strange desires with sexuality

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strange desires with sexuality

Postby michaelb15 » August 13th, 2008, 12:33 am

ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.

any words of advice?
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Re: strange desires with sexuality

Postby SDoll » August 13th, 2008, 2:37 am

michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.

any words of advice?

I think if you pay for it, you could get SRS no matter what. Now if you want to do it through hypnosis, there are plenty of files here. :D
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Re: strange desires with sexuality

Postby loony28 » August 13th, 2008, 7:58 am

cd_sara wrote:
michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.

any words of advice?

I think if you pay for it, you could get SRS no matter what. Now if you want to do it through hypnosis, there are plenty of files here. :D

I believe the file you want is CurseWomb. It's suppose to give you a fully functional womb and that's it. The rest of you will remain male. There is a guy that has posted saying that he used that file and it worked for him. he even claims that he got pregnant and gave birth. For some reason I believe him on that.
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Postby michaelb15 » August 14th, 2008, 7:38 am

well I am interested in genital MTF surgery.. but im kinda wondering how common somthing like this is? like I kno feminism is rare enough.. but what about this? would a doctor just think im crazy or sumthing? I kno its their job to be serious, and professional. but what about somthing like this?

I can find things on like "the 3rd sex" but not really any specific info on this kinda situation.

is there anywhere online with any information towards this kinda thing?

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Re: strange desires with sexuality

Postby mudkips » August 14th, 2008, 11:15 pm

loony28 wrote:
cd_sara wrote:
michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.

any words of advice?

I think if you pay for it, you could get SRS no matter what. Now if you want to do it through hypnosis, there are plenty of files here. :D

I believe the file you want is CurseWomb. It's suppose to give you a fully functional womb and that's it. The rest of you will remain male. There is a guy that has posted saying that he used that file and it worked for him. he even claims that he got pregnant and gave birth. For some reason I believe him on that.

It's an interesting thought, sure... but if so, i'll sell you the Eiffel Tower for 10 dollars. There are limits.
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Re: strange desires with sexuality

Postby orisha_ts » August 15th, 2008, 1:39 pm

loony28 wrote:
I believe the file you want is CurseWomb. It's suppose to give you a fully functional womb and that's it. The rest of you will remain male. There is a guy that has posted saying that he used that file and it worked for him. he even claims that he got pregnant and gave birth. For some reason I believe him on that.

Was his name Thomas Beattie by any chance? If so, I don't think it was the file that did it for him. :)
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Re: strange desires with sexuality

Postby baby_jessica75 » August 15th, 2008, 1:47 pm

mudkips wrote:

It's an interesting thought, sure... but if so, i'll sell you the Eiffel Tower for 10 dollars. There are limits.

I am confussed by all the skeptic attitudes here why is it easy enough for some people to believe that some parts of the body can be feminizied through hypnosis but then other parts they seems to think is impossible? why is it easy enough to believe that a male bodied person can gain breast through hypnosis but not a vagina? why is it easy enough to believe that hypnosis can cure some illness but not reform certian body parts? liscennsed hypnotheripist have started useing feminization hypnotherapy to help persons with gender dysphoria to enhance psychial feminine attributes and features. is it so easy to believe that facial structure can change yet so hard to believe that soft tissue like the gentials can be changed? this confusses me and I was just wondering if someone from the other side of the debate could shed some light on the thought process behind this please? I for one do believe that since the mind does have such influence over the inner workings and formation of the body that given the right suggestions it could reform the body. just because this is what I believe does not mean it is the only answer that is right it just means that it is right for me at this moument. but I would truly appreciate some insight into the opposing sides of this disscussion.
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Postby mudkips » August 15th, 2008, 3:20 pm


If the power of the mind could alter one's internal organs and replace their genitals, everybody would know about it and a lot of surgeons offering SRS would be out of business.

Regarding facial restructuring, breast growth, and the like, I retain a healthy level of skepticism around those too. Things along those lines are, however, somewhat more believable - I'm not a scientist and don't claim to know exactly how hormones work, but unless they're determined solely by chromosomes it's a good bit more plausible that something like them could be changed through mental work. I'm not saying it's 'easy' to believe or totally confirmed, because it's not.

Now on the other hand, let's use the example of the hormones to show what people find unbelievable about genetic males magically growing wombs. Hormones, as anyone who's been on or read up about them can tell you, can add features - a changed facial structure, breasts, etc. etc. etc., but not take away traits you don't want. They won't, for instance, will away any facial hair that had already started growing in - that takes lazorbeams or similarly painful things.

