Newbie question

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Newbie question

Postby wanttolearn » August 11th, 2008, 6:58 am

Hi all, my wife and i are going to give a few of the files from this site a try. She has lost most of her sex drive since giving birth to our children and we are looking for a way to 'kick start' it again. We have tried buying a couple of libido enhancing CD's via Ebay, with no luck. (one of them made her feel relaxed, but nothing more than that). I have downloaded a few files, but not listened to them yet. I plan to string together an induction, a deepener, then maybe an arousal or pleasure track followed by an awakener. One of the Ebay ones was a mans voice and she seemed to prefer that.

Any suggestions on what we should try ? and should i try it without the arousal part initially to see if it has any effect on her ?. Where would the 'suggestible' track fit into this, if at all ?

Many thanks for any help or advice that you can give.
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Re: Newbie question

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 11th, 2008, 11:25 am

Welcome to WarpMyMind. You've picked an appropriate nickname - WantToLearn.

Congratulations! It's nice to read that you and your wife are working together to explore something new ~ a private pleasure.

Please be aware that you've left the safety of therapeutic hypnosis behind you. You're in territory that's a little wilder now. You would do well to be a little cautious.

Your posting asks for suggestions on what to try. You probably already know many things that would feel good. You've already browsed the list of recordings here and downloaded a few. Maybe one of these stands out as the one you'd like her to try first?

And as your wife browses the list of recordings here, maybe one or two stand out for her - ones she'd like you to try. Can you imagine doing that for her? Maybe you'll find you the pleasure of trance is intense.

Or maybe you'll buy a deck of Zebu cards. A simple game of 'Crazy Eights' becomes much more interesting when played with a Zebu deck. Each time you play a card, you give a hypnotic suggestion to the other player. The cards provide the hypnotic words ~ it's your choice how to use those words. You can give a suggestion that relaxes or arouses; or give a suggestion that binds or tickles. And when the other player takes their turn ~ you can try to resist.

Be aware that Zebu is a tool for learning to hypnotize - it ain't cheap and you won't find it at the shopping centre.

The best to you both as you learn and explore.
Last edited by MN_FriendlyGuy on August 11th, 2008, 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cardigan » August 11th, 2008, 11:38 am

Zebu cards sound interesting - never heard of them! Got a link?

Well, if you ask me which files to start with, I'd pick my own file - Cardigan - Horny. As simple as that. It's a nice, friendly file that takes you into trance as has you waking up as horny as you can possibly get. You could both give the file a whirl - maybe listen to it each day for some time to see if things change for you. Start from there and see where it leads. The worst thing that can happen is, that for some reason you won't feel horny. On the other hand I've had many reports of satisfied (in more than one way) users.

Have lots of fun

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 11th, 2008, 11:41 am

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Postby wanttolearn » August 11th, 2008, 3:35 pm

cardigan wrote:Well, if you ask me which files to start with, I'd pick my own file - Cardigan - Horny.

Cardigan - I have actually downloaded your file, (you seem to be recommended frequently in the forums) but after reading through a few posts in the forums i thought it might be best to work up to this sort of file. I had planned to start with a relaxing file first and see how she felt afterwards, with the trance induction and suggestability being reinforced with each use.

MN_Friendlyguy - Thanks for the welcome. The Zebu cards sound interesting, but i think i will try a few of the files from this site initially. I was looking for a little guidance on what i should try first, i don't want to jump straight in with a sexual suggestion. I would rather start off tame and work up. Should the 'suggestible' file be used after an induction & deepener, or is it intended to be listened to separately?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 11th, 2008, 5:36 pm

Because I'm gay, I sometimes fail to understand non-gay interactions. That seems to be the situation here...

    - You and your wife want to jumpstart your sex-life

    - You want to start with tame hypnosis sessions ~ building up to sexual suggestions

    - You want to start with the 'Suggestible' recording which has an emphasis on obedience
You know your wife better than I do. If you genuinely believe her psyche will reject/refuse sexual suggestions (a topic I consider tame), are you sure she'll embrace obedience suggestions?

From my 'bent' perspective, it seems like you'd realize your goal more directly by inducing trance and then telling her a story about a dark stranger who whispers in her ear and buys her a drink. A man of secrets and shadows who perceives the raw sexuality hidden inside; who inspires wild, uninhibited release; and then afterward, enfolds it into quiet secret enjoyment she can carry with her - until the next time.

Telling a story to someone who is in trance is one method for leading them toward a desired outcome.
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Postby wanttolearn » August 12th, 2008, 2:11 am

Maybe you're right and i'm being over-cautious, after all, to start with a 'tame' session would be defeating the purpose of the whole exercise.

New plan ; induction, deepener, Cardigan's Horny file, awakener.

I haven't listened to all of the files yet and didn't realise that the 'suggestible' file had an emphasis on obedience, that's not our goal. I thought that it was an aid to inducing a trance state.

I'll try and spend some time over the weekend splicing the files together and get it onto an ipod.
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Postby cardigan » August 12th, 2008, 2:35 am

I think that sounds like a good plan. But note that unless you are a premium member and can get hold of the body of the file, then Cardigan- Horny will already be a full file in its own right - including induction, deepener, body and awakener. But you can use sound editing software to remove all of that if you prefer, and then just use the file body with other files. That is totally possible.

Good luck, whatever you do.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby wanttolearn » August 12th, 2008, 3:14 am

cardigan wrote:Cardigan- Horny will already be a full file in its own right - including induction, deepener, body and awakener.

Even better ! i will have a listen to it tonight and pop it onto an ipod.
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