Trance problems (still)

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Trance problems (still)

Postby a3a2004 » June 2nd, 2005, 2:32 pm

I have tried all the inductions. I like LRinduction2 the best, until the part where it uses "your body is filled with sand, but it is flowing out". I cannot visualize that and use it to relax; instead, i become more aware of my body.

One of my problems is that normally, I tend to think of more than one thing at the same time, which makes trance harder.

Any advice?
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Postby george » June 2nd, 2005, 2:48 pm

Try creating one yourself, or if you can - just talk to yourself. Some people use visualisation, some tense and relax. I try to imagine I have a halo where i can sense the light above my head and feel something similar to heat, then it very slowly lowers until it has gone down my body and beyond my feet, at which time all of me begins to glow like the halo.

My problem was that my mind wandered and if i didn't pay enough attention, would just come straight out of trance or never even achieve it.

This way you are keeping your mind busy while achieving the trance and staying relaxed. At the point you feel like a glow worm reinforce the idea that a certain word or phrase will bring you back to this trance/relaced feeling. I also do another phrase to reinforce concentration so that i focus, trance, focus.

A while ago i got the idea of going down in a lift which was taking me into my subconcious, but my mind started to wander ... i am feeling relaxed, i am being taken deeper and deeper, safe and relaxed while i watch the lights going down... mind suddenly wanders to that clip in spies like us where the 2 men take a coke and godown the express turbo lift - not helpful.

If anyone has problems because they are too aware, use that to focus, becoming aware of not only the words, but the feelings, sensing what is happening and visualising all at once. If you give yourself too much to think about you will lose interest in parts of it, but the remaining stuff should still be able to put you under. Just make nice easy suggestions for relaxing, not rushing and don't expect or will anything to happen - suggestions may be made, but that's all they are. Your subconcious will accept at it's own pace and as long as you are relaxed about that, there should be no problems.

Damn - for a first post i don't half go on.

Well, better go - iam feeling sleepy... very sleepy 8O

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Postby a3a2004 » June 2nd, 2005, 3:25 pm

other point of interest - one line in lrinduction2 keeps screwing me up:
every time she says to find my private place, i think "crotch"

doesn't exactly help

Thanks for the advice
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Postby sandy82 » June 2nd, 2005, 7:09 pm

If it's any consolation, questions/concerns about trancing come up over and over. There's a current thread in General Hypnosis on almost precisely the same issues as those raised here. As of this writing, there are 11 posts in the thread.
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Postby a3a2004 » June 3rd, 2005, 2:01 pm

I find that when I'm playing piano, sometimes I start thinking and I'm not even conscious of playing. I usually snap back five minutes later.

Is this an example of a trance?
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Postby loadedkaos » June 3rd, 2005, 2:32 pm

That's a perfect example of trance.

A little tid bit that has helped is I just pretend I'm watching comercials when I'm being hypnotized, and that all the comercials are advertising what the hypnotist is telling me. I find the tv associations work real well since this is a regular way for me to be hypnotized.
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Postby Agriff » June 3rd, 2005, 4:59 pm

Read my post on here:
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Postby danmalara » June 5th, 2005, 1:55 pm

a3a2004 wrote:other point of interest - one line in lrinduction2 keeps screwing me up:
every time she says to find my private place, i think "crotch"

LOL, that was the funniest thing I've heard in a while. :lol: The only problem now is that whenever I hear it, i'll think of the same thing. Thanks a lot :evil: . At least I'll get a good laugh out of it.

And Agriff, you are leading people on a "link clining journey." If you put a link in any of your future post leading to this post, then I must say you'll have gone too far.
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Re: Trance problems (still)

Postby maskedwomyn » June 6th, 2005, 6:09 pm

a3a2004 wrote: I cannot visualize that and use it to relax; instead, i become more aware of my body.

Maybe you need inductions that have you focus on your body. That was one of the things i was looking for when i asked Emg about starting the dark cage. i was already getting very aroused by his sexual, slavery and humiliation files and i thought that they would all be much more fun if that was something that Emg intentionally built into the induction and the files. With these files i wouldn't be able to trance if i wasn't hyper aware of my body and its responses.

the masked womyn
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Postby a3a2004 » June 6th, 2005, 6:15 pm

Those don't help though - I'm a guy.
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Postby maskedwomyn » June 6th, 2005, 6:21 pm

a3a2004 wrote:Those don't help though - I'm a guy.