The point being made here is that it's a lot simpler to add than remove. If it can be done, using hypnosis as a replacement for hormone therapy would be adding in basically the same way that you'd respond to taking estrogen. Using it to somehow restructure your insides to have space for a womb, along with all of the plumbing that comes with one, get rid of and/or move away whatever was in the place it'd be taking up, and causing your genitals to just melt away and replace themselves with a fully-functional vagina? That's... I could put it gently and say a bit of a stretch, or I could be honest and say bullshit. The fully-formed human body just doesn't have the mechanisms to do either of those.

Now, stranger things have been discovered. Scientists, through the ages, used to know that the earth was flat and the sun revolves around it. I wish these things worked, it'd save a lot of trouble. But until i've either seen them firsthand or heard about them from a respectable source, they haven't. That's the default I take on everything.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » August 15th, 2008, 3:44 pm

mudkips wrote:Simple.

If the power of the mind could alter one's internal organs and replace their genitals, everybody would know about it and a lot of surgeons offering SRS would be out of business.

Regarding facial restructuring, breast growth, and the like, I retain a healthy level of skepticism around those too. Things along those lines are, however, somewhat more believable - I'm not a scientist and don't claim to know exactly how hormones work, but unless they're determined solely by chromosomes it's a good bit more plausible that something like them could be changed through mental work. I'm not saying it's 'easy' to believe or totally confirmed, because it's not.

Now on the other hand, let's use the example of the hormones to show what people find unbelievable about genetic males magically growing wombs. Hormones, as anyone who's been on or read up about them can tell you, can add features - a changed facial structure, breasts, etc. etc. etc., but not take away traits you don't want. They won't, for instance, will away any facial hair that had already started growing in - that takes lazorbeams or similarly painful things.

The point being made here is that it's a lot simpler to add than remove. If it can be done, using hypnosis as a replacement for hormone therapy would be adding in basically the same way that you'd respond to taking estrogen. Using it to somehow restructure your insides to have space for a womb, along with all of the plumbing that comes with one, get rid of and/or move away whatever was in the place it'd be taking up, and causing your genitals to just melt away and replace themselves with a fully-functional vagina? That's... I could put it gently and say a bit of a stretch, or I could be honest and say bullshit. The fully-formed human body just doesn't have the mechanisms to do either of those.

Now, stranger things have been discovered. Scientists, through the ages, used to know that the earth was flat and the sun revolves around it. I wish these things worked, it'd save a lot of trouble. But until i've either seen them firsthand or heard about them from a respectable source, they haven't. That's the default I take on everything.

thank you for the well thought out responce! the one thing I can comment on is the idea that "if it could work then everyone would be doing it" it has been proven time and time again that the body can heal cancer hence the term "spontanous remission" yet the scientific medicial comunity still resort to primitive treatments such as radiation treatments that completely tear down the body with very few chances of successful results instead of researching alternitive methods because of skepticsism. now I know most people might disagree about the bodies healing potential but if it isn't the body curing cancer please explain the term "spontanious remission" to me and correct my error in thinking. now i can completely understand your viewpoint and it has been presented well and thought out well. I respect the fact that you hold strong to your personal beliefs as do I for what rights do we truely have if we don't even have the right to disagree with one another peacfully. thank you for the responce and the alternate point of view.
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby Henrique » August 15th, 2008, 7:58 pm

i loev mudkips

But you're wasting your time.

No one wil change their belief because a pokémon, even if it's a mudkip, told them.

It's like Copernicus telling the Church the Earth is a sphere.

But welcome to the forums. It's always good to see a brother here.[/i]
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Postby baby_jessica75 » August 16th, 2008, 8:55 am

WizDom wrote:Henrique, didn't I see you on

Anyhow, putting in the scientist-yet-into-weird-magic-guy perspective, I'd say hypnosis cannot give you new organs because it simply doesn't work that way. But I would like to point out that people in Medieval times did know the Earth was round (and the Vikings figured it out way before that), people just didn't care. As for spontaneous remission, cancer is determined by a mutation that stops cells from noticing their environments, so they keep dividing despite a lack of space. It's a change in the genetic structure of cells. It can happen without any readily available explanation (ie, you get a virus and aren't aware of the fact that it's tied with cancer, like the Papilloma-virus that causes warts, might be Papillova, not sure, exam's next week). Likewise, the mutation can get suppressed for no readily available reason, again sometimes by a virus you just don't notice.

