programs used in combination to brainwash myself

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programs used in combination to brainwash myself

Postby slutinmyhead » May 14th, 2005, 8:59 pm

I've come up with an effective combination of free programs which puts me in trance within minutes. All can be downloaded at The first is Sublime, a subliminal message program. I write my own scripts for this, but will share with anyone interested, though you may need to tweak them to your preferences. Next program is gphotoshow, though any slideshow program will do. I use this to run a slideshow of porn images I collect from Yahoo groups, Kazaa and sites like pichunter and sublime directory (use themes, like people sucking lollipops/ cock). Next download Orange metronome, or some other metronome program. Running this at 60-72 beats per minute drops you into the alpha state, where you're 70x more suggestible. I usually run a warp my mind mp3 or one I've made (from reading my subliminal messages into a program called Goldwave, also a free download). Oh, forgot to mention, change the settings in Sublime to make the message bigger, have it stay on the screen one notch longer than subliminal and have only one second between messages.

Let me know how it goes or if you need help.

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Postby Lord_Mizaru » May 14th, 2005, 9:01 pm

So tell us all about the results you're getting from doing these things and what you're trying to do to yourself. I'm sure others are as interested as i am :twisted:
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results so far

Postby slutinmyhead » May 16th, 2005, 6:26 am

The most noticeable effect seems to be the near-constant craving I have to sit watching. It's gotten so that I do little else outside of work and sleep. When watching, I lose track of time and when I'm done, get the sense of still seeing the slideshow and hearing the messages in my head. This lasts for a while, particularly if I go to sleep soon after.

So far as actually following the suggestions I've given myself, mostly I've just created a willingness and desire for these things to happen. My girlfriend knows little of what I've been doing and would not approve, which slows me down some. One file I listen/ watch makes me submissive to her, which I've pretty much become, though just during sex. Another file makes me want to see her fuck other guys, which I've suggested, but which only pisses her off. Another file makes me want to suck dick, which I thought was gross in the beginning, but which now makes me hard just thinking about. I actually did end up sucking two guys' dicks at the same time early on in my conditioning, but it freaked me out and I haven't tried it again. Still, I've started to think when/ if I eventually break up with my gf, I'd like to get involved with a bisexual couple.

Any of this help?

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Postby sandy82 » May 16th, 2005, 11:12 pm

Well, Lord_Mizaru, you asked. :)

Lord_Mizaru wrote:So tell us all about the results you're getting from doing these things and what you're trying to do to yourself. I'm sure others are as interested as i am :twisted:

Slutinmyhead, the way you've combined these programs is very inventive. Your original post also contained one of my favorite words.

[special effects] red blinking lights.....!!! FREE !!! .....sirens and whistles [/special effects]

When I visited, I was hoping to have lunch, too. But then I saw that The Sublime Elite Edition 2000 costs $9.95 and gphotoshow costs $22.00--after a trial period. Do you have a work-around for that? I never got to Orange metronome and Goldwave.

There was a great review of Sublime, by a user nicknamed Pause88. He says:

This program works well with gphotoshow to condition my girlfriend's mind for my nefarious purposes. I don't use it for subliminals, but rather for my gf to read while perverted images flash in the background. I've never had any trouble with the program. It could use some improvement though, particularly b/c it lacks cut/paste. I can't tell you how much this drives me nuts. It means having to type and retype if you want to mix/match files. Other than that, I'm a fan.

SIMH, this sounds kinda like your second post. Are you moonlighting on us...writing reviews, under a pen name, for :wink:
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Postby slutinmyhead » May 17th, 2005, 6:06 am

I moonlight on too, also under pause88. Sorry they're charging now. I never paid anything...

Yeah, originally the program was to brainwash my gf, but she wouldn't watch it and gradually I began spending more and more time with it myself...
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Postby sandy82 » May 17th, 2005, 9:13 am

Slutinmyhead, it's a real compliment to you that is using your review as one of the lead ads for a product.

These on-line companies look at volume, and with computers it's easy to keep track.

My bet is that your review has caused an increase in sales.

