What the Tentacle Rape File could have been...

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What the Tentacle Rape File could have been...

Postby Renae » June 12th, 2008, 11:20 pm

Ok so I felt a bit jaded with the tentacle rape file, I still have hopes it will work in time, bu the content seemed, well, a bit lacking. I am having some success with the dream rape file :) :) : ) So perhaps in time.. in any case, here is what I was hoping to discover in the Tentacle Rape file...


You just had to try that new hypno file, the one with the Many Armed Lover. Some thing about it enticed you, perhaps it was the semi-occult undertones or the chance to allow your lover to have more than one set of hands and other bits… In any case you downloaded the file and then listened to it, going down deeper than you ever have before. Perhaps it was the strange chants in the background, maybe it was the subliminals. Perhaps it was even the calm soothing voice that took you deeper and deeper, more and more relaxed.

Once you had listened to it, and maybe even used the triggers, you put it out of your mind. Still through the rest of the day it nagged at you, like there was something left undone. Like there was something incomplete to the file. Maybe it was the odd trigger phrase that sent a primal rush into your groin. Unperturbed and may be a bit wickedly you chanted the trigger a few times, savoring the odd rush in your groin. Maybe there was something to that file, in any case you resolved to listen to it again and again.

Then, at bedtime you decided to listen to it again; after all it was soothing if not a bit sensual. You got ready for bed, climbed in and then you put on your headphones or turned on your stereo. You cued up the Many Armed Lover file and let it pull you deep into a trance that titillated your mind and body; until that is you fell deep asleep listening to it…

And then…

You awaken to an odd sensation or was it a sound? You really cannot tell as you lay in your bed, your eyes and ears straining to discern what it was. Hot and slightly annoyed you push your blankets off and try to get comfortable so you can sleep again. As you snuggle up to your pillow, relaxing you feel something sliding along your leg, it is soft so you think it is just your blanket slipping to the floor. Then it is matched by a second gentle caress that slides along your other leg.

Slightly unnerved, you reach down to your leg to push it way and you feel an odd texture. It is slightly warm and oddly patterned, it has an almost scaly pattern to it. As your fingers recoil in surprise you can feel it stretch out and enwrap your wrist, coiling about it fiercely. Startled you try to pull it off with your other hand only to find it suddenly and similarly ensnared.

Just as you process this rude surprise and open your mouth to scream, a thick band of the coils snaps around your head plastering itself to your face. As you open you mouth a thick bloated member is shoved into your mouth, filling you and preventing you from doing anything more than whimpering. Then you feel a thick coil of it winding around your neck, its more disturbing that threatening, as you think that it could choke you or worse if it wanted to.

Slowly as you resist it, you feel your arms pulled up and past your shoulders. It pulls your arms up and away from your body, first it seems like they are about to pull them off. Then it stops and then when you seem to relax it eases off of the tension, just enough so that you are comfortable. There is a moment of silence, then you start to hear more sliding slippery sounds coming up from underneath your bed.

At an odd tickle you try to bring you legs up to cover your crotch. You cross your ankles in an attempt to keep what ever it is away from your nether regions. A sudden slight pressure at you neck worries you, and then you feel your ankles separated forcibly by two large python like coils. The muscles in your legs strain to keep your legs together, but it is no use as the monster inflexibly separates them. Soon you can feel you legs rudely and savagely pulled to their limits in a very crude and exposed position.

A moments silence and then you can hear more of the odd sliding and sucking sounds. Your bed quivers and seems to shudder as yet another python like coil slides under you, this one wraps around your abdomen. It briefly constricts to the point where you cannot breathe, and then it relaxes as if trying to decide if you are food or something else. Desperately you hope and pray that you are not food, and yet a part of you is frightened that you are.

The floor under your bed quakes and you can hear more of the sucking and sliding sounds, so much so that it seems to fill the room. There is a smell that accompanies it this time, it is a damp smell, an old smell, a familiar smell. The smell teases at your nose, perhaps it is incense, perhaps it is musk, perhaps it is the scent of sex. This cloying smell wafts across your exposed nose and you are forced to breathe it deeply into your lungs.

Your eyes shift and track wildly as you try to capture a glimpse or more of the monster as it moves in your room, but you only can see darkness. Occasionally you can see an odd gleam or is it a reflection of moisture as it closes in on your bed. You can feel its eyes upon you, yet you cannot see it clearly. Suddenly there is a surge of tentacles that race up and under your clothing. For an instant there is an intense pressure from the tentacles and then your clothing is burst apart from the inside leaving you nude and helpless.

Then deep in your mouth you feel something sliding down your throat, alarmed you try to bite the odd mass in your mouth but your jaws are wedged open. Suddenly your voice box feels odd, for a moment as if something was sliding deliberately along it, then it goes abruptly numb. There is a long hesitation and then it slides back up your throat, then in an instant you feel another sting and a small tug, as something at the back of your mouth just went numb as well.

Slowly and almost nonchalantly the tentacle that wrapped your head and forced itself into your mouth withdraws. You take in a deep shuddering gasp of air and try to scream, but nothing comes out. Fully panicked you try to scream again, but nothing but a rush of air comes out of your mouth. In vain you try to speak, to curse, but nothing happens, as the monster has seemingly muted you.