This is not supposed to debunk anything, mind you. I'm a chaote by belief, and bunk and debunk depending on my mood, not convictions.

so ok lets see if I understand this correctly if a scientist cannot explain why something happens it is perfectly acceptible to use the phrase " it happens without a explainable reason" but yet if they happen to come across something that they can't explain and don't believe it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible. and as far as the whole world is round world is flat debate if people will remember it was scientist who origanally decieded the world was flat and one person who started to protest that the world was round so maybe the idea of following the herd and believing in the popular scientific belief of things isn't the best of ideas. in the womb we are all female to begin with so wouldn't the change that we are discussing just be the reverasal of a mutation in cells? and my last point is, it is widely known that there are some animals that have changed gender for one reason or another so this does happen in nature. since it can happen in nature that does mean it is possible and I refuse to believe that a lizard or some other animal has more potential than myself. since it can happen in nature then I do not think that it is such a leap to believe it can happen in people. I understand I am not going to change anyones way of thinking and I wouldn't if I could because I wouldn't want that control over anyone way too much responcibility. for those of us who believe it is possible the absolute worst thing that can happen while we are trying is we spend some time every day listening to files that we enjoy and relax us which reduces stress and we are all the calmer for it. what has brought us all to this site is not our differances it is a common bond that we have interest in hypnosis and most of us think it is a good tool for some level of change in our lives (or at very least it is enteraining!) it does not hurt me that others disbelieve just as it doesn't hurt them that I believe that the the medical and scientific communities are only out for themselves and thier best interest and if there were ways of doing things without thier help i believe they would never allow it to be known because it would hurt thier industry too much. so on this I am agreeing to disagree!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby FloridaPuppy » August 16th, 2008, 9:40 am

baby_jessica75 wrote:so ok lets see if I understand this correctly if a scientist cannot explain why something happens it is perfectly acceptible to use the phrase " it happens without a explainable reason" but yet if they happen to come across something that they can't explain and don't believe it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible.

This is incorrect. If something happens that a scientist can not explain, it simply requires time and testing to try and figure out why it happens. Where you use "without an explainable reason" a more correct wording would be "the cause is not entirely understood however signs point to X Y and Z".

The problem with your statement comes with "they don't believe it and it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible". They don't believe "it", in this case the ability for a human body to change from male to female in a completely working state, because mountains of evidence shows that there is no such capability built into the human body. A grey area, like growth of breasts, is a grey area because it is possible to influence the production some hormones without drugs and there is a hormone that influences their growth. That is why people will say some things are probably unlikely but maybe possible maybe... while others are just impossible.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » August 16th, 2008, 11:36 am

FloridaPuppy wrote:
This is incorrect. If something happens that a scientist can not explain, it simply requires time and testing to try and figure out why it happens. Where you use "without an explainable reason" a more correct wording would be "the cause is not entirely understood however signs point to X Y and Z".

The problem with your statement comes with "they don't believe it and it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible". They don't believe "it", in this case the ability for a human body to change from male to female in a completely working state, because mountains of evidence shows that there is no such capability built into the human body. A grey area, like growth of breasts, is a grey area because it is possible to influence the production some hormones without drugs and there is a hormone that influences their growth. That is why people will say some things are probably unlikely but maybe possible maybe... while others are just impossible.

I do understand your point but the only evidence of it not working is the idea being put across that it has not happened in humans. but as seen in this news story,10117,15925999-954,00.html that may not be completely true either I personally see this as some proof that it may have happened to some degree and if it can happen in just one person that shows me tht it is possible. I do not truely believe that any one human has any more potential than any other so if it can be done for one it should be possible for all of us. I am sure that I am going to get this long debate that there is no proof of this actually happening either that it is not credible or something like that because noone has seen it with thier own eyes my responce to that would just have to be simply have you personally seen brainwaves with your own eyes if not do you believe they exist? in history the word impossible just seems to mean noone has achieved it yet but this is not exactly the case here because according to this news article it has happened so I stand once again with the idea of if it has happened it can happen. if something has happened it is possible no matter how improbible it is. and if it is possible for a female to become male I believe it is possible for the oppisite to happen. but once again this is just my personal belief and some of my reasons for that belief so it really doesn't amount to much as far as the big picture goes. my two cents worth is actually given freely and since it is free if anyone dislikes my opinion I will be happy to give a refund!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby FloridaPuppy » August 16th, 2008, 12:14 pm