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Postby Jack » May 17th, 2005, 3:11 pm

sandy82, perhaps you should see if you can find an older version than the one listed on Perhaps, an older version would be free.
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Re: moonlighting

Postby sandy82 » May 17th, 2005, 5:55 pm

Slutinmyhead, I'm gonna go check out your stories!

No problem about the charges, which are quite reasonable--cheaper than a tank of gas. I was wondering if you knew something I didn't! :wink:

By the way, did you know that until about three years ago, internet-based long distance was absolutely without cost to the user? You could bring up the image of a touch-tone phone on your screen, key in the phone number, and the person you were calling would answer the phone at the other end. It worked best if you had a stand-alone mike, but you could talk through the one built into your computer.

One day, there was an announcement at the site. The developer implied that he had been pressured....then offered a large amount of money for the program he had developed. And now internet-based calling is no longer free...but it's being advertised as a big bargain. :?

As they say, the best things in life are free. With the exception of supposed professional advice. Then you get what you pay for.

slutinmyhead wrote:I moonlight on too, also under pause88. Sorry they're charging now. I never paid anything...

Yeah, originally the program was to brainwash my gf, but she wouldn't watch it and gradually I began spending more and more time with it myself...
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Postby chuckles » May 17th, 2005, 8:16 pm

Does anyone know of any programs like Sublime that are for Mac?
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Postby slutinmyhead » May 18th, 2005, 4:28 pm

Even for the $10, I'd still say Sublime's worth it, if only b/c I can't find any other programs which do the same thing. I just wish it had cut/paste. The other feature I'd add was some sort of variable you could apply your own value to, so that I could type in a person's name and make all the messages apply to them.

For gphotoshow, I'd love to have a feature where I could set it to take a certain number of pictures from one folder, then some from another, then another. It'd be easier to create associations. I also wish the speed of the pictures could be set individually depending upon what folder they were taken from. I'd keep some on the screen longer and then have 4 or 5 just flash through quickly.

God, I wish I knew how to program... I'd love to design these couple of programs into one, with cooler features and bundle it as Fetishmaker conditioning software. Sigh...

I remember Internet long distance. I used to do tech support for Gateway and would reccomend it to new users.

Dreaming of the days when everything was free,


ps: let me know what you think of my stories. thanks.
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Postby grfpopl » May 22nd, 2005, 1:49 pm


Assuming you might still have the install file for sublime with you, would you consider uploading it to the other downloads sections, or consider sending it (assuming it's small).

I tried downloading the new version of it from just to see how it worked, but had some wierd problems with it. Wonder if I would have the same with the older version. Oh well, just an idea! :)
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Postby slutinmyhead » May 22nd, 2005, 1:55 pm

I couldn't find the install file. Sorry.
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Postby Gmmclg3 » May 30th, 2005, 10:45 am

you mentioned using goldwave to create subliminals - what technique did you use?
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Postby slutinmyhead » May 31st, 2005, 6:20 am

All I did was record myself reading the same subliminal messages I'd written for Sublime, with a 60-72 bpm metronome playing in the background. I didn't bother making the recording subliminal, as it's not necessary. I found it worked better speaking charismatically rather than monotone. When I use the programs concurrently, I tend to mix and match them for varying effects. At this point, I've made several different recordings/ Sublime files, which I'm willing to share with anyone interested. The Sublime files I can send through e-mail, but the recordings are too big. If someone knows how though, I don't mind sharing those too. You may need to tweak these files a teensy bit, as I do sometimes use my name, my girlfriend's name and people I know. I think I only used names in the Sublime files tho.
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Postby sandy82 » June 1st, 2005, 8:27 am

that_guy_812 wrote:Are there any free verisons of this kind of program?

There are several sites that claim to be offering free versions of the "beta" edition of Sublime 2005. They say that after you download, you will receive the "code" to remove the 21-day free trial limit. Problem guessed it. No "code" is forthcoming.

It's not a bad file. And as slutinmyhead says, you can't beat $9.95--which you can mail directly to the creator if you want.
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Re: moonlighting

Postby sandy82 » June 1st, 2005, 8:39 am

slutinmyhead wrote:I moonlight on too, also under pause88.

