
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby BobbyS » January 29th, 2008, 4:18 pm

Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.

I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.

This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.

Want proof?

Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » January 30th, 2008, 5:25 pm

BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.

I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.

This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.

Want proof?

Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.

I apoligize but I didn't see any proof about what this site is claiming all I saw was how they tried to disprove the ten percent stament without any science backing up thier own claim. they didn't refere to any study done on the subject or any hard facts. I usally stay out of this sort of argument but I felt compelled to point that this really doesn't seem to be solid proof of anything! for me personally I believe (this is just personal belief) that since the mind forms the body to begin with it would be possible for the mind to reform the body as well! I have no proof to back this up and it seems that even if someone had what they felt to be proof someone else would find a way to argue with it. But I guess I may be somewhat alone in how I feel considering I truely believe that there is more to the mind than just the brain itself. I also believe that the amount of the brain used and the minds potential are seperate issues anyway. as the site acknowlages people don't use all the bodys mucles at the same each person uses those mucles in different ways from one another. but this is just my stand on things as I said I may have missed something but I didn't see any definitive proof that all the mind is used all I saw was the claim that 100% of the mind was used.
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby FlameD » January 30th, 2008, 8:25 pm

The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » January 30th, 2008, 8:42 pm

FlameD wrote:The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.

I am not going to argue this point this seems like it would lead into one of those which came first the chicken or the egg debates. so on this point I guess I will agree to disagree. the point I was getting to in my post is that just because I use all parts of my body to get a cup of coffee in the morning this doesn't mean that getting coffee is the limit of my bodys potential. much like even if we do use all parts of our brain in day to day life that doesn't mean that that is the limit of our minds potential!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby Wildsprite » January 31st, 2008, 7:39 am

FlameD wrote:The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.

this is a load of closed minded bull, the mind can form the body and the mind is responsible for its growth, it also controls everything in the body
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Postby baby_jessica75 » January 31st, 2008, 10:18 am

I guess what confusses me about some discussions on topics such as this is the idea that some people seem to want to believe that everything is impossible just because they have never seen it happen. medical professionals and scientist will openly admit that the mind is still very much a mystery and that noone knows everything about how the mind works. if noone know everything about the mind how can anyone know what the limits of the mind are? I know that what the mind is usally used for is now understood to some point I don't understand how that can be used to set limits as to what is possible. I guess I may be somewhat nieve because I would rather believe in what others think to be impossible and have the potential of being wrong and sometimes be disappointed rather than believe in the mundane and be constantly disappointed with life. my grandfather once told me that there are times when the most intelligent thing a person can say is I don't know because admitting to yourself and others that there are things that you don't know leaves oppertunity to learn new information. so I guess I will go with that advise I don't know weather what this file suggest is possible or not. but the one thing that I do know is that if we close ourselves off to the possibility then noone will ever know.
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby BobbyS » January 31st, 2008, 11:14 am

I apoligize but I didn't see any proof about what this site is claiming all I saw was how they tried to disprove the ten percent stament without any science backing up thier own claim. they didn't refere to any study done on the subject or any hard facts. I usally stay out of this sort of argument but I felt compelled to point that this really doesn't seem to be solid proof of anything! for me personally I believe (this is just personal belief) that since the mind forms the body to begin with it would be possible for the mind to reform the body as well! I have no proof to back this up and it seems that even if someone had what they felt to be proof someone else would find a way to argue with it. But I guess I may be somewhat alone in how I feel considering I truely believe that there is more to the mind than just the brain itself. I also believe that the amount of the brain used and the minds potential are seperate issues anyway. as the site acknowlages people don't use all the bodys mucles at the same each person uses those mucles in different ways from one another. but this is just my stand on things as I said I may have missed something but I didn't see any definitive proof that all the mind is used all I saw was the claim that 100% of the mind was used.

No evidence? What about the fact that MRI scans show humans to use all of their brain? In any case it's one more link backing up my claim than any supporting this 10% myth has posted. But since that won't satisfy you, here you go.

This might interest you btw, as to why the idea we only use 10% is so appealing:

Now, I'll be perfectly prepared to listen to your side of the argument, if you can back yourself up first.

FlameD wrote:
The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.

this is a load of closed minded bull, the mind can form the body and the mind is responsible for its growth, it also controls everything in the body

How is your point of view any more open minded? FlameD says the body forms the body and mind, so you say: no that's closed-minded, the mind controls the body and mind.

