together. I've always had an interest in hypnosis for years, but after being introduced to by submissive nature through it, the D/s and bdsm came along with it. That's the short version.

Both go together real well for me, being more into the mental side of D/s than the bondage and pain side, though that does play a part for me also.
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Postby Subwench » April 12th, 2008, 8:22 am

HypnoWraith... we have a third! lol

Hi jennie, nice to meet you.

Last edited by Subwench on April 26th, 2008, 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby karie » April 12th, 2008, 11:20 pm

...and a fourth submissive female emerges *smiles warmly.*

i was raised to be submissive, and my submissive nature deepened greatly during the eight years that i was trained as a Gorean slave. although i have been reading this forum regularly for a while, i think the reason i have not posted till now is that Gorean slaves are trained not to voice their opinions on forums...that is to be left up to their Owners. however, i am no longer of Gor. i am simply my Master's slave.

hypnosis was added to the mix only within the last couple of years when my Master found me. He has taught me the true meaning of submission through His complete mastery. He uses hypnosis to accomplish things with me that no other Master has ever done. He controls every aspect of my life at all times, even though He lives far away. the distance doesn't interfere because Master is so skilled. although i would much prefer to be near Him, i feel Him with me all the time.

i find that suggestions Master has implanted gain strength with the passage of time. its as if they have a life of their own within me, and eventually become who i am and what i think. i love the feeling of submitting to His will as He continues to mold and shape me as He wishes.

hypnosis was a natural step for me, as i had already learned to go into subspace online with ease. so trance was the next step in the progression.
Last edited by karie on April 13th, 2008, 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Subwench » April 13th, 2008, 12:48 am

Good morning karie,

my submissive nature has always been there since i was a child, though i wasn't brought up submissive. The females in my family are all pretty strong characters. i am too and i dont think they quite understand my need to submit to a man. Anyway, i digress lol.

i have submitted before but i think hypnosis puts a whole different slant on it. Just as your Master has used hypnosis to accomplish things with you that no other Master has done, so has mine. lol i'm even starting to dress more feminine which is one hell of an accomplishment, i'm a strict jeans and tshirt kinda gal!

For me this is the ultimate submission, i only wish i had found it earlier.
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Postby karie » April 13th, 2008, 4:45 pm

hi subwench...

i agree that hypnosis puts a whole different slant on submission. part of the reason is that in a long distance Master/slave relationship, hypnosis is really the only method i have observed to be successful. and i have many friends online who are slaves, Masters, and Mistresses.

its nice to talk to you, as i really don't know many subs involved in hypnosis. other than myself of course lol. but if i start talking to myself, Master will probably take that as a bad sign.
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Postby Subwench » April 13th, 2008, 9:53 pm

i know what you mean karie, i dont know many subs involved in hypnosis either... female subs anyway. We are definately a minority here.
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Postby FrozenRose » April 14th, 2008, 12:39 am

be careful what men you trust.
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Postby missypuss » April 14th, 2008, 3:29 am

Id say that this would apply to females as well , eh Frozen Rose!! You seem to have a few trust issues yourself....
FrozenRose wrote:be careful what men you trust.
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Postby karie » April 15th, 2008, 8:53 pm

FrozenRose wrote:be careful what men you trust.

it is, of course, wise for a woman to be careful about who one allows to trance them.

my Master has ensured my protection by creating resistance within me to any triggers others might attempt to implant. He also would require any hynotists to be screened and approved by Himself before trancing me.
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Postby shadowfaerii » April 16th, 2008, 6:20 am

So how long would you talk to the hypnotist before you would allow them to 'tise you?

Takes me a couple of months of talking and researching a dom/me before i can trust them..
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Postby caritas21 » April 16th, 2008, 7:54 am

-raises a hand- me too, and like shadowfaerii my submissive came first
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 16th, 2008, 3:10 pm

Wow, I go away for a few days, and suddenly everyone shows up! Initial greetings to jennieprice, karie, caritas21, shadowfaerii, and of course EMG. I'm glad to see this section finally getting the attention it fully deserves.

I'm also pleased to see a lot of talk about taking precautions. I personally love the combination of domination and hypnosis. Dom/sub takes a certain level of trust on its own, and a willingness on the submissive's part to subjugate his or her own will. When you combine that submissiveness and hypnosis, with its ability to make subconscious changes and often strict literal interpretations, an unskilled hypnotist or dom could easily do a lot of damage.

Which leads to my next question (some answers have already been given). What kind of precautions do you take?
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Postby missypuss » April 16th, 2008, 3:17 pm

I dont ever let myself be led into doing anything I dont truly want to do.

Building up trust through talking wether online or in person, taking time, not just weeks but months maybe more,

Discussing beforehand your likes and dislikes.

Your ultimate limits.......

How far you are willing to be pushed.

What you will and ultimately will not do.

That and a level of mutual respect is usually a good start.

Oh and did I mention the talking? :roll:
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Postby shadowfaerii » April 16th, 2008, 6:01 pm

missypuss wrote:I dont ever let myself be led into doing anything I dont truly want to do.

Building up trust through talking wether online or in person, taking time, not just weeks but months maybe more,

Discussing beforehand your likes and dislikes.

Your ultimate limits.......

How far you are willing to be pushed.

What you will and ultimately will not do.

That and a level of mutual respect is usually a good start.

Oh and did I mention the talking? :roll:

I absolutely agree, but then you never know.. i find if i have a limit, and a 'tist tries to push these boundaries i will just snap out of trance..

