Mind Master Has Me Wetting and Pooping Like a Baby

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Mind Master Has Me Wetting and Pooping Like a Baby

Postby BabyRox » June 9th, 2008, 3:03 pm

The latest Baby Behaviors file from Mind Master is wonderful! I have been listening to the Baby Acceptance file diligently for a month - since I began to wet uncontrollably during the daytime (I was already wetting without waking at night).

Even though I felt I had already absorbed most of MM's conditioning quite well, I was amazed at how much difference it made when it was included to re-condition me again before going on to the Baby Behaviors portion of the file.

As I noted in the Diaper Discussion forum area, I was surprised to find that I already behaved like a baby by most of the behaviors included in the file. I already sleep every night in diapers and baby clothes; I already sleep every night with a pacifier in my mouth and my big teddy bear clutched close to me; I already use baby bottles and sippy cups for drinking...

I might have felt a bit disappointed at finding few new baby behaviors added to my conditioning if I hadn't received proof of how effective it already is in instilling baby behaviors today. I was standing in my office talking on the phone to a customer when I had a quick feeling of fullness from my bowel and found myself filling the back of my disposable diaper with a HUGE load of poop.

This was the first time I ever pooped my diapers during the daytime without doing it on purpose. The feeling was amazing and there was no way I could stop the poop filling my diaper. I had to lie to my assistant about an appointment and hurry home in that poopy diaper to get changed to a clean one.

I used the file 3 times the first night I had it, and have listened to it every night since. I've never had a file put me into a trance more quickly or effectively than the Baby Behaviors file does, and I just love feeling like a real baby when I wets or poops my dipees.

Thanks, MM
Posts: 23
Joined: July 4th, 2006, 12:00 am

Wetting In Public Too

Postby BabyRox » June 11th, 2008, 7:29 pm

I was at one of Mommy's work related parties this afternoon. Cocktails, beer, appetizers and lots of families - including babies. I was wearing a lightweight diaper under my shorts, and wondering as I watched the babies whether my diaper was wetter than theirs. As I often do in the company of babies, I was daydreaming about being treated like a baby...

Mommy had to shake me out of my daydream by touching me... My bladder had emptied completely and flooded my diaper. You could hear the pee tinkling onto the tile under my chair, and I wasn't even aware I was wetting -much less overflowing - my diaper. Fortunately, we were in a corner of the patio area away from most of the crowd, and no one else noticed. Even so, I had to make my way through them to go home for a diaper change. I wonder how many noticed the smell of pee or the dark stain on the back of my shorts?

Mommy tells many people that I'm incontinent if they ask. I'm sure most of them also know I am diapered all the time... Mommy often tells them that too.
Posts: 23
Joined: July 4th, 2006, 12:00 am

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