How is one point of view more or less open-minded than the other?
Last edited by BobbyS on January 31st, 2008, 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BobbyS » January 31st, 2008, 11:20 am

I guess what confusses me about some discussions on topics such as this is the idea that some people seem to want to believe that everything is impossible just because they have never seen it happen. medical professionals and scientist will openly admit that the mind is still very much a mystery and that noone knows everything about how the mind works. if noone know everything about the mind how can anyone know what the limits of the mind are? I know that what the mind is usally used for is now understood to some point I don't understand how that can be used to set limits as to what is possible. I guess I may be somewhat nieve because I would rather believe in what others think to be impossible and have the potential of being wrong and sometimes be disappointed rather than believe in the mundane and be constantly disappointed with life. my grandfather once told me that there are times when the most intelligent thing a person can say is I don't know because admitting to yourself and others that there are things that you don't know leaves oppertunity to learn new information. so I guess I will go with that advise I don't know weather what this file suggest is possible or not. but the one thing that I do know is that if we close ourselves off to the possibility then noone will ever know.

You're quite right. We don't know a lot about the mind. We don't even know what hypnosis is or why we're capable of entering a hypnotic state. Yet still I was open to the idea of it. I even used to believe in stuff like Uri Geller bending spoons (admittedly when I was a kid).
I used to believe the whole ten per cent thing too until I read WHY it couldn't actually be the case. Then I stopped. I thought "Oh, shame, that" and I got over it!
Since then, I've seen proof that hypnosis works to a degree through a friend who hypnotised his girlfriend. It's not complete proof as she could have been acting (albeit EXTREMELY well), but it's good enough for me. (Plus I've still yet to see arguments proving hypnosis can't be real.)
There are still lots of things I'd like to think can be done with hypnosis that I've neither seen evidence for or against.

However, if something I believe in is disproven, I give up and accept it can't be the case. That's the difference.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » January 31st, 2008, 12:27 pm

BobbyS wrote:

You're quite right. We don't know a lot about the mind. We don't even know what hypnosis is or why we're capable of entering a hypnotic state. Yet still I was open to the idea of it. I even used to believe in stuff like Uri Geller bending spoons (admittedly when I was a kid).
I used to believe the whole ten per cent thing too until I read WHY it couldn't actually be the case. Then I stopped. I thought "Oh, shame, that" and I got over it!
Since then, I've seen proof that hypnosis works to a degree through a friend who hypnotised his girlfriend. It's not complete proof as she could have been acting (albeit EXTREMELY well), but it's good enough for me. (Plus I've still yet to see arguments proving hypnosis can't be real.)
There are still lots of things I'd like to think can be done with hypnosis that I've neither seen evidence for or against.

However, if something I believe in is disproven, I give up and accept it can't be the case. That's the difference.[/quote]

I can concied to the idea that we do use 100% of our brains but my point was that just because we use our entire brain that doesn't mean we use it to 100% of its potential. and as far as beliefs being disproven if someone did disprove my beliefs I probably would give up and accept it but that isn't the case. there has been intelligent debate on both sides of this discussion but nothing to sway my belief and nothing disproving that the mind has infinate potential. I'm not saying that you are wrong your beliefs are 100% right for you and mine are right for me. I truly don't think that there is one answer that is right for everyone. I am not trying to say that your point of view is not valid and if I gave that impression I do sincerly apoligize all I am saying is that just because I haven't seen mars with my own eyes doesn't mean it doesn't exist. as far as you saying that I need to back myself up I could find dozens of websites claiming miracules things that someone has seen or done just because someone says it to be true doesn't mean it is. from your post you say the difference between us is that once someone disproves your beliefs you are willing togive up and accept it. I believe another big differance is that I am willing to listen to your point of view weather you have all this back up or not. for every scientific claim that says it proves one thing you can find three that says it proves the oppisite so I will struggle through and find my own truths because I have learned through life that just because things are accepted as truth it doesn't mean it is actually is truth. before sixth grade I believed that columbus discovered america I later found that this was false but they still teach it to younger students today. science is all about accepted theory being truth as long as enough scientist agree it then becomes truth but to me truth is more than what the majority agrees with so I just propose that we all find our own truths without fallowing the flock.
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby FlameD » February 1st, 2008, 11:27 pm

Look, guys, the body forms the mind because the body comes first. When you're born, you don't start with a brain. The brain comes later. The brain is part of the development of the body. When you're first developing, you don't even have a mind.[/i]
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Postby Wildsprite » February 1st, 2008, 11:38 pm

