still can't upload

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still can't upload

Postby sabrinaselentra » May 24th, 2008, 9:35 am

I am still getting the error message saying my mp3s aren't. I'll try again when I make a new file. Plus it seems now I can't get on chat. But thats a first. I haven't been able to upload for days. I guess I should thank you. because if that hadn't happened who knows how long I would have put off starting up a site. How do you like the name? Its just a parking space for files right now. But I hope to develop it over the next few months. Meanwhile I have finished a new script and will record it soon. I hope it will upload.
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Re: still can't upload

Postby EMG » May 24th, 2008, 10:05 am

Oddly you seem to be the only person having this problem. Still, I will look into it. Can you email me the file( or post it on your site and I'll grab it from there and see if I can figure out why it won't upload.

sabrinaselentra wrote:I am still getting the error message saying my mp3s aren't. I'll try again when I make a new file. Plus it seems now I can't get on chat. But thats a first. I haven't been able to upload for days. I guess I should thank you. because if that hadn't happened who knows how long I would have put off starting up a site. How do you like the name? Its just a parking space for files right now. But I hope to develop it over the next few months. Meanwhile I have finished a new script and will record it soon. I hope it will upload.
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files that wouldn't

Postby sabrinaselentra » May 24th, 2008, 10:54 am

OK, it was 09Breeze_nymphomania.mp3, 04Bree_three.mp3, and 05bree_classroom.mp3 if you want to grab them and post them its fine with me. not much there yet. I made a note on one of them. {09Breeze: Bimbo Series; Breeze Sexy Dolly: This file turns Breeze into a total nympho and reinforces the bimbo airhead personality. Need to look sexy and wear pretty dresses and high heels etc. This file is played between Breeze One and Breeze awake. If your playing the series in order this one should be number nine on your playlist.} I forgot to catalog the others i.e. make a copy of the description. Ordinarily I would just write new ones but I have been awake about 34 hours and am really tired. Sorry. They are ordinary mp3s same files are being downloaded and played no problemo from my new site. so maybe they are being intercepted in transit somehow. I really don't know. I just know my FTP uploads them fine and people downloading and playing them are not having a problem. Thanks for your help. I'll have new one ready next week.
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emg also I just tried chat again

Postby sabrinaselentra » May 24th, 2008, 11:08 am

I get two lines of "undefined string" and then nothing else. It won't load either and I have java and have been on chat a few times before. Its pretty weird all this happening. I hope you can figure it out. Love Sabrina
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Postby StefeniTS » May 29th, 2008, 5:32 pm

can confirm after an intial problem, which Sabrinaselestra sorted for me the three files above work fine having downloaded them from whispernymph. It is a great site worth a visit even though it's a work in progress and i have been listening to Bree jukebox too which i am finding vary interesting.
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tanks Stefie

Postby sabrinaselentra » May 30th, 2008, 1:33 am

Thanks for you kind comment Stef... Also for just an unusual radio show with old new and unusual music and other stuff check out whisperFM. I am the hostess. Its on too. Plus I loaded some new files. Tried to improve things a bit. More to come.
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Postby StefeniTS » May 30th, 2008, 5:48 pm

NO PROPS Sabrinasestra i started on here flirting with the ABDL files but have since i was 15 been intereseted in femination but too scared to try anything. found WMM just over 6 months ago and flirted with both but realised it ws the femination fies that attraccted me more but with limited sucsess but since listenig to your files i have posted pictures worn nail varnish and eye shadow to work etc (Funny enough with little comment) i want to thank EMG Cardigan and Sabrinasestra and one or two others for letting me find the true me.which I am now working with and I am a much happier person. but any help offered to fulfll MY GOAL OF being a submissive T Girl would be welcomed
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kind words

Postby sabrinaselentra » May 31st, 2008, 9:02 pm

Thanks for your kind comments. Stay tuned to my new site. I am going to need some hot new nymphetts to turn into full fledged nymphs. Its a lot of work developing things so it will be slow getting everything I want to do up there. But I'll try yo keep it fun in the mean time.
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Postby trainer07 » August 2nd, 2008, 9:55 pm

Hmm you know what, I to am having the same problem! I can't seem to upload 8O I was able to before, some months ago lol

EMG bud I sent you an email trainer81@ gmail .com

Hope we can all get to the bottom of this.

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Postby EMG » August 2nd, 2008, 10:38 pm

Yeah, it appears something is wrong, I'm going to talk to the original designer and look at the code and see if I can figure out why this seems to happen for some users.

trainer07 wrote:Hmm you know what, I to am having the same problem! I can't seem to upload 8O I was able to before, some months ago lol

EMG bud I sent you an email trainer81@ gmail .com

Hope we can all get to the bottom of this.

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Postby EMG » August 3rd, 2008, 12:21 am

I have added code to help me debug what is failing. If you are having troubles, please upload again and tell me what it says on the failure page. Especially what you see after the word "Debug:"
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Postby Destroyer5325 » August 3rd, 2008, 2:27 am

I'm also having troubles uploading. Heres what it says on the error screen:

An error has occured.
The file name is improper. Only MP3, OGG, and TXT files are accepted.
Click here to return.

Debug: type2 = application/octetstream
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Postby EMG » August 3rd, 2008, 9:22 am

Ok, I believe I have corrected that problem. Try again and let me know if it works.

Destroyer5325 wrote:I'm also having troubles uploading. Heres what it says on the error screen:

An error has occured.
The file name is improper. Only MP3, OGG, and TXT files are accepted.
Click here to return.

Debug: type2 = application/octetstream
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Postby Destroyer5325 » August 3rd, 2008, 12:13 pm

Alright, thanks for the fix. It works fine for me now.

EMG wrote:Ok, I believe I have corrected that problem. Try again and let me know if it works.

Destroyer5325 wrote:I'm also having troubles uploading. Heres what it says on the error screen:

An error has occured.
The file name is improper. Only MP3, OGG, and TXT files are accepted.
Click here to return.

Debug: type2 = application/octetstream
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Postby trainer07 » August 5th, 2008, 10:12 am

Okay things seem to be working now :) EMG has been helping me in email for the last few days. Thanks man!

Yeah I hope things workout for all of you to 8)

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