Moderator: EMG
BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.
I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.
This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.
Want proof?
Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.
FlameD wrote:The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.
FlameD wrote:The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.
I apoligize but I didn't see any proof about what this site is claiming all I saw was how they tried to disprove the ten percent stament without any science backing up thier own claim. they didn't refere to any study done on the subject or any hard facts. I usally stay out of this sort of argument but I felt compelled to point that this really doesn't seem to be solid proof of anything! for me personally I believe (this is just personal belief) that since the mind forms the body to begin with it would be possible for the mind to reform the body as well! I have no proof to back this up and it seems that even if someone had what they felt to be proof someone else would find a way to argue with it. But I guess I may be somewhat alone in how I feel considering I truely believe that there is more to the mind than just the brain itself. I also believe that the amount of the brain used and the minds potential are seperate issues anyway. as the site acknowlages people don't use all the bodys mucles at the same each person uses those mucles in different ways from one another. but this is just my stand on things as I said I may have missed something but I didn't see any definitive proof that all the mind is used all I saw was the claim that 100% of the mind was used.
FlameD wrote:
The mind doesn't form the body. The body forms the body. And the body forms the mind.
this is a load of closed minded bull, the mind can form the body and the mind is responsible for its growth, it also controls everything in the body
I guess what confusses me about some discussions on topics such as this is the idea that some people seem to want to believe that everything is impossible just because they have never seen it happen. medical professionals and scientist will openly admit that the mind is still very much a mystery and that noone knows everything about how the mind works. if noone know everything about the mind how can anyone know what the limits of the mind are? I know that what the mind is usally used for is now understood to some point I don't understand how that can be used to set limits as to what is possible. I guess I may be somewhat nieve because I would rather believe in what others think to be impossible and have the potential of being wrong and sometimes be disappointed rather than believe in the mundane and be constantly disappointed with life. my grandfather once told me that there are times when the most intelligent thing a person can say is I don't know because admitting to yourself and others that there are things that you don't know leaves oppertunity to learn new information. so I guess I will go with that advise I don't know weather what this file suggest is possible or not. but the one thing that I do know is that if we close ourselves off to the possibility then noone will ever know.
BobbyS wrote:
FlameD wrote:Look, guys, the body forms the mind because the body comes first. When you're born, you don't start with a brain. The brain comes later. The brain is part of the development of the body. When you're first developing, you don't even have a mind.[/i]
FlameD wrote:Look, guys, the body forms the mind because the body comes first. When you're born, you don't start with a brain. The brain comes later. The brain is part of the development of the body. When you're first developing, you don't even have a mind.[/i]
loony28 wrote:I believe that the mind is different than the brain. The mind is non-phyisical where as the brain is physical.
loony28 wrote:
humbugtheman wrote:hey, flameD, if u r so sure it doesn't work, why don't u listen to cursewomb for AGES and if nothing happens, your point is proven...
Lostone0 wrote:Alright. I just read this post from beginning to end and all I have to say is this, Give me proof that it is impossible. Don't give me facts and theories give me proof. I don't care if you studied this at a university or a colledge Unless you have actual proof its meaningless to try and disueade us. at one point man thought the world was flat. at one point man thought it was impossible to fly. Man thought the sun revolved around the earth. Just because you think like that doesn't make anything anyless possible. I admit I am one who prefers science, but this is a hypnosis site. and as it has already been stated unless you beleive it won't work. So flameD I have to ask you why are you even posting here? Why are you on this site if you don't beleive? To discourage us from doing what we love? Well I can tell you its pointless. Leave us to our beliefs and we will leave you to yours.
Lobotaru wrote:However, certain animals can change their sex (strange but true) so it MAY be possible to do this, but since I've never heard of any humans gaining sexual organs they weren't supposed to have, so I have to say as of yet I have no idea of whether or not it is possible in a human.
FlameD wrote:
Why am I here if I don't believe you can grow a womb through the power of clapping your hands and hoping super hard? Because that's not what hypnosis means to me. Hypnosis is fine for things of the mind. Making you believe things, do things, think things, see things. That's fine. That's the fun part of hypnosis. The mind control aspect. Altering how you act or perceive. If hypnosis can make you THINK you're a female, to the degree where you can feel it and fully believe it's real, that's great. That's awesome. But it's not real, and to believe otherwise is... it's just willful ignorance and self-deception.