FlameD wrote:Look, guys, the body forms the mind because the body comes first. When you're born, you don't start with a brain. The brain comes later. The brain is part of the development of the body. When you're first developing, you don't even have a mind.[/i]

perhaps but that does not mean by any length that the mind cannot control or reform the body
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby loony28 » February 1st, 2008, 11:55 pm

FlameD wrote:Look, guys, the body forms the mind because the body comes first. When you're born, you don't start with a brain. The brain comes later. The brain is part of the development of the body. When you're first developing, you don't even have a mind.[/i]

Perhaps you are getting a litle confused. I believe that the mind is different than the brain. The mind is non-phyisical where as the brain is physical. Look up cases of near death experiences. You could argue that it's the brain dying but there are cases where people have brought back information that they could not have possibly known by ordinary means. This to me suggests that the mind is non-physical.
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Postby Wildsprite » February 2nd, 2008, 12:26 am

loony28 wrote:I believe that the mind is different than the brain. The mind is non-phyisical where as the brain is physical.

I agree with loony28 on that one
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby baby_jessica75 » February 2nd, 2008, 1:30 am

loony28 wrote:

Perhaps you are getting a litle confused. I believe that the mind is different than the brain. The mind is non-phyisical where as the brain is physical. Look up cases of near death experiences. You could argue that it's the brain dying but there are cases where people have brought back information that they could not have possibly known by ordinary means. This to me suggests that the mind is non-physical.[/quote]

I tend to agree with this line of thinking maybe because i refuse to believe that I am just the sum of my parts (I guess if I did believe that I was mearly the sum of my phyisical parts it would seem silly to me for me to be transsexual but that is just me). but just because this is what I believe that doesn't mean that it is right for everyone the debate of dualism vs. materialism has been going since the time of Plato and Aristotle and it has never been confirmed one way or another so I doubt that we will have any luck amongst us comming to a consensus.
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby chucksantenna » February 4th, 2008, 6:12 am

years ago i saw a transsexual on the montel williams show, (i think it was the first year the show started incase anyone wants to try to find a video of it) she was there because she was apparently pregnant. she had all the physical signs of it. i dont know what was actually inside her, her doctor called it a hysterical pregnancy. i guess she wanted it so much that her body tried to produce what she wanted. if i remember correctly the doctor said that she had to have surgery to take out what ever was growing inside her, it sounded similar to an eptopic pregnancy where the foetus forms in the falopian tube instead of in the womb. does anyone else remember this or know of any other cases like it?
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hypnosis can't change you physically?

Postby sabrinaselentra » April 7th, 2008, 7:33 pm

However by using the doorway available to the subconscious correctly in the different brainwave states some changes are possible. I have never heard of anyone transforming totally that way. Mostly you settle in the mind and spirit then take action on the physical plane to realize your dream. That has been my experience and I have been studying mind powers since 1980. I have heard some really incredible stories from my deceased husband when he was alive about all this stuff. He taught me and he worked for a lot alphabet soup agencies. The things he said they could do would keep you awake for a week. So I think theoretically if you were advanced enough you could. I have never met anyone that advanced. So let me know if you obtain a total transformation with your mind only. That is a definite book deal.
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Postby humbugtheman » May 3rd, 2008, 2:38 pm

Look, I started this topic and it was a total failure......crap
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Postby phillip » June 8th, 2008, 5:17 pm

i have had my baby she is a healthy 8 lbs 5 oz hurt like hell coming out
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Postby PS360 » June 9th, 2008, 4:36 pm

humbugtheman wrote:hey, flameD, if u r so sure it doesn't work, why don't u listen to cursewomb for AGES and if nothing happens, your point is proven...

It Won't happen to him because he won't believe it. I remember some guy saying to me that if you don't believe in hypnosis you most likely won't be able to even go into trance..
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Postby Lostone0 » June 10th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Alright. I just read this post from beginning to end and all I have to say is this, Give me proof that it is impossible. Don't give me facts and theories give me proof. I don't care if you studied this at a university or a colledge Unless you have actual proof its meaningless to try and disueade us. at one point man thought the world was flat. at one point man thought it was impossible to fly. Man thought the sun revolved around the earth. Just because you think like that doesn't make anything anyless possible. I admit I am one who prefers science, but this is a hypnosis site. and as it has already been stated unless you beleive it won't work. So flameD I have to ask you why are you even posting here? Why are you on this site if you don't beleive? To discourage us from doing what we love? Well I can tell you its pointless. Leave us to our beliefs and we will leave you to yours.
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Postby FlameD » June 13th, 2008, 7:05 pm