baby_jessica75 wrote:
I do understand your point but the only evidence of it not working is the idea being put across that it has not happened in humans. but as seen in this news story,10117,15925999-954,00.html that may not be completely true either I personally see this as some proof that it may have happened to some degree and if it can happen in just one person that shows me tht it is possible. I do not truely believe that any one human has any more potential than any other so if it can be done for one it should be possible for all of us. I am sure that I am going to get this long debate that there is no proof of this actually happening either that it is not credible or something like that because noone has seen it with thier own eyes my responce to that would just have to be simply have you personally seen brainwaves with your own eyes if not do you believe they exist? in history the word impossible just seems to mean noone has achieved it yet but this is not exactly the case here because according to this news article it has happened so I stand once again with the idea of if it has happened it can happen. if something has happened it is possible no matter how improbible it is. and if it is possible for a female to become male I believe it is possible for the oppisite to happen. but once again this is just my personal belief and some of my reasons for that belief so it really doesn't amount to much as far as the big picture goes. my two cents worth is actually given freely and since it is free if anyone dislikes my opinion I will be happy to give a refund!

The article is dated from 2005 and there is nothing aside from a few sites quoting the article verbatim that google is able to find. There was nothing unusual discovered or there would have been quite a bit of news on it in the last 3 years.

People privately concede Than Sein is a hermaphrodite. Several medical experts have examined him, and he awaits test results from the central women's hospital.
Hermaphrodites, also known as intersexuals, are often born with ambiguous genitalia, or have both testicular and ovarian tissue in a single person.

You might as well claim that even though all the available data points towards the fact that the earth travels around the sun, it's certainly possible that it's actually Helios pulling it across the sky in his chariot.
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Postby loony28 » August 16th, 2008, 1:01 pm

Here's something that I just came across.
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Postby Henrique » August 16th, 2008, 9:20 pm

LOL WizDom, I've never heard of that site. I just loev mudkips in a way to demonstrate my affection to a brother without breaking any rules.

Breast Growth are attainable with the use of hormones. The female hormones stimulates the cells to reproduce. Search for Turner, where the absence of one X makes the woman sort of less woman.

Look at all evidences: We can make things [u]grow[/b], but not devolve. When your Y entered the scene, the cells that would form your womb died.

You can believe whatever you want, but research, so you won't blindly follow fairy tales.
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Postby orisha_ts » August 16th, 2008, 10:29 pm

FloridaPuppy wrote:The article is dated from 2005 and there is nothing aside from a few sites quoting the article verbatim that google is able to find. There was nothing unusual discovered or there would have been quite a bit of news on it in the last 3 years.

I have to say that my immediate thoughts on that story is that it's from a small, superstitious and, most likely, conservative community. So, what better than to provide a narrative, using the superstition to your advantage, to explain away the sudden change in the community?

Not that I'm ruling out the story being actually as it was told, but given that we don't actually see the penis or the chest in the article, my main thought is "pics or it didn't happen".

baby_jessica75 wrote:in the womb we are all female to begin with so wouldn't the change that we are discussing just be the reverasal of a mutation in cells?

Not quite so. Now, I'm not a qualified geneticist or ob-gyn, but the general gist of it is this: Yes, for the first few weeks, we are sexually undifferentiated. However, the genetics are still there (you're still XX, XY or whatever other configuration you might be), there just aren't the hormones giving instructions to the cells on how to behave, grow and divide. So there's no real "mutation" in the genetic sense. However, what does happen is that the hormones (in foetal development we're generally talking about the release of a substance called H-Y antigen at 6 weeks to develop the testes as opposed to ovaries, and at 3 months testosterone plus Mullerian-inhibiting substance to go down the male path) give the cells instructions of what bits to develop... or at 3 months of development, you have both sets and then the hormones give instructions to keep one and ignore the other set.

Now, if you're talking about those sorts of instructions when you say "mutations", the challenge of trying to undo those instructions is like telling someone throw an egg to the ground, and then asking them to undo it. Some instructions given by hormones are just very, very hard to reverse.

To be honest, if it was just genetic, it'd probably be easier to sort out via hypnosis (evidence seems to indicate that genes can be triggered and untriggered with selective methylation, and if there are ways to selectively control such expression available to the brain, it would therefore be available to an individual during hypnosis or other trance-states), but we have other mechanics at work, which makes it a bit more difficult.

Anyway, I'm not discounting that this could happen, but I do think that there are a lot of barriers to overcome, so the odds are stacked against in the case of spontaneously growing a womb and vagina, but like you said, the files are relaxing, and hypno sessions would certainly be of benefit to GID patients, if only so as to make them more comfortable... and maybe evoke some soft tissue responses. Just don't expect miracles.

Just to finish by playing devil's advocate, I'll give you the "wart story" (the equivalent of the bee flying). One day, a hypnotist is in a hospital, and at some point looks at a guy covered in warts and tells the doctor "Hey, I can cure that", because he knew a way to remove warts by hypnosis. The doctor said "Look, you can't, but if you want you can try anyway". The 'tist tried and it cleared right up.