I havent found a dom/me that hasnt respected my limits. But as a precaution, i inform someone where i will be and when to contact them after being with such dom/me.
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Postby notyou » April 16th, 2008, 7:28 pm

Are you interested in responses from submissive females exclusively or submissives in general, females preferred?
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Postby EMG » April 16th, 2008, 7:30 pm

I agree with you, only those looking to be abused will accept a trance where you start simply pushing what they don't want. Especially early in a relationship. Still, always be smart, always agree(at least in principle) to what you're going to do in advance and always talk about it. We ALL love a good surprise, but there are plenty of ways to have a bad one. I once had a sub who responded poorly to suggestions that involve fire after she had a house fire(words like burning with desire REALLY did NOT work) but talking about it let us avoid that problem and move on.

A good rule for both hypnosis and BDSM. Communicate!!!!

shadowfaerii wrote:
I absolutely agree, but then you never know.. i find if i have a limit, and a 'tist tries to push these boundaries i will just snap out of trance..

I havent found a dom/me that hasnt respected my limits. But as a precaution, i inform someone where i will be and when to contact them after being with such dom/me.
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 17th, 2008, 2:32 pm

I agree EMG. Besides, you are supposed to create surprises using creativity, not gotchas!
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Postby EMG » April 17th, 2008, 3:15 pm

Thats right, nothing like taking your slave to a BDSM party with a trigger to make her take off 1 item of clothes everytime someone says a moderately common BDSM phrase and then watch her squirm as the clothes come off. It sounds like a ton of fun at first, but if she hates public nudity then either the trigger doesn't work, or worse, it does and she ends up pissed as hell.

HypnoWraith wrote:I agree EMG. Besides, you are supposed to create surprises using creativity, not gotchas!
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Postby strictausmstr » April 18th, 2008, 6:53 pm

like any relationship the D/s relationship is about balance

When a person states they are submissive they are not saying they are a doormat or stupid.... (most submissives I like to tangle with are highly intelligent strong individuals) and to present them with a "gotcha" which leave sthem pissed off really gives thema dilemna that is undesirable... picture being pissed off, not able to say so and having to obey... a recipe for a breakdown in communications me thinks

If you are using trance for "scenes" or "play" be careful and of course you will get some unpleasant "gotchas". If using trance in a relationship... enjoy plan and communicate
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Postby karie » April 20th, 2008, 10:51 am

HypnoWraith wrote:Wow, I go away for a few days, and suddenly everyone shows up! Initial greetings to jennieprice, karie, caritas21, shadowfaerii, and of course EMG. I'm glad to see this section finally getting the attention it fully deserves.

greetings HypnoWraith, pleased to meet You....and thanks for starting an interesting thread that gives female submissives a chance to share our thoughts.
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Postby Subwench » April 26th, 2008, 12:51 am

:idea: Maybe it's time for us slaves/subs to start our own thread for support and girlie time and stop hijacking HypnoWraiths instead lol. Hmm...
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Postby shadowfaerii » April 27th, 2008, 11:19 am

a place where we can chat and check out each others bruises eh?
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Postby EMG » April 27th, 2008, 11:33 am

Would you like your own forum, or just a thread in this one?

Subwench wrote::idea: Maybe it's time for us slaves/subs to start our own thread for support and girlie time and stop hijacking HypnoWraiths instead lol. Hmm...
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Postby Subwench » April 27th, 2008, 11:42 am

Well i did start a thread in this one and it doesnt seem to have taken off yet ... maybe our own forum would be a tad ambitious for now
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 28th, 2008, 6:52 am

My goal was to get some sub females talking over here, so you're not really hijacking my thread. :)
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Postby Subwench » April 30th, 2008, 1:08 am

It seems there may be other subs/slaves who wish to talk too such as notyou so now he can, in the other thread.
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Postby HypnoWraith » April 30th, 2008, 11:29 pm

Absolutely. I'm glad to see this section of the forum becoming active. I knew there were more people out there, it was just a matter of getting everyone chatting. Maybe if the forum stays active, we can convince EMG to move us up the list a little... :)
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Postby Subwench » May 2nd, 2008, 1:14 am

We can but hope HypnoWraith.

i never really used the forums until i seen and replied to your thread but have started to enjoy reading through some of the posts.

Plus being one of the few female subs/slaves on here you get to be a little self conscious. i use the chatroom a lot and when i first went in the amount of people who, when they realised i was female, wanted to trigger or trance me was a little daunting, though i always said no... well to 99% of them anyway. So it was the same here, daunting. Perhaps that's why some of the others stayed quiet too. Who knows!
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Postby lauramcan » May 2nd, 2008, 10:49 am

Hey everyone....and by everyone I mean you 4 or 5 :)

I'm also a female sub interested in hypnosis.

For me, I was always interested in hypnosis, there's no question about that. However, I'm still in the process of figuring out the sub part. It may be semantics, but I feel more drawn to the "being dominated" aspect than the voluntary act of submission....its the catholic in me, haha. Hypnosis is a fun and safe (so far!) way for me to experience the feelings of D/s without having to do so consciously and voluntarily. I pride myself on my self control but its a bitch, haha. Its exhausting! Hypnosis is like my dessert. I get to treat myself and let go of all that self control for a bit and enjoy having someone else control my mind. Its almost a slight humiliation for me to realize how easily someone else can get in there. Thats the part that I love the most....that someone was able to crack me.

Anyone else feel this way?
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Postby Subwench » May 8th, 2008, 12:46 am

Hi lauramcan,

Glad to hear you're enjoying the hypnosis.

i am submissive, its part of who i am, but even so it doesn't mean i would just submit to just anyone. Yes the submission alone is enough for me to be happy but i still love when Master gets all 'Masterful', it sends that extra little thrill right through me. Then i just want to play......

ps.. this post made sense to me! :)
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