Lostone0 wrote:Alright. I just read this post from beginning to end and all I have to say is this, Give me proof that it is impossible. Don't give me facts and theories give me proof. I don't care if you studied this at a university or a colledge Unless you have actual proof its meaningless to try and disueade us. at one point man thought the world was flat. at one point man thought it was impossible to fly. Man thought the sun revolved around the earth. Just because you think like that doesn't make anything anyless possible. I admit I am one who prefers science, but this is a hypnosis site. and as it has already been stated unless you beleive it won't work. So flameD I have to ask you why are you even posting here? Why are you on this site if you don't beleive? To discourage us from doing what we love? Well I can tell you its pointless. Leave us to our beliefs and we will leave you to yours.

Prove it's impossible? You can't prove a negative. When people thought the world was flat, others didn't say "Prove it can't be round!". They said, "We'll prove it is round." If you think this works, then try it. If you spontaneously develop a fully functioning female reproductive system just because you listened to a file, I suggest you tell people, because you will be both rich and famous.

There's a difference between thinking, 'Oh, this can't be because I say so' and 'No, this can't be because it's physically impossible and defies several laws of reality and physics.' Listening to a hypnosis file and having your penis regrow itself into a womb?

Why am I here if I don't believe you can grow a womb through the power of clapping your hands and hoping super hard? Because that's not what hypnosis means to me. Hypnosis is fine for things of the mind. Making you believe things, do things, think things, see things. That's fine. That's the fun part of hypnosis. The mind control aspect. Altering how you act or perceive. If hypnosis can make you THINK you're a female, to the degree where you can feel it and fully believe it's real, that's great. That's awesome. But it's not real, and to believe otherwise is... it's just willful ignorance and self-deception.

I think hypnosis is great fun and very entertaining. It's exciting and risky. But it's not surgery.
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Postby Lobotaru » June 14th, 2008, 10:52 am

From what I understand, bones can grow to meet the needs of the body. If you do lots of running, for example, your leg bones and pelvic girdle will strengthen itself along with your muscles. Your bones can also enlarge, so you could hypothetically gain a feminine figure, its just a question of how to get your bones and muscles to do the right things.
In most cases, the generation of completely new organs is impossible. It is beyond the function of the developed human body to do so. However, certain animals can change their sex (strange but true) so it MAY be possible to do this, but since I've never heard of any humans gaining sexual organs they weren't supposed to have, so I have to say as of yet I have no idea of whether or not it is possible in a human.
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Postby FlameD » June 14th, 2008, 12:11 pm

Lobotaru wrote:However, certain animals can change their sex (strange but true) so it MAY be possible to do this, but since I've never heard of any humans gaining sexual organs they weren't supposed to have, so I have to say as of yet I have no idea of whether or not it is possible in a human.

As yet, no. Such species have specific genes that automatically respond to their environment, making them change gender to suit the needs of the community. They can't change on a whim, nor can they control it. If humans had such a gene, then in any community with too many guys or too many girls, people would spontaneously change sex. Luckily, or unluckily, we don't have that gene at the moment, so we can't.
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Postby eranila » June 14th, 2008, 3:14 pm

Everybody believe that"s impossible until someone do it.
If you don't believe, fine ! You are right, but let's the others believe you aren't!
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Postby sabrinaselentra » June 14th, 2008, 5:02 pm

I want to believe........

There is something up there Moulder........

I been saying that for years......

just a humorous interlude from the x files

i.e. the laws of physics

they don't teach it

its classified

You don't want to know.....
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Postby eranila » June 15th, 2008, 10:33 am

if you want, you don't believe.
That's simple !
Think about.
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Postby Wildsprite » June 26th, 2008, 6:58 pm

you sir are both ignorant and anal, hypnosis works on belief, if you dont believe then it isnt going to happen for YOU, stop trying to discourage others with your scientific BS, science is practice of a theory, true science never says something is impossible, but humans always seem to forget what it is that science is about, the mind is the most powerful tool we have yet you and alot of others seem to think it cant be done, I say BS, let people believe

I will tell you what I think, I think you had many dreams crushed so you cant stand to see others happy

FlameD wrote:

Why am I here if I don't believe you can grow a womb through the power of clapping your hands and hoping super hard? Because that's not what hypnosis means to me. Hypnosis is fine for things of the mind. Making you believe things, do things, think things, see things. That's fine. That's the fun part of hypnosis. The mind control aspect. Altering how you act or perceive. If hypnosis can make you THINK you're a female, to the degree where you can feel it and fully believe it's real, that's great. That's awesome. But it's not real, and to believe otherwise is... it's just willful ignorance and self-deception.