That could be a problem. :D However, that doesn't change the principle. Files should be able to be made for men where the induction would help them get into their bodies and focus on their physical feelings. i know Emg is eager to keep all of his members happy, the men as well as the women. Perhaps it is something you should suggest through the voting system. i suspect most guys would enjoy that type of induction if they thought about it and had a chance to try it. At least the guys in dark cages say that their girlfriends and slaves seem to respond to this type of induction. After all, everyone likes to feel great!

the masked womyn
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dark cage induction

Postby gork151 » June 7th, 2005, 8:32 am

i agree my slave / wife has responded well to dark cage .. she has gone from not thinking about sex during her regular work day to thinking about it once an hour - i have had her on other files for some time and where i saw progress it has accelerated since using the 4 files found in dark cages. focus on body and sensations is a powerful stimulant when being hypnotised - it is not an abstract concept
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Postby Agriff » June 7th, 2005, 9:21 pm

danmalara wrote: you are leading people on a "link clining journey." If you put a link in any of your future post leading to this post, then I must say you'll have gone too far.

Did you mean link "clicking" journey?

Why would I post a link to this topic when I could just direct them to the same topic I did above?

The only reason I did it in this case was because I didnt feel like posting the same 5+ links that I did on the other topic. Its much easier to post 1.

Maybe I took your comment a little too literally. Were you kidding?
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Postby sandy82 » June 11th, 2005, 6:56 pm

Dan and Agriff, I think we can split the difference on this one. Dan, from your perspective, you wonder why there are url-links all over the place. Agriff, you are making an effort to save space and time, while still giving people useful information.

The underlying problem is what seems to be a pervasive trance-inadequacy anxiety...of the same sort that afflicts men who are worried about size inadequacy. In most cases the fear is unjustified, but facts won't stop it from rearing its head (as it were :wink: ).

Perhaps we can get all the trance-performance inadequacy questions in one place. In the meantime, I think it is safe to say that whether or not you enter into the perfect trance, you will not be transformed into a hippopotamus in 48 hours. And on the other anxiety question, six inches is usually enough; in fact it's slightly above average. Guaranteed to work unless you pine after said hippopotamuses (-potami?).

In which case feelings of size or trance inadequacy could be the least of your problems. :)

Agriff wrote:
danmalara wrote: you are leading people on a "link clining journey." If you put a link in any of your future post leading to this post, then I must say you'll have gone too far.

Did you mean link "clicking" journey?

Why would I post a link to this topic when I could just direct them to the same topic I did above?

The only reason I did it in this case was because I didnt feel like posting the same 5+ links that I did on the other topic. Its much easier to post 1.

Maybe I took your comment a little too literally. Were you kidding?
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Re: Trance problems (still)

Postby mp » June 12th, 2005, 1:22 pm

there are some good advice in this forum to get your attention complete to the file but i can say that i had the same problems,with these and other hypnotic files, but i use the file's now in combination with hypnotic sound and also modify the voice in the file to a better and relaxing sound. After 6 day's i had already results. i use files over a year now. don't give up. positive thinking will help.

a3a2004 wrote:I have tried all the inductions. I like LRinduction2 the best, until the part where it uses "your body is filled with sand, but it is flowing out". I cannot visualize that and use it to relax; instead, i become more aware of my body.

One of my problems is that normally, I tend to think of more than one thing at the same time, which makes trance harder.

Any advice?
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Postby SubHelen » June 13th, 2005, 3:19 pm

I have istened to a variety of files over the couse of about 3 months. Not every night, but most and then the same file two or three times.

I am just starting to get into trance and can feel InstantWetting starting to work (so I have edited the trigger).

I recommend interspersing Deeping to anybody else having trouble getting into trance. Eventually it happens, although each trance is perceptibly deeper than previous ones and I know there is further to go. I do find now that any induction works
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