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michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.
any words of advice?
cd_sara wrote:michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.
any words of advice?
I think if you pay for it, you could get SRS no matter what. Now if you want to do it through hypnosis, there are plenty of files here. :D
loony28 wrote:cd_sara wrote:michaelb15 wrote:ok well basicly I want to keep my current image, as I feel I am who I am in that regard. Im completly happy with my body, exept for my penis n balls. I desire having a vagina, but no other m-f operations done. I thought I wanted to become a shemale when I was younger (from age 14-18) but then after years of research, and deep thought, I figured out that I desire just a vagina, nothing else. and ive been having more and more dreams related to this, and its driving me up the walls, and thats when I came here.
any words of advice?
I think if you pay for it, you could get SRS no matter what. Now if you want to do it through hypnosis, there are plenty of files here. :D
I believe the file you want is CurseWomb. It's suppose to give you a fully functional womb and that's it. The rest of you will remain male. There is a guy that has posted saying that he used that file and it worked for him. he even claims that he got pregnant and gave birth. For some reason I believe him on that.
loony28 wrote:
I believe the file you want is CurseWomb. It's suppose to give you a fully functional womb and that's it. The rest of you will remain male. There is a guy that has posted saying that he used that file and it worked for him. he even claims that he got pregnant and gave birth. For some reason I believe him on that.
mudkips wrote:
It's an interesting thought, sure... but if so, i'll sell you the Eiffel Tower for 10 dollars. There are limits.
mudkips wrote:Simple.
If the power of the mind could alter one's internal organs and replace their genitals, everybody would know about it and a lot of surgeons offering SRS would be out of business.
Regarding facial restructuring, breast growth, and the like, I retain a healthy level of skepticism around those too. Things along those lines are, however, somewhat more believable - I'm not a scientist and don't claim to know exactly how hormones work, but unless they're determined solely by chromosomes it's a good bit more plausible that something like them could be changed through mental work. I'm not saying it's 'easy' to believe or totally confirmed, because it's not.
Now on the other hand, let's use the example of the hormones to show what people find unbelievable about genetic males magically growing wombs. Hormones, as anyone who's been on or read up about them can tell you, can add features - a changed facial structure, breasts, etc. etc. etc., but not take away traits you don't want. They won't, for instance, will away any facial hair that had already started growing in - that takes lazorbeams or similarly painful things.
The point being made here is that it's a lot simpler to add than remove. If it can be done, using hypnosis as a replacement for hormone therapy would be adding in basically the same way that you'd respond to taking estrogen. Using it to somehow restructure your insides to have space for a womb, along with all of the plumbing that comes with one, get rid of and/or move away whatever was in the place it'd be taking up, and causing your genitals to just melt away and replace themselves with a fully-functional vagina? That's... I could put it gently and say a bit of a stretch, or I could be honest and say bullshit. The fully-formed human body just doesn't have the mechanisms to do either of those.
Now, stranger things have been discovered. Scientists, through the ages, used to know that the earth was flat and the sun revolves around it. I wish these things worked, it'd save a lot of trouble. But until i've either seen them firsthand or heard about them from a respectable source, they haven't. That's the default I take on everything.
WizDom wrote:Henrique, didn't I see you on
Anyhow, putting in the scientist-yet-into-weird-magic-guy perspective, I'd say hypnosis cannot give you new organs because it simply doesn't work that way. But I would like to point out that people in Medieval times did know the Earth was round (and the Vikings figured it out way before that), people just didn't care. As for spontaneous remission, cancer is determined by a mutation that stops cells from noticing their environments, so they keep dividing despite a lack of space. It's a change in the genetic structure of cells. It can happen without any readily available explanation (ie, you get a virus and aren't aware of the fact that it's tied with cancer, like the Papilloma-virus that causes warts, might be Papillova, not sure, exam's next week). Likewise, the mutation can get suppressed for no readily available reason, again sometimes by a virus you just don't notice.
This is not supposed to debunk anything, mind you. I'm a chaote by belief, and bunk and debunk depending on my mood, not convictions.
baby_jessica75 wrote:so ok lets see if I understand this correctly if a scientist cannot explain why something happens it is perfectly acceptible to use the phrase " it happens without a explainable reason" but yet if they happen to come across something that they can't explain and don't believe it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible.
FloridaPuppy wrote:
This is incorrect. If something happens that a scientist can not explain, it simply requires time and testing to try and figure out why it happens. Where you use "without an explainable reason" a more correct wording would be "the cause is not entirely understood however signs point to X Y and Z".
The problem with your statement comes with "they don't believe it and it gets pushed away as it just isn't possible". They don't believe "it", in this case the ability for a human body to change from male to female in a completely working state, because mountains of evidence shows that there is no such capability built into the human body. A grey area, like growth of breasts, is a grey area because it is possible to influence the production some hormones without drugs and there is a hormone that influences their growth. That is why people will say some things are probably unlikely but maybe possible maybe... while others are just impossible.
baby_jessica75 wrote:
I do understand your point but the only evidence of it not working is the idea being put across that it has not happened in humans. but as seen in this news story,10117,15925999-954,00.html that may not be completely true either I personally see this as some proof that it may have happened to some degree and if it can happen in just one person that shows me tht it is possible. I do not truely believe that any one human has any more potential than any other so if it can be done for one it should be possible for all of us. I am sure that I am going to get this long debate that there is no proof of this actually happening either that it is not credible or something like that because noone has seen it with thier own eyes my responce to that would just have to be simply have you personally seen brainwaves with your own eyes if not do you believe they exist? in history the word impossible just seems to mean noone has achieved it yet but this is not exactly the case here because according to this news article it has happened so I stand once again with the idea of if it has happened it can happen. if something has happened it is possible no matter how improbible it is. and if it is possible for a female to become male I believe it is possible for the oppisite to happen. but once again this is just my personal belief and some of my reasons for that belief so it really doesn't amount to much as far as the big picture goes. my two cents worth is actually given freely and since it is free if anyone dislikes my opinion I will be happy to give a refund!
People privately concede Than Sein is a hermaphrodite. Several medical experts have examined him, and he awaits test results from the central women's hospital.
Hermaphrodites, also known as intersexuals, are often born with ambiguous genitalia, or have both testicular and ovarian tissue in a single person.
FloridaPuppy wrote:The article is dated from 2005 and there is nothing aside from a few sites quoting the article verbatim that google is able to find. There was nothing unusual discovered or there would have been quite a bit of news on it in the last 3 years.
baby_jessica75 wrote:in the womb we are all female to begin with so wouldn't the change that we are discussing just be the reverasal of a mutation in cells?
michaelb15 wrote:well I am interested in genital MTF surgery.. but im kinda wondering how common somthing like this is? like I kno feminism is rare enough.. but what about this? would a doctor just think im crazy or sumthing? I kno its their job to be serious, and professional. but what about somthing like this?
I can find things on like "the 3rd sex" but not really any specific info on this kinda situation.
is there anywhere online with any information towards this kinda thing?
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