Seemingly amused by your predicament, the monster experiments with your body. Caressing it, poking it, exploring every single inch of your body. At times it seems maddeningly erotic, and at other times is eerie and disturbing as it seems to taste you. It nips you, it licks you, it sucks at every inch of your body in its quest to determine if you are food or something else.

Finally it stops at your genitals and anus, and then it starts to probe them. It pulls at the soft flesh there, it roils up and down the flesh there. Initially it seems frightening then it becomes so very arousing as the monster coats you with some odd fluid. In time you lose track of how many tentacles are probing your genitals, you can feel your body responding to them though, as the odd mucus and the caresses make you hot and so aroused.

Then it happens, a tentacle slips inside of you. At first you feel a shock of surprise from the monster, then it does it again. Part of you wants to protest but it feels so good. Curious it repeats its experiment over and over again, emboldened it seems to push more and more of its tentacle inwards. Then as it seems to meet an unyielding resistance it pauses and slowly retracts that member. For a brief moment you think that is as far as it will push in, then it repeats the experiment.

Slowly, inexplicatively it slides in and out of your body, undulating in and out in some odd yet sensual rhythm. You can feel it pressing against your prostate, against your clit, even against your g-spot or even against your penis if you have one. Its surging friction sending tremors of pleasure deep into your body making you cum time and time again. Its odd slime making the various bumps and ridges of the tentacles even more erotic as it takes you continuously.

Suddenly, it surges tightly within you and you can feel a heated splash deep within you. The monster gives a seemingly excited tremor in its limbs and you realize that it must have come deep inside of you. This for some reason sends a deep rosy warm flush into your body, as if you have just had a shot of very potent alcohol. Then it seems to start a fire in your groin as it causes you to cum in severe spasms of uncontrolled pleasure as you orgasm.

Panting, you feel an exploratory tentacle approach your lips, but before you can press them shut, it slides into your mouth. You can taste a honey like flavor that seems to sink into the depths of your mouth as it slides in and out of your lips. Emboldened by the flavor you lick and suck at the tentacle causing it to quiver softly. Then its texture shifts softly and you can feel it becoming a firm penis like object. For a time it is content to let you lick it, then seemingly it excited or maybe just curious it pushes to the back of your mouth.

You feel it toying with your uvula, but oddly enough it doesn’t make you gag. Then you take a worried breath and it pushes past and down your esophagus. You try not to panic but it is difficult as it slides further and further down your throat. For a long moment it seems to be happy at stopping at your stomach, and then it presses further and deeper into your body. Uncomfortably it winds deeper into your abdomen and then with a shock it slides out of your anus.

As you feel your lungs start to burn, you feel it toy with your genitals briefly, lovingly, before snaking up and out of your mouth. Inhaling harshly and with great pleasure, you cum again as it delves once again into your anus. This time it seems intent on trekking up your intestines to your mouth. Half delirious with pleasure from its continued ministrations on your genitals, you can only squirm with the awkward sensations as it tickles and swells with in you, rising slowly through your bowels.

Oddly as it pushes into you mouth you can feel it shudder in the throws of its own orgasms. You feel the hot splash of its cum in your mouth, then it glides back down and out of your intestines and anus. The flavors of its come is odd but not unpleasant and it seems to provoke a heated rush that burns softly down your throat and rushes into your loins. At once you cum again, and then again as the heated rush sends tremors up and down your body.

You don’t know how long it continues to molest and abuse you, as time seems to have lost all meaning. Only the sensations of sex and the orgasms, yours and its have any meaning. All you know is that it seems intent on fucking you and cumming in you over and over again. It seems to have no rhyme nor reason in its fucking of you, it just does what ever seems to excite you or it at the time. Part of it seems to be taking its cues from how you respond, moving faster or slower until it wants to cum or you cum.

And then, when you can no longer move, much less twitch in protest, it senses your exhaustion. Then with seeming reluctance it withdraws from you after cumming one last time. You feel the tentacles that were holding your arms and legs shiver and then gently caress you softly as they release you. As you lay there limp, used and maybe a bit sore from all the sex, you can hear it slinking away down under your bed. Some how you manage to pull the blankets back up over your body and you drift off into a well deserved rest.

When you awaken you try to speak and discover you can once again. Relieved you look around the room and try to decide if it was just a dream. You remember your clothing being torn off, but it is whole again. If you are achy maybe, just maybe, it was just from sleeping oddly. Though when you relive that time in your mind, perhaps when you daydream, you know it was not.

Part of you wonders if it will ever come and take you again, maybe it will, maybe it won’t. You may just have to decide to summon it again, maybe many times, maybe just once more…


Well that is what I had hoped to feel, or at least something similar, maybe a few more listens or so...

Maybe we can get EMG to add this as a dream/rape file :)

BTW I love the Dream Rape file, though I have only got it to work to the point of the taping of the eyes... yet.

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Joined: May 30th, 2008, 12:00 am


Postby gdawg28092 » June 14th, 2008, 8:50 am

I loved reading this, maybe you should post it in the stories section. I'm a newbie too still hoping for results , I hope you get monster to come out from under the bed.
Posts: 51
Joined: March 30th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby EMG » June 14th, 2008, 9:00 am

Personally, I't tweak it a little and post email it to me as an entry into this month's scripting contest. Might get it recorded that way :)
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