Hypnotic transsexual test link

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Hypnotic transsexual test link

Postby sammy1nz » July 2nd, 2008, 1:49 am

Hi everyone. I had to think really hard, but I get so dizzy. This is where it all began. I found this test and from there stumbled across this site. I think I get to 60 percent.

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Postby Wildsprite » July 2nd, 2008, 2:02 am

that quiz is far too stereotypical I suggest against using it as reference, if your are serious about being a TS/TG Mind Mistress has a very distorted view on what is feminine and what isn't, to her your only feminine if you follow the stereotype and BTW another view she has that should be a warning, she believes smoking feminine cigarettes is required even if you don't smoke
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby sammy1nz » July 2nd, 2008, 2:38 am

Yes, I know. But even so, the power of suggesting made me look at other things. I ended up here.....
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Postby sabrinaselentra » July 2nd, 2008, 3:53 am

I agree with wildsprite thats a pretty weird test. I think its probably just commercially geared but who knows.. I did review the site when I was researching if I wanted to do a site or not. I know I certainly have a much different view than what is presented there. I did finally create a site and now I have to much work I can't do it all. I am trying to get it together though for a different view you can check out whispernymph.com. Its good you ended up here here you will learn about everything. I sure did. Love Sabrina
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Postby sammy1nz » July 2nd, 2008, 4:32 am

Thanks Sabrina you have a wonderful site
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Postby pelpix » July 2nd, 2008, 9:58 pm

99% of the questions seem more like an "are you emo?" quiz
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Postby sammy1nz » July 2nd, 2008, 11:24 pm

Perhaps I like it because it represents the first time I had encountered the idea of feminisation through hypnotism. I'm very analytical. I don't think I go into a trance. I scratch my nose if it itches or move my feet. Yet somehow this test very quickly turned into a list of suggestions I took surprisingly seriously. I haven't and don't intend taking up smoking female cigarettes, nor do i intend having wildly promiscuous unprotected sex. But it has definitely encouraged me.

That was a year ago and I've enjoyed many files from here and from the now hard to find Allisoninlove (bless her). I've looked at flash files and 'hypnotic' videos. Despite not perceiving being in a trance, I don't underestimate how influential some of the stuff I've seen and heard is. I don't listen to stroke sissy a lot, perhaps only 15 times over the last year. Now I'm listening to it a little more, but I seem to have reached a point where there will be no turning back physically.

It might, said EMG, start with something as simple as wearing women's panties! And it did. I found after a few days I didn't like it. I felt like I'd lost a little control. I was gentle around the house and office. Nothing got done. Going back to y-fronts seemed the only way to run the family and business. After all, I'm a guy. I wear a suit and ride a motorbike. Now
I'm back to wearing women's panties 24/7. I couldn't resist it.

Where I'm from hormones aren't available over the counter and importation is probably illegal. So to get prescription hormones I have to go under the Harry Benjamin Standards and have three months counselling. Basically I will be telling a transsexual counsellor my sissy name. She will have the power to allow my physical feminization or not.

Now if that isn't acting out parts of StrokeSissy, where the hell did it all come from? Now I'm not blaming the file. All this is totally my choice and enjoyable although I'm a bit scared at the moment. But I like being a bit scared I suppose.

Sorry about the outpouring girls.

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Postby sabrinaselentra » July 3rd, 2008, 5:39 am

Sammy that is awesome. I hope all goes well thats a big decision. We will try to be supportive. Come over and make some GFs at the new whispernymph.com forum My site is just doing girl stuff where as here you have everything you can think of in erotic hypnosis. I wish my files would have kept on uploading here this new site has worked me into a coma almost. Smoochies we love you!
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Postby sammy1nz » July 3rd, 2008, 1:43 pm

Thanks for the invite Sabrina. I've joined and written a little describing developments from last night in your forum. The whole idea of hypnotism is something I'm quite sceptical about.

I have a son who, having sworn not to, would quack like a duck if told he was hypnotised and had to do it. When reminded of his solemn oath, he'd cry foul and say that he had no choice. This boy would do anything for a laugh and loves entertaining.

The other boy, reclusive and machiavellian, would never do anything that would potentially cause him embarrassment. He would choose death over undignified quacking. Thus I proffer that we can only be persuaded to do the things we want to do. Sometimes, however, we don't know what we want!

I use techniques from here to persuade juries. The beauty of it is that, as it has to be, it's all true. We make an opening statement to a jury here. In that statement we are supposed to make a short response to the prosecutor's opening address. We are simply supposed to state our defence (or say nothing). "Ladies and gentleman - it's all lies!" or something like that. But I have found this is a great opportunity to install a trigger.

"Ladies and gentleman, madam foreman, you are here to do a difficult job. You have taken time out from your lives to do the task of judging your fellow man. You are here because you want to do your civic duty because you are good citizens. You didn't "dodge the draft" the way some jurors do. You didn't invent a sick child or some other false excuse to avoid your job.

Throughout this trial, you will here the phrase beyond reasonable doubt. This legal phrase simple means you must be "sure" before you convict. Everytime you hear that phrase "beyond reasonable doubt", I would like you to remember two things. Firstly, you're here doing your civic duty and didn't dodge it. Secondly, when you hear that phrase, you will remember it simply means you must be sure."

With that the trial continues. The phrase beyond reasonable doubt is trotted out by the prosecutor. The judge uses the phrase and reminds the jury that it means they must be sure. And then, finally there is the judge's summing up of the case. He repeats what beyond reasonable doubt means many times as he goes through the law. Junior lawyers write it all down, desperately trying to avoid going into a coma as the judge drones on in the overheated room. The shift worker in the back row goes to sleep, the warm words washing over him. The woman in the front has been in a trance for a while, glazed eyes fixed on some non-existant place as she remembers that she's a good citizen, here to do the right thing and to only convict if sh's sure!

Hmmm. Again sorry about the massive missive. Go to whispernymph.com to read about how my masculinity is being broken down.


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