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Postby Gallacher » July 14th, 2008, 5:44 pm

I was listening to Cardigan's Deep Trance file, when I realised I had just waken up, I didn't even remember myself listening to the last part of the file.

Is that trance or was it just sleeping? I fear it might be sleeping cos I tried it at 1 am ... but if it had been sleeping, wouldn't I have just kept on sleeping without waking up?
I looked at the time before and after listening to the file and it seems that about 15 minutes had passed ( the files is about 15 minutes ) .....
What do you guys think?
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Joined: June 22nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby PS360 » July 14th, 2008, 8:26 pm

This happens to me also.
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Joined: February 26th, 2008, 1:00 am

Re: Trance?

Postby whatthe75 » July 15th, 2008, 4:56 am

Gallacher wrote: ... but if it had been sleeping, wouldn't I have just kept on sleeping without waking up?

exactly.Your experience sounds like a good deep trance.If you wake when the file says too ( i guess you did as you woke at about the same time span of the file ) then that is the most important thing.The fact you cant remember is because you went deep.Your subconcious was the only one listening.
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Postby Gallacher » July 15th, 2008, 8:13 am

I tried again this afternoon but I wasn't able to go under ... It seems to work better when it's very late and I'm very tired ... is this normal?
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Joined: June 22nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » July 15th, 2008, 2:26 pm

You've been a member here at WarpMyMind for almost a month now, Gallacher. Congratulations on your progress and on your continued interest in recreational hypnosis.

You rely on conscious awareness so much. That's normal and good.

And you're learning a new skill. You're learning to rely on your subconscious mind more and more; allowing it to guide you as you become the person you wish to become.

It takes time to learn a new skill. Keep practicing ~ enjoying the benefits of relaxation and the pleasant sensations of trance.

You know you have unique fingerprints. That's just one of the many ways you're unique.

In all the world, and through all of the ages of time, there's no one who's ever experienced the things you have, in the way you've experienced them. And that means your mind is unique. You learn in your own way and at your own pace.

Keep practicing. It feels good and it's good for you.

Whenever we think a thought or speak a word, neuropeptides make it possible for the entire body to be aware of it. It's unnecessary to be consciously aware of it. It just happens.

At one time, experts thought that neuropeptides were found only in the mind. New research is showing these molecular messengers are found throughout the entire body ~ and that's exciting.

    - It's exciting because it means that every part of your body is communicating with all the other parts of your body simultaneously.

    - It's exciting because it confirms your subconscious mind is able to do many MANY things all at once.

    - It's exciting because it confirms your subconscious mind operates independently from your conscious mind.
Whether you consciously think you're under is unimportant. Your subconscious mind is always acquiring information.

    - It's what lets you remember bits of a conversation someone else was having at a party while you were nearby but engaged in a conversation of your own

    - It's what lets you remember the words to a song you heard on the radio - even though you weren't paying attention

    - It's what lets you become the person you wish to be.
Keep practicing, Gallacher.
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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

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