I think hypnosis is great fun and very entertaining. It's exciting and risky. But it's not surgery.
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby CycoMelody » June 27th, 2008, 11:15 pm

I have to agree with WildSprite. It is based on belief. What the mind can or can't do is not for science to decide but for each person to. When you say something can't be done you are taking hope away from someone. Without hope people suffer. Personally someone here discouraged me while using I file. It hurt bad enough that I stopped trying. Is that fair? Is that just? Support people. Dump science for a bit. If I may venture into the land of the matrix... Free Your Mind.
You define your reality!
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Postby FlameD » July 1st, 2008, 2:49 pm

CycoMelody wrote: What the mind can or can't do is not for science to decide but for each person to.

So you're saying, 'What's physically possible, in reality, for the body to do is not for science to know'? Even though that there are large parts of science devoted entirely to knowing the human body, it's limits, it's make-up?

Beliefs are fine, but willing believing that if you clap your hands hard enough you'll be able to fly is just... it's not a belief at that point. It's self-deception. You can believe that water is magic and made from angel tears, but it's just hydrogen and oxygen. Believing something that is patently false just to make yourself feel better... is that how you want to live?
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Postby Wildsprite » July 1st, 2008, 6:14 pm

FlameD wrote:
CycoMelody wrote: What the mind can or can't do is not for science to decide but for each person to.

So you're saying, 'What's physically possible, in reality, for the body to do is not for science to know'? Even though that there are large parts of science devoted entirely to knowing the human body, it's limits, it's make-up?

Beliefs are fine, but willing believing that if you clap your hands hard enough you'll be able to fly is just... it's not a belief at that point. It's self-deception. You can believe that water is magic and made from angel tears, but it's just hydrogen and oxygen. Believing something that is patently false just to make yourself feel better... is that how you want to live?

your saying its physically impossible when nothing is impossible, improbable yes but impossible, well if you say science says its impossible you must not really know science very well then because true science doesn't believe impossible exists.

you along with people like you are true reasons the human race isn't more advanced than it is. you tell people things cant be done when they most certainly can, we just have yet to find the way to succeed and with people like you causing doubt its likely not going to happen at all

hope your happy with your boring existence cause that's all your creating for yourself
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby CycoMelody » July 1st, 2008, 6:38 pm

You know, The reason people have trouble with hypnosis is be cause "SOME PEOPLE" continue to pound doubt into the minds of those that want to believe. So what if a person believes they can be changed by hypnosis. What difference does it make if it does or doesn't. That is the persons choice. Pounding your Science THEORY down the persons throat doesn't change the fact that it is there choice to believe and by sticking your THEORIES in peoples minds you are robbing them. You are stealing the very thing you have NO RIGHT to.
So what I have to say is this. SOME PEOPLE are thieves and are only content when seeing people fail. I don't know why. Perhaps it helps them to sleep at night. Don't listen to them. If you believe a file can do something, listen to it. Believe its working with all you are. Then when you get what you are after show these thieves the reason why they have no place saying what can and can not happen. As my sig so finely puts it. You define your reality.
You define your reality!
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Postby Henrique » July 2nd, 2008, 6:23 am

FlameD wrote:
So you're saying, 'What's physically possible, in reality, for the body to do is not for science to know'? Even though that there are large parts of science devoted entirely to knowing the human body, it's limits, it's make-up?

Beliefs are fine, but willing believing that if you clap your hands hard enough you'll be able to fly is just... it's not a belief at that point. It's self-deception. You can believe that water is magic and made from angel tears, but it's just hydrogen and oxygen. Believing something that is patently false just to make yourself feel better... is that how you want to live?

FlameD, I've gave up from this discussion a long time ago. They won't disbelieve something just because of you, even if you smash a science book on their faces. Let them live with their lives and believe in what they want to believe. I, for instance, don't believe that man landed on moon, it was just all staged up on Hollywood (lies, I do believe we landed on moon, but some people don't believe), or E.T. life...

Let them dream.
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Postby sabrinaselentra » July 3rd, 2008, 5:44 am

"and Jesus did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief"
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Postby loony28 » July 5th, 2008, 1:24 am

sabrinaselentra wrote:"and Jesus did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief"

Good quote but those that refer to science as the end all be all of everything will never accept this. To these people if science can't explain it then it can't possibly exist. Fortunately we can ignore those people. So what if they think we live in a dream world. They can have their reality for all I care.
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Postby CycoMelody » July 5th, 2008, 2:26 am

loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.