I have read several of the stories, and they are very well done. You have a great imagination and a gift for story-telling.

I see that you are also rating/recommending stories written by others. That's a tremendous compliment from your peers.

BTW, you are right about there being no cut-and-paste feature. It makes you feel like the kid in the old movies. Kept after school and writing 100 times on the blackboard, under the teacher's eye, "1. I promise I will not... . 2. I promise I will not... ."
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 2nd, 2005, 7:14 am

Thank you mucho. My dream is to eventually be writing professionally, though probably not Internet erotica :) I keep trying to find a way to make a video from the first part of Chemistry of a Good Idea. I've adapted it pretty well to a script. I'm thrilled someone's actually reading my stuff.

Yeah, that lack of a cut/ paste feature sucks. It seems there ought to be a way to do it. At this point, I've made about ten very long (and well-written IMHO) files, which I'd love to splice together if it wasn't such a pain in the ass.
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Postby sandy82 » June 2nd, 2005, 8:20 pm

I'm sure there's a way to do it. If the developer had wanted to, he could have written the program to say "Use file named "Suggestion" in Folder X." Then you could type all the suggestions in ASCII, name the file "Suggestion" and put it into Folder X.

By the way, after reading your story with the pheromones, you'll be interested in this. Go to Google News. Type "oxytocin" into the search blank and hit Enter. There were a bunch of news articles on June 1-2 about scientists' having discovered that this hormone induces people to trust others...administered as a nasal spray. These are articles in the major papers, Scientific American, etc. This is not a "Martian on my roof" tale.

Welcome to the future. I hope they keep oxytocin out of the hands of certain politicians.
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 4th, 2005, 11:56 am

Oxytocin rocks. I might try to see if I can get some from one of the docs I work with... I know you can stimulate it via massage and nipple stimulation, which I do. I remember reading a while ago about this experiment they did with voles where they blocked their oxytocin receptors. They wouldn't mate, but after they stopped blocking them and gave them just one dose, the voles in the experiment mated for life. Cool shit...

My holy grail of medical experiments is electrical stimulation to one's lateral hypothalamus. It stimulates your entire potential for pleasure and was 100% addictive in both the rats and cancer patients it was tested on. Somehow I doubt I'll find a doc willing to implant one in my though :(
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Postby tarantulaman1000 » June 4th, 2005, 9:03 pm

Slutinmyhead, I often go to, and let me tell you, your stories are great. I'm working on one of my own, but verrrrrry sloooooooooooowly.
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How to Make Your Cum Addictive

Postby slutinmyhead » June 5th, 2005, 12:46 am

I'm still working on my last one, just as sloooowly. Actually, I kind of got sick of it for a while, but have this rule for myself to always finish stories I start before moving onto the next one. It's how I trained myself out of having fifty ten page Chapter ones, but no completed novels. I just started finally working on the ending, mainly so I can get to work on a promising transgression fiction novel (think early Chuck Palahniuk). My tentative plan is to eat speed next weekend and hopefully just burn through the damn thing. I already know what happens, so it's mostly just a matter of keeping focused for a few hours.

Oh, and thank you for the very nice compliment...
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Postby parallaxfx » June 11th, 2005, 1:47 pm

Can you tell me what is in the different Sublime files? Your methods sound quite fascinating.
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 11th, 2005, 9:07 pm

I've got several, with plenty of overlap in between. I've got one to make girls worship me (and be bi), one to make me worship all girls, one to make me want to be a cuckold, one to reinforce my desire to make my girlfriend into a slut, one to be obsessed with black men/ women, and several involving various levels of submission to a man or group of men. I've written several with the gay theme, mostly as its more shocking to my system, which I like. Others I've considered are one to make the subject want to join sex sites and one to encourage lesbianism. If more girls I knew were interested in participating, I'd probably be more industrious with making files aimed at girls. As is, it's only been a here and there thing - others wanting to watch. So mostly I've just made files to warp my mind while jerking off.

