Moderator: EMG
Now there are people on here that will tell you that it isn't possible. Don't listen to them, make up your own mind.
Henrique wrote:I, for example, find too difficult to physical changes exist outside of hallucinations or a pathologic process, since I'm studying for become a medical doctor and accept the probabilities of such event to occur to be close to zero.
A heated discussion happened at here, but both sides didn't changed their minds: one because of lack of evidence it can happen; the other by lack of evidences it can't happen. (it being physical transformations induced by hypnosis)
I truly hope you do a research and find your answer to this question.
Writing this below so I do not make a double post
Now there are people on here that will tell you that it isn't possible. Don't listen to them, make up your own mind.
Loony, you're being contraditory. How can you order him to not listen to the other side of the discussion and make his own mind? By telling him to not listen to the others, you aren't allowing him to think by himself. Let him enter the discussion, read about, search, think, and then he'll choose what side to join.
Urban wrote:Exactly, it goes both ways.
Find the truth for yourself. Don't rely on others :P
mudkips wrote:Source on those experiments, i'd be interested to see them.
Kenn wrote:In my opinion you should just try one of the transformation over the course of like a month and see if it works. That is the only way you'll know for certain.
whatthe75 wrote:I have heard of people that have restored there sight ( not from blindness ) but from slight inperfections,so it could be possible.
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