Help me visualize...

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Help me visualize...

Postby gdawg28092 » July 3rd, 2008, 6:38 pm

I have been trying for 3 to 4 months now with some limited success. I think I am tranceing pretty good and pretty deep sometimes I remember all that is said sometimes none sometimes peices a few hours to days later. The horny file has been a regular since I figure it is a natural thing so it would be most likely to work. I have tried other files as well recently i have been trying HypnoticLeigha's Vaction file I really enjoy this file very relaxing and as she commands I get very excited at the end to the point that I begin shaking as she counts me out of trance, because I want to do as told and be good boy I can't hardly wait for her to say five so my arms and hands will be free to do what she has commanded. As I said I really enjoy this file as well as others, but I have yet to be able to visualize the things that are being described to me in the files or feel the things that are suppsed to be happening to me. the most I usually feel is sort of a tingling and myself being extremely aroused. Does visualization come with repitition? Am I setting my sights to high and just dissapointing myself? Is there some files that help with visualizing and feeling the things that are being sugested in trance? Sorry so long winded just trying to make mysituation clear so maybe I can get the advice I need to make all this come together for me I really want it to work. Thanks for any help or advice, G
Posts: 51
Joined: March 30th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CycoMelody » July 6th, 2008, 3:38 pm

Visualization is a rather difficult task. That does not mean its impossible or anything like that. It just takes some work. There is a file to help with visualization. Try it and work with it for a while. I believe it is TrainVisualization.
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Postby gdawg28092 » July 6th, 2008, 7:59 pm

Thanks I will get that file and try it for a while and see what happens. I feel like I am so close to getting this to work for me, I'm reaching for the ring and just not quite able to touch it. Thanks again, G
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Postby cardigan » July 8th, 2008, 3:49 am

The reason for visualisations being so difficult is, that they are associated with very deep levels of trance. Harry Arons once created a scale describing trance depths. He divides it into 6 stages, where 1 is the lightest and 6 the deepest. And creating positive halucinations is at level 5 (somnambulism), while creating negative halucinations is at level 6 (profound somnambulism). It can be extremely difficult to achieve these levels of trance. Some have a knack for doing it - others don't. Some can be taken there by a trained hypnotist and then have posthypnotic suggestions installed to take them equally deep on later occasions, and others might never get that deep. It might help to consult a hypntist IRL and get one on one help that way.
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Postby gdawg28092 » July 8th, 2008, 2:16 pm

Thanks Cardigan that is very helpful now I know it's not just me having a block or something. I will just keep trying to get deeper and eventually it will work I have faith that it will. As far as seeing a hypnotist for real I will have to think about that and maybe I can build up the courage to go through with it. Thanks again, G
Posts: 51
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Postby CycoMelody » July 8th, 2008, 9:54 pm

You Can Do it Gdawg!
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