I love when people fantasize about reality because reality is ever changing. At one point the world being flat was reality. Another point it was reality that the sun revolved around the earth. What concept of reality will be different tomorrow?
You define your reality!
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Postby FlameD » July 18th, 2008, 7:26 pm

CycoMelody wrote:
loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.

I love when people fantasize about reality because reality is ever changing. At one point the world being flat was reality. Another point it was reality that the sun revolved around the earth. What concept of reality will be different tomorrow?

Actually, you're referring to 'belief'. People once believed the Earth was flat, until it was proved - scientifically - that it was not. Same with the Earth revolving around the Sun. Similarly, perhaps some people believe hypnosis has magical powers. But that's not reality, any more then a flat Earth is reality.
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Postby CycoMelody » July 18th, 2008, 10:08 pm

Yes I am referring to belief. Just like YOU believe this can't work. Change your perspective and perhaps you may come to the realization that the earth is in fact round and just because science has not proved something yet, It still can be.
You define your reality!
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Postby loony28 » July 19th, 2008, 3:12 am

FlameD wrote:
CycoMelody wrote:
loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.

I love when people fantasize about reality because reality is ever changing. At one point the world being flat was reality. Another point it was reality that the sun revolved around the earth. What concept of reality will be different tomorrow?

Actually, you're referring to 'belief'. People once believed the Earth was flat, until it was proved - scientifically - that it was not. Same with the Earth revolving around the Sun. Similarly, perhaps some people believe hypnosis has magical powers. But that's not reality, any more then a flat Earth is reality.

Sorry but I have to say this. Perhaps the Earth is flat and the reason science proved it was round is a warping of space that makes it seem round. Now I'm not saying that the Earth is flat. I'm just saying that sometimes science can be wrong.

I just thought of something else. We know black holes exist right. Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not? If something like a black hole can exist when it defies the laws of physics then why can't the human body also defy the laws of physics and grow a womb?
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Postby Wildsprite » July 19th, 2008, 4:23 pm

loony28 wrote:Sorry but I have to say this. Perhaps the Earth is flat and the reason science proved it was round is a warping of space that makes it seem round. Now I'm not saying that the Earth is flat. I'm just saying that sometimes science can be wrong.

I just thought of something else. We know black holes exist right. Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not? If something like a black hole can exist when it defies the laws of physics then why can't the human body also defy the laws of physics and grow a womb?

hehe good reply there loony28, couldn't have put it better myself
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby FlameD » July 19th, 2008, 11:40 pm

loony28 wrote:
Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not?

No. They don't.

I am honestly confused here. Are you guys saying that you believe something with no basis in reality whatsoever just because you want it to happen? Even you guys would have to admit that if people could change sex so easily, it would be on the front page, news story one, and people would be swapping genders like socks.
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Postby Wildsprite » July 20th, 2008, 12:28 am

FlameD wrote:
loony28 wrote:
Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not?

No. They don't.

I am honestly confused here. Are you guys saying that you believe something with no basis in reality whatsoever just because you want it to happen? Even you guys would have to admit that if people could change sex so easily, it would be on the front page, news story one, and people would be swapping genders like socks.

yes black holes do defy the laws of physics atleast if you go by human science they do

much happens with pure will alone, hypnosis is infact pure will with a guide, whether you want to believe that or not its the truth
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby FlameD » July 30th, 2008, 9:39 am

Wildsprite wrote:
yes black holes do defy the laws of physics atleast if you go by human science they do

much happens with pure will alone, hypnosis is infact pure will with a guide, whether you want to believe that or not its the truth

Human science as opposed to... what? Insect science?

Anyway, ignoring the detour into advanced physics, what happens with pure will that isn't explainable in scientific terms? If 'much happens', then there much be tons of examples, right?
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Postby Deepthroat » May 21st, 2009, 6:04 pm

loony28 wrote:I'm not saying that it would be easy to change sex or develope a womb. What I'm saying is that there is so much that science does not understand about the mind that you just can't rule out the possibility. Yo may have heard that recently a group of scientists have been able to take skin cells and turn them into embrionic stem cells, or at least stem cells I forget which one they said. Now before this people would have said that once a cell becomes a specific type of cell it can never change.

To take this a little farther there have been reports of people with Multiple Personality Disorder that have had some physical changes take place when one personality takes over. I've heard of eye color changing and moles and birthmarks appearing or disappearing. Granted these are small things but they do stand out as the body being altered by the mind. Why couldn't it happen on a larger scale?