I think hypnosis is great fun and very entertaining. It's exciting and risky. But it's not surgery.
CycoMelody wrote: What the mind can or can't do is not for science to decide but for each person to.
FlameD wrote:CycoMelody wrote: What the mind can or can't do is not for science to decide but for each person to.
So you're saying, 'What's physically possible, in reality, for the body to do is not for science to know'? Even though that there are large parts of science devoted entirely to knowing the human body, it's limits, it's make-up?
Beliefs are fine, but willing believing that if you clap your hands hard enough you'll be able to fly is just... it's not a belief at that point. It's self-deception. You can believe that water is magic and made from angel tears, but it's just hydrogen and oxygen. Believing something that is patently false just to make yourself feel better... is that how you want to live?
FlameD wrote:
So you're saying, 'What's physically possible, in reality, for the body to do is not for science to know'? Even though that there are large parts of science devoted entirely to knowing the human body, it's limits, it's make-up?
Beliefs are fine, but willing believing that if you clap your hands hard enough you'll be able to fly is just... it's not a belief at that point. It's self-deception. You can believe that water is magic and made from angel tears, but it's just hydrogen and oxygen. Believing something that is patently false just to make yourself feel better... is that how you want to live?
sabrinaselentra wrote:"and Jesus did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief"
loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.
CycoMelody wrote:loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.
I love when people fantasize about reality because reality is ever changing. At one point the world being flat was reality. Another point it was reality that the sun revolved around the earth. What concept of reality will be different tomorrow?
FlameD wrote:CycoMelody wrote:loony28 wrote:They can have their reality for all I care.
I love when people fantasize about reality because reality is ever changing. At one point the world being flat was reality. Another point it was reality that the sun revolved around the earth. What concept of reality will be different tomorrow?
Actually, you're referring to 'belief'. People once believed the Earth was flat, until it was proved - scientifically - that it was not. Same with the Earth revolving around the Sun. Similarly, perhaps some people believe hypnosis has magical powers. But that's not reality, any more then a flat Earth is reality.
loony28 wrote:Sorry but I have to say this. Perhaps the Earth is flat and the reason science proved it was round is a warping of space that makes it seem round. Now I'm not saying that the Earth is flat. I'm just saying that sometimes science can be wrong.
I just thought of something else. We know black holes exist right. Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not? If something like a black hole can exist when it defies the laws of physics then why can't the human body also defy the laws of physics and grow a womb?
loony28 wrote:
Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not?
FlameD wrote:loony28 wrote:
Now a black hole defies the laws of physics does it not?
No. They don't.
I am honestly confused here. Are you guys saying that you believe something with no basis in reality whatsoever just because you want it to happen? Even you guys would have to admit that if people could change sex so easily, it would be on the front page, news story one, and people would be swapping genders like socks.
Wildsprite wrote:
yes black holes do defy the laws of physics atleast if you go by human science they do
much happens with pure will alone, hypnosis is infact pure will with a guide, whether you want to believe that or not its the truth
loony28 wrote:I'm not saying that it would be easy to change sex or develope a womb. What I'm saying is that there is so much that science does not understand about the mind that you just can't rule out the possibility. Yo may have heard that recently a group of scientists have been able to take skin cells and turn them into embrionic stem cells, or at least stem cells I forget which one they said. Now before this people would have said that once a cell becomes a specific type of cell it can never change.
To take this a little farther there have been reports of people with Multiple Personality Disorder that have had some physical changes take place when one personality takes over. I've heard of eye color changing and moles and birthmarks appearing or disappearing. Granted these are small things but they do stand out as the body being altered by the mind. Why couldn't it happen on a larger scale?
BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.
I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.
This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.
Want proof?
Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.
FlameD wrote:
There's a difference between thinking, 'Oh, this can't be because I say so' and 'No, this can't be because it's physically impossible and defies several laws of reality and physics.' Listening to a hypnosis file and having your penis regrow itself into a womb?
BobbyS wrote:Oh and btw - I couldn't help but spot the tired old myth trotted out about how we don't use our mind's full potential.
I say myth because I assume the people using this ridiculous argument are referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" argument.
This is a MYTH. We use all our brains.
Want proof?
Now, let's have some proof from the people who say it's possible for a man born a man to grow a womb.
Kalendaine it stands to reason half of genes in a guy are actually female, doesn't it?
Kalendaine wrote:doesn't that mean that males already have an X chromosome that is unused?
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