The doctors were amazed and told him what the patient had. It turns out it wasn't warts but an incurable disease where the skin blisters and warts up and is very painful... but it worked so they said that they had more cases just like that patient and asked if he could help there. Knowing what it was, he went to the other patients and couldn't manage it, he "knew" now that it was incurable, so he wouldn't let himself believe that he could cure it. Moral of the story: sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Have fun,
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Postby baby_jessica75 » August 17th, 2008, 2:22 pm

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to explain thier viewpoints on this subject. this disscussion has been very thought provoking and although my belief stays the same this has giving me many things to consider to help me continue to devolop my ideas on the subject and continue to form my beliefs based on several points of view. While reading future post I can now better understand the reasons different people feel the way they do. and as I said before even though we have different beliefs on this matter it doesn't make any of us wrong we just believe what is right for us. thanks for taking the time to explain to me what you believe and the reasons behind the beliefs.
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Postby michaelb15 » August 18th, 2008, 12:08 am

michaelb15 wrote:well I am interested in genital MTF surgery.. but im kinda wondering how common somthing like this is? like I kno feminism is rare enough.. but what about this? would a doctor just think im crazy or sumthing? I kno its their job to be serious, and professional. but what about somthing like this?

I can find things on like "the 3rd sex" but not really any specific info on this kinda situation.

is there anywhere online with any information towards this kinda thing?


could someone possibly answer to that pleassssse??

A lot of good information there. I belive the mind is your own personal god, and with proper training can accomplish anything. The body is a slave to your mind, and chemical changes within yourself is the first (easyest) step.changing the body's physical structure is the next step to learn (if possible?) then once you relize your god you can start changing things outside of you, like moving objects with only the mind. (if possible?)

even with that mindset I find that hypnosis isnt really that effective on myself. I havnt tried listening steady every night 7/365, but rather I listen maybe once a week, but at least listen for 6-10 hrs that day, to a few assorted files, which I usually attain a moderatly deep trance, getting deeper as the hours go by.

Which is kinda why I would like to get a srs. It would be relitivily quick, a healing time of a month or 2, compared to the years of hypnotheropy that may not provide full results.

Not that I dont like hypnotheropy, as I reallly enjoy listening to some of the different files on this site, they are all unique in their own ways, but all have one thing in common:they put the partisipent into a very enjoyable, and peaceful trance. Its probably the most confortable feeling/state in the world.

comments and suggestions appreatied!!
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Postby mudkips » August 21st, 2008, 2:09 pm

I personally enjoyed the article I saw a while back about the guy with a fetish for the tops of cars.
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Postby livelonger8 » August 23rd, 2008, 7:32 pm

The subconscious mind controls bodily functions, such as; the heart, liver, lungs and so forth. It also controls and detirmines sexuality, stating as to whether the consciousness will percept a specific form of sexual flavor.

The subconscious may turn you into a furry or it may turn you homosexual, bisexual or even into a pedophile. Our sexual commitments are mostly detirmined by the subconscious mind, in which, we have a lack of control over and thus; it's not usually our fault.

However, bodily functions cannot be altered consciously, easily. Although the subconscious has no perception of positive, negative or neutral, it'll still feature a certain group of neuron cells, grouped together, all of which will prevent the conscious mind from altering 'core' components from within the body. Disabling such components; the heart, liver, stomache, etc, is regulated by the subconscious mind. However, control over may be possible, as some have managed to control their heart beat, whilst the rest of us are capable of controlling our breathing.

Anyway, onto the world of neuron cells.

The memory cortex within the brain - the cerebral cortex/neuro cortex, is incredibly sophisticated. It features data captured from within the environment, signals of which were interpreted by your six senses throughout your life, converted into information. Information consists of; shape, size, type, sound, etc - appearance/identification or even characteristics. Knowledge however, consists of; understanding; how, why, where, when, what, etc. You could view your perception of reality similar to this...

You (Self-existing entity) < Brain/subconscious (Knowledge < Information < Data) < Body (Signals < Senses) < Environment.

If you tweak knowledge, percepton of the consciousness would alter. However, if you alter information, knowledge alters and thus; the consciousness alters.

It's amazing when you think about it. I mean, all those neuron cells forming the entire subconscious.

Keep in mind, I view the consciousness in a different perceptive, based on my own ideas and thoughts. I view the consciousness as an act of self-existence, featuring a form of reality to percept. Without reality, it wouldn't be conscious, it would be self-existent; not aware of a reality.

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