You're right, and this is amazing. There are sub-portions of the brain, otherwise known as the instinctual systems of the mind or primitive brain - possibly our brain stem, that monitors and responds to our body in as much detail given. However, if data passed through, interpreted overtly (cognitively) and was given access to, and had instructed for a chance in the observation or alteration of the body, then thus our system would easily be abused. Therefore, we have security and assessment systems established overtly; our cognitive functions allow ourselves to assess data both external and internal; internal data being that of which is subliminal to our conscious mind during the present (Thus, we will always dream; there'll always be subliminal information unless we managed to expand our awareness through to a subconscious level), and external being what we consciously percieve now - we respond and evalutate this data during the present. Our conscious perception during the present is as effective to reduce data passing through to those systems; some data is likely to reach there, thus causing problems and novelty (e.g. subliminal data in a specific form, or consistent with how the mind interprets this data may pass through, and thus if those systems respond in mediation with this data, a new fetish or interest may arise consequently). Although, it's highly unlikely for mass portions of this data to pass through; it can be speculated that we create barriers, similar to appending the barrier of ports and hosts from within a computer firewall, thus reducing the effect of contingency. However, even so, we are still receptive to the environment; not all data is occluded from this system; perhaps 95%, but the rest may slip through. Moreover, the barriers of which we establish throughout our lives (e.g. to avoid x; for the placebo or nocebo to no longer work; or to obstruct this data due to its damage effect) our likely to operate autonomously once created; that is, they act subconsciously whilst we're actively conscious interpreting the external environment. Thus, these are probably the reason as to why we don't respond to threats (e.g. when one may tell someone to jump off a building or such; if we had no means by which we could establish a treat assessment autonomously (Automated; we don't do this consciously all the time, and the rest of the time it becomes 'second-nature'), our primitive mind would respond by jumping off a building (That is, if it can be interpeted; given that the individual understands this, and if it's comprehended instinctively (More than likely; our instincts are much faster at learning as opposed to our overt functions adapting to the environment)).

Now, given that we pass the data through consciously, as we could when unconscious (Whilst unconscious we have access to our subconscious cognition, and possibly access to the instinctual systems, or may pass through an instruction for the system to process), and if the data is highly significant (That is, if the task is a high priority, and atop of a list of those being processed (e.g. heart beating, etc) - to clarify, let's use a computer analogy again. If we set a task in task manager to high, the task can be completed faster, as with a given process), it may be completed within a short period of time. There have been times during which a cancer patient was given a false cure, but was desperate for a cure - the disease had affected them severely, had full faith in the authority and was cured of the disease within less than a month, and had found a healthy lifestyle commiting to outdoor activities without any symptons of the disease. The same occurs on the contrary; since it is a system, is not overt and operates autonomously, an instruction to process death will result in the death of the system along with the entire anatomy. However, once the individual became aware of the placebo, the process reversed and the cancer had reverted to its prior state; it appears that the system is capable of supressing the disease, but perhaps an additional security mechanism from within this system reacts when our cognitive systems, thus cascading the message along - the entire system - becomes aware.

Now, if we can bypass all the security and set a high priority for bodily growth; and if the system is capable of supressing cancer, releasing opposite hormones (e.g. estrogen; it's worked for me; hypnosis had cascaded a long-term affect upon my mind, but consequently, due to suggestions that increase the depthness of one in trance, I fall too deep and can't really get into a trance properly), then why should it not be capable of activating our female genes, or at least processing the natural growth as it should be towards the present age.

I honestly don't see how this can be far-fetched. It's only far-fetched for our literal mind; our conscious mind see's what it see's, which is mostly to itself, what there is. Our unconscious is more perceptive and can assess more possibilities. Furthermore, life is speculated to have been evolving for millions of years, and at an exponential rate; it wouldn't surprise me if we could grow a womb, given the advancement of life throughout Earth. Thirdly, given the large capacity of time during which life had evolved, and mostly exponentially, I don't see how it could have not obstructed its ability to monitor itself as a whole, and to make adjustments in correlation to higher functions of a system. It's not far-fetched when you compare our development of information technology; we've developed systems that are capable of being under constant observation, can establish security and can respond to adjust the system as desired, all of which had been accomplished within a very short period of time - exponentially (1mb; 2mb; 4mb; 16... 32... 64... 128... 256).

Lastly, our brain progresses with our body from birth; both are progressing almost equally, and are as equally connected.