Let me know if you want any or all of these files. I have no problem sharing, though will leave it up to you to modify/ delete certain suggestions per your preferences.
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Postby sandy82 » June 11th, 2005, 9:26 pm

slutinmyhead, I can see why you're such a good story writer. If you have the breadth of imagination to write that range of scripts (and obviously you do), then writing stories is not just an ability for's a genuine talent.

Some of your scripts sound very interesting. You must have typed them out, in order to get your thoughts and sequences arranged before typing them into those small Sublime boxes.
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 11th, 2005, 11:21 pm

Actually, they kind of write themselves once I get started. Periodically, I'll take a break to just watch the presentation, which gets me into a twilight trance mindset. I've gotten better with continued trancing. One thing I do is everytime my subconscious points out some reason to hesitate, I'll add new suggestions confronting that uncertainty. I also think about things I want out of life and try to tell my subconscious they'll happen if I give in.

I wish I had typed them out though. It'd make that whole cut/ paste thing way easier.
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Postby Jerm » June 25th, 2005, 7:15 am

All of your posts in this thread have been informative and inspiring. My slave and I enjoy erotic hypnosis and mind warping in general. I was wondering if you have used the virtual hypnotist program at all? Here is a link to the site

This program is immensly easy to use and includes a script editor program which makes changes and revisions a snap. Also, it allows cutting and pasting. lol. Plus it can do subliminals and play videos. Basicly as far as free hypnosis software goes this is the program to use. It has it all! Try it out and let me know if it improves your experiences..
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 25th, 2005, 10:12 am

Actually, I used Virtual Hypnotist and loved it for a long time before getting hooked on my current regime. If you go to the Yahoo groups, you'll probably see a ton of scripts I wrote.

I'm using this combination of programs now for a couple reasons. One, I don't need to bother with an induction, so don't need to allot as much time to going under. Two, I get to look at dirty pics. Three, script writing is easier. VH is a great program though, and certainly does give you a slightly different buzz.

If you can't find the scripts I'm referring to and want them, let me know. They're under Pause88, though I can e-mail them directly, if you're interested.
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Postby Jerm » June 25th, 2005, 3:32 pm

Wow, you wrote the full-time slut file? That is one of my favorites!! I modified it so it could be triggered instead of permenent and it totally worked on my gf. I too like the idea of turning my significant other into a horny slut. Seriously, that file is Awesome!! Very well written too. I wrote the Trig Mistress file on the virtual hypnotist yahoo group. We should chat more, perhaps through pm or email. I think we have lots in common as far as what we like in hypnosis...
Last edited by Jerm on July 1st, 2005, 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Fleshmaster » June 30th, 2005, 10:11 pm

Yeah, there are places you can locate more on this program or similar ones, I orginally used the Inducer from Deep Trances, way back when.
Last edited by Fleshmaster on June 30th, 2005, 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: content

Postby socialcasualty » November 30th, 2007, 7:19 pm

slutinmyhead wrote:If more girls I knew were interested in participating, I'd probably be more industrious with making files aimed at girls.

I'm pretty sure you can find at least one girl, aside from your gf, who would be more than willing to participate in anything you wish.

I've read your stories multiple times, especially Poor Steve. With an imagination like yours, I'm sure that you can find willing participants without trying too hard...

You should write more. I've been trolling mcstories for a long time, and always find myself coming back to your work.
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Postby troyboy » December 17th, 2007, 8:38 pm

Is there a site where you can get hypnotized for free ive tried those mp3s and they dont work,i want to be hypnotized like watch the swinging watch or be put under hypnosis for free,is there any videos or live ones,thank can email me at and let me know thxs...
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Postby TL4H » January 15th, 2008, 8:37 am

Dear Slutinmyhead,

I think it would be great if you posted any and all of your videos so that we can appreciate them. My slaves certainly woul ...

Kindest regards,

Ms ToughLove4Him
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 1st, 2010, 2:15 am

I wish I had videos to post. I am trying to put together people to perform in a short movie of one of my stories Chemistry of a Good Idea. I have no idea what I'm doing though...
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