It worked, so I guess it's a success.

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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It worked, so I guess it's a success.

Postby givinitatry » July 4th, 2008, 6:04 pm

I've always belived in hypnosis and the power of the mind, that's why I was so glad when I found this site. I've been trying some of these files out for a few days now and didn't really get any reaction. I've mostly been trying the custom boobs and penis growth ones.

I've always wondered what it would be like to have breasts so I figured this is the safest way to find out what it would be like. I've listened to it probably 10 times with no success at all.

I've also always wanted a bigger penis, who doesnt :) ?. I've got two files that I've downloaded, the trig one and another and haven't seen or even felt anything.

I was getting discouraged so I started reading the forums and found that it doesn't work for a lot of people. I read that a lot of people just couldn't get into trance.

I still don't know if I have gotten into trance. My mind alway races and I have to fight to keep it focused on the file.

Well I decided to take (in my mind) the ultimate test to see if any of these work. I decided that if the things I REALLY wanted to work didn't work then let's try one I didn't want to work. I tried the curse masturbation penetration. I tried it just once. I went into it really doubting that it would work. I didn't even really pay attention to it and just let me mind wander while my eyes were closed. I thought of the days events, what I'll do tomorrow, where I'll get the money for gas to get to school, etc. Well before I knew it, I remembered hearing the part where he wakes you up and thanks you or whatever.

With a huge amount of doubt in my mind I decided to give it a try. I loaded up some porn on the ol computer, got ready, and imediately felt a tickle in my throat. I stopped and it went away. I tried again and it came back. Almost to the point that I gagged. So I stopped and switch hit and felt a tingle in my ass. I stopped again and it stopped also. Holy shit... I'm sure this isn't what a real dick feels like in either of these two holes, but I did feel something.

So I remembered that the author said that when you finish you will feel it or taste it depending on which hand you use. So I finished with my right and didn't really feel anything other than a tense in my throat and a slight quick taste that was strange to me, I've never tasted cum so I guess it was my minds interpretation of it.

Whats really odd is the fact that I cleaned up and when I sat back down I noticed I still have a tickle in my throat and that feeling in my ass. I find myself almost gagging every once in a while. It's been over 2 hours and it's still the same two feelings just as strong as when I started.

So just a word to the wise, be carefull with these, this is powerfull stuff.

I know it's a curse but I'm hoping if I don't listen anymore then it will wear off. :(
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Joined: July 2nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CycoMelody » July 5th, 2008, 12:47 am

Congrats on the success first off. Second if you don't listen to the file it may wear off. Especially if you only listened to it once. Remember though curse files are alot stronger then normal ones. If you don't want the effect of a curse file don't listen. Experiment with a training file or a trigger.
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Postby loony28 » July 5th, 2008, 1:34 am

Congrats on your first success. Now take what you've learned from it and apply it to what you really want. I'm sure the files that you want to work will work for you since this one did.
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Postby givinitatry » July 5th, 2008, 6:31 am

Thanks for the advice. The file seems to be wearing off, I still have a small tickle in my throat but the feeling in my butt has disapeared. I tried masturbating this morning and the effects didn't increase. But for a brief moment after I had finished, the thought of listening to that file again entered my mind. I chocked it up to subliminal programming. I won't be listening to it anytime soon. :lol:

Later today I'm going to try the same thing I did with the curse file on the ones I want to work. Maybe just letting my mind wander, since it does so on its own, is much better at getting me to relax than trying to focus on one thing, the speakers voice.
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Postby gregi696 » July 5th, 2008, 10:55 am

The curse files do that, the have an emphasis on addiction to the file and it is always tied to the trigger if one exists, in this case masturbating. I'll say that the urge may get stronger the longer you go without listening. Good luck with getting what you really want.
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Postby RedruM » July 13th, 2008, 4:11 am

Quite a read, I'm happy to hear your success, I've been waiting to hear a different approach that might help me too. I think I'm going to try my luck with this method. I just need to find a good file with something I wouldn't really want, and preferably not a curse.

Here I go!

PS: let us know if you have any luck with your next sessions.
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Try crooked hypnotist from isabella valentine.. t

Postby Thisishardcore » July 17th, 2008, 7:25 pm

that will work...... trust me.......
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Postby SDoll » July 21st, 2008, 7:55 am

I might try that. Try a file you don't really want to work and see what happens.
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