Im not into guys, why do I want a guys voice?

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Im not into guys, why do I want a guys voice?

Postby hawkrain42 » April 27th, 2008, 5:52 pm

Is it just me or is anyone else pissed off that more then 3/4 of these files are by EMG or males. Im not into guys, I hate how guys voices sounds so how am I supposed to relax and get into trace when I hate the voice? And on top of that the remaining 1/4 female voices, nearly 1/2 of those are for a price not free. So that leaves about 1/8 free female audios some of which are just horrible. I demand more female audios. This site used to be so good. :evil:
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Postby whatthe75 » April 27th, 2008, 7:09 pm

If you want a female voice so bad,then whynot goto another site with female voices where you will pay.

You say this site used to be so good.It has always had about the same ratio of female to male files.How is it any worse now.The only difference now is you have a lot more choice.

If you think the files done on here are so horrible then why not take the time to study hypnosis yourself and spend the hours practicing and writing your own scripts and make them for yourself as you obviously are so much better than anyone here.

I demand you stop moaning and appreciate that a lot of hypnotists spend there time making files for this site for nothing.
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Postby pimmholly » April 28th, 2008, 9:32 am

Please stop whining, hawkrain42. With all due respect, you are not in any position to demand anything. A lot of people have invested a great deal of time and effort in making these files. You should appreciate that.

If you want more female voices, as do I, why don't you encourage the female members here to record more? or download some scripts and find someone who would record them for you?
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Postby ShadowSabre » April 28th, 2008, 9:45 pm

Unless the hypnotist is making self-referential suggestions, why does the gender matter? Personally, I don't care if the speaker's male or female. The content's the important thing.

Perhaps you could try taking a program like Audacity and raising the tone of a male-voiced file to sound more feminine.
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Re: Im not into guys, why do I want a guys voice?

Postby homerj1620 » April 29th, 2008, 4:33 pm

hawkrain42 wrote:Is it just me or is anyone else pissed off that more then 3/4 of these files are by EMG or males.

This is EMG's site and he makes the majority of the files here. Since he's a guy, those files have a male voice...

I also find it difficult to relax to a male voice, but there are alternatives. For example, there are several files on here, including just inductions, that have a female voice. You could cut the induction off and play it in place of the male induction.

Something else you could try is Male to Female Voice. I haven't been able to get it to work for me, but if you can it will make you hear the files with a male voice in a female voice.

hawkrain42 wrote:I demand more female audios. This site used to be so good. :evil:

Someone sure has an entitlement complex...
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Postby FrozenRose » April 29th, 2008, 11:39 pm

I am female would love to make files. lol. Although havnt yet
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Postby 0turner0 » April 30th, 2008, 2:02 pm

There's also a program called
AVS Voice Changer
available online, which can be used to easily modify any file or microphone input.
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Postby FrozenRose » April 30th, 2008, 6:16 pm

What the link to that?
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Postby FrozenRose » April 30th, 2008, 6:29 pm

Is there any free versions? Where can I download it?
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Postby homerj1620 » May 1st, 2008, 7:30 pm

FrozenRose wrote:Is there any free versions? Where can I download it?

AV Voice Changer

It's $29.95. I haven't tried it.

If you have access to a Mac, GarageBand can also do it. There's a filter to do Male->Female and Female->Male. I've played around with it some but it doesn't sound very real.
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