(Perhaps if we open the possibility to this, we may find many way's in which we can alter these systems consistent with our self-image)
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Postby Deepthroat » May 21st, 2009, 7:13 pm

BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.

I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.

This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.

Want proof?

Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.

We use an approximation of 10% consciously, whilst the rest operates autonomously (Responding in sequences; if we do something so often, this becomes allocated subconciously to our conscious mind, thus it becomes the latter of the 100%), but whilst unconscious - dreaming, we use a larger portion.
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Postby Deepthroat » May 21st, 2009, 7:37 pm

FlameD wrote:
There's a difference between thinking, 'Oh, this can't be because I say so' and 'No, this can't be because it's physically impossible and defies several laws of reality and physics.' Listening to a hypnosis file and having your penis regrow itself into a womb?

I agree, they are to alternative ways for thought. However, not only is the lack of faith in possibility reducing the effect of adaptation (Yes, if the individual developed a womb from hypnosis, it would ultimately be an effect of the environment; it would have been increasing the capacity (Or rather, evolving a state of self-awareness from within the mind; brain) of the mind, allowing it to access other parts of itself, and becoming more connected with the body, observing and manipulating the physical structure. That would be the anatomy evolving; it becomes fully aware of itself, and can customize itself - life hits to the point of evolution from which it can add alter itself in correlation to the self. By obstructing this possibility, we occlude the path on which this possibility can develop; hypothetically, if it's impossible (We're not fully sure if it's impossible; there's lots we have yet to know - an infinite of data to accumulate and utilize), and if we think for this to be impossible, without any belief or commitment towards the possibility, the development process will never occur and thus, biology-on-biology wouldn't be possible. However, given that the belief increases, and regardless as to whether the individual doesn't grow a womb, and given that they commit to surgery, they had ultimately satisfied a desire or requirement - it has thus become a possibility, and the mind did initiate the development - it had driven the body to the surgery for body customization consistent with the mental desire.

We also cannot defy the laws of nature; we don't know if there's other data in the third dimension that we lack interpretation upon (Data alternative to visual, auditory and scent), and thus cannot obstruct various possibilities. So therefore, it may be possible but the lack of belief may hinder the development or use, given that the possibility already exists.
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Postby redsp » May 22nd, 2009, 1:17 am

BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.

I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.

This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.

Want proof?

Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.

You, and that article, are a point. It's not that 90% of our brain is unused. All of our brain is used. The saying "using 10% of our brains" came from the theory that we only use, on average, some 10% make up of our brains at any given moment. No where did it say it has to be the same parts of our brain constantly. It's just that no one has used more than, once again on average, 10% of their brain in one instance.
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Postby Kalendaine » May 22nd, 2009, 9:44 am

ok, i'm sure i'll get lambasted for bringing DNA back in, but question: since you get half your DNA from your dad, and half from your mother, and since the chromosomes are paired up, in 23 'sets', one of which is the 'sex chromosome set, doesn't that mean that males already have an X chromosome that is unused?
and if so, wouldn't it follow that it can be 'switched on' to make 'x' protien or 'y' enzyme by environmental factors - or, say, hypnosis, which has already been established as capable of making that much of a change?
And from there, isn't it a little bit smaller of a leap to activate this gene and that gene to make a cell suddenly become a stem cell of some type, purely by protiens, environmental factors and what not (which is possible, since science has actually made a cell into a stem cell)? from there it's actually not that major a leap to say, 'ok, my new plans say there should be a womb here; get crackin, stem cells, form one up', isn't it?

Not that i believe that anything like that has EVER happened, it's just a semi-plausible idea/question i had whilst reading this post. of course, the whole shebang revolves around the first question - you have dual copies of everything you are. half of that came from dear old mom. please don't tell me that she'd already decided you were a boy before conception, so it stands to reason half of genes in a guy are actually female, doesn't it?
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Re: Question

Postby davelowe1977 » May 22nd, 2009, 4:27 pm

Kalendaine it stands to reason half of genes in a guy are actually female, doesn't it?

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Postby Kalendaine » May 22nd, 2009, 9:58 pm


Yes, dave, very informative. All has been made clear to me now.

Why not?
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Re: Question

Postby dharden » May 23rd, 2009, 8:07 am

Kalendaine wrote:doesn't that mean that males already have an X chromosome that is unused?

Nope. Some conditions, such as hemophilia and red-green colorblindness, are more common in men (and are considered sex-linked) because the X chromosome is involved - and because men only have one X.

See and for what's probably more than most people ever wanted to know about the X and what it does.
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