Some thoughts

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Some thoughts

Postby Lunn » August 27th, 2008, 4:41 am

Ok, might just be my trepidations, just some thoughts and maybe a question or two, so here goes.

I have seen some of these files and they intreague me. I have some experience with hypnosis in person, phone and internet. Just wondering what all got you started in making files? What did you do first? And what ethics and morals guide you, if any? Anyways, just me rambling and considering making a series of files. All I have is RealPlayer and Quicktime so I am also wondering if those are good enough or do the job to make files.

As I said, late night ramblings of a man on his night off from working a night shift hell job.

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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 27th, 2008, 6:55 am

Lunn -

You've invited hypnotists here on WMM to describe what got them started, what they did first, and to describe their motivation.

I started recording when I was unable to find a recreational hypnotist to help me (as a subject) with my own bodybuilding & fetish goals. It took a lot of study and practice to learn how to hypnotize and to learn how to record. But my motivation was strong.

The bodybuilding recording I made for myself worked! So I shared it here on WMM. And it continues to amaze me when I hear from other guys who have a fetish both for growing freaky huge muscle and for hypnosis.

I remain extremely grateful to the hypnotists who attempted guiding me back then. They were hypnotically skillful (Masterful!). But they were inexperienced with the vocabulary of bodybuilding, they lacked a bodybuilder's perspective on physiology, and they had never lived through a cutting diet. This lack prevented their words from reaching my mind. And it taught me I shouldn't attempt hypnotizing someone if it's an area where I'm inexperienced.

I'm no longer bodybuilding. But I continue hypnotizing guys who are self-motivated about building muscle. And I continue enjoying trance, but that's another subject.
Last edited by MN_FriendlyGuy on August 27th, 2008, 8:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Some thoughts

Postby FloridaPuppy » August 27th, 2008, 6:57 am

Lunn wrote:What did you do first?

Read... a lot. Watched & listened to a lot of hypnosis stuff (things on here, things on youtube, etc). Read some more. Tried things with a couple people I know, did my best to get feedback, and have been going from there since.

And what ethics and morals guide you, if any?

My own?

All I have is RealPlayer and Quicktime so I am also wondering if those are good enough or do the job to make files.

Audacity is free, use it. Also, listen to the files you record before sharing them. Did you overload the microphone a bit and get a bunch of loud fwmping noises? Redo it and be more careful. Did you gasp for breath? Repeatedly? Snip out a single one if it's a bother, but you might want to just redo it if it's the whole recording.

Have an idea of what your going to do before you record it. When doing hynosis on someone in person it's easy enough to adjust things as you go and just sorta wing it. When your doing it for a recording though, you don't have the visual/auditory/etc queues to judge the subject that you would otherwise have in person; make a script and read it over before you start. Most of the recordings I do only loosely follow the script, a simple phrase might be embellished as I go, but the general flow is there.

Edit: also like MN_FriendlyGuy mentioned, it helps a great deal to do what you can to understand a subject you are jumping into with hypnosis. Getting the little details right can make everything else just fall into place effortlessly.
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Postby tony_draycon » August 27th, 2008, 7:46 pm

I'm also kinda new and curious about the files I've found here. I guess my big question is how many and which files are for serious hypnosis needs and which are for entertainment purposes? Or which ones are thought to be serious, but mostly bogus or ineffective?

I guess I'm looking for suggestions for which files (preferably free ones) work best and which ones to avoid.
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Postby cardigan » August 27th, 2008, 11:29 pm

None of the files here are bogus or fake. They are all real hypnosis files and can all give the listener effects. But nobody can promise you that they will all work to this or that level. They may work great on you or may not work at all. That is due to a number of things - for example: your level of suggestibility, your mental state. If - for instance - you are subconsciously opposed or in some way nervous as to the effect of a certain file, then chances are, that it won't work at all. But if you work with a file, that you'd really like to have work, and you have no blocks about that (and you might not know that), then I say: work with it and be patient. You might have to work with certain files for years, but they will change you.

So pick what you want and choose wisely. Don't pick a file that sounds extreme and like something you'd never expect to work on you. Others have done that and have been very surprised.

Have fun.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 28th, 2008, 6:05 am

tony_draycon wrote:" many and which files are for serious hypnosis needs and which are for entertainment purposes? Or which ones are thought to be serious, but mostly bogus or ineffective?... "

I'll second Cardigan's response. "They're all real hypnosis files and can all give the listener effects."

And the best part is - your conscious mind probably isn't aware of all the desires hiding in your subconscious mind.

Pay attention to how you feel as you read the mp3 descriptions.

Making intellectual decisions is ordinary. You're forced to make dry intellectual choices day-in and day-out.

You can do something different with hypnosis. You can step out of the ordinary - as much or as little as you dare.
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Postby tony_draycon » August 28th, 2008, 9:54 pm

I guess I'll try what I can find. If there are any decent free files, I may upgrade to better stuff. But I want to make sure it works for me first. Are the "What's Hot" files hot because they work well or just because they're downloaded the most?
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Postby whatthe75 » August 29th, 2008, 1:45 am

tony_draycon wrote:But I want to make sure it works for me first.

Only you will know the right answer to this.The only true way to make sure you are hypnotised properly first time is to visit a good hypnotist face to face.MP3 files cannot be guaranteed.

Instead of asking questions on should i,could i ,will this,how much etc,just pick one that appeals to you and start.

tony_draycon wrote:Are the "What's Hot" files hot because they work well or just because they're downloaded the most?

Yes and no.They work well for the people that have used them so far,doesn't mean they will work for you,could mean they work really work well for you.

The only reason you know how ice cream tastes is because you tasted it before.
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