Inventive triggers

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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Inventive triggers

Postby demigraff » May 27th, 2008, 12:57 pm

There's a couple of files up at the moment with interesting trigger conditions. While the effect is a common one, it makes me wonder what else you could use as a trigger.

The efect of these two suggestions is gto make you wet yourself - but if that doesn't appeal, can you think of some alternative effect for the same triggers? Or can you think of some new trigger for one of the "old favourite" effects?

The two I looked at today are "Mommy's breasts" (whenever a woman flashes you...) and "Unexpected wetting" (the next time you go 10 minuutes without consciously thinking about this file...)

One reason these seem interesting is the way they could work.

Does your subconscious really find it easier to do something when your concious mind is elsewhere? (as Unexpected Wetting presumes) Anyone want to make/try the file and find out? What other effects would work well with that?

Mommy's Breasts says it takes effect while your mind is surprised by being flashed. I know when you're surprised there's a moment of confusion (which 'instant' inductions can take advantage of), so I'm curious how effective it would be to make that moment a trigger. Anyone interested in trying it out? (with that effect or a different one. I'm just curious how powerful the trigger could be) And if it is very effective, what other surprises could we make into triggers?

A while ago, I heard that smell/tastes can be very efective for bringing back memories. Can you think of any suggestions which could be interesting to have triggered by a certain smell?

Cheers, hope this gives others as many ideas as it did for me
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