toddler induction

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toddler induction

Postby wohermiston » August 31st, 2008, 11:27 am

I found a free script online and modified it slightly.
appreciate any comments.

Stepping Into The Light

Visualize yourself in a long dark tunnel. If you can't visualize, just imagine or feel or sense yourself here in

this tunnel. It's a large tunnel with plenty of space and at the end of the tunnel is a small, white light. You are

floating headlong through this tunnel, speeding towards the white light. It is somewhat cold, but that doesn't

bother you for you know that you are safe. And as you move down through the tunnel you draw closer and

closer to the white light, and as you draw closer and closer to the white light, the white light becomes bigger

and brighter, bigger and brighter, bigger and bigger, brighter and whiter, until you are right up to the bright,

white light, the bright, white light just in front of you. You are no longer floating, you are standing, but if feels

as though you're stepping on soft, fluffy clouds which gradually evaporate into the path upon which you

stand. Now, I will count to three, and at the count of three I want you to Step Into The Light.

One. Two. Three. (Pause).

You are now standing In The Light. It is a pure, white light. Feel the light streaming down through the crown

of your head. Feel the white light being drawn downwards, through the body, the head, the neck, the

shoulders and arms, the chest, the stomach and thighs and legs and feet. The beautiful bright white light is

in you. You are In The Light. You are The Light.

The Light is childhood and You are The Light. You are the child. You are protected by your own positive

psychic energy field. Your beautiful white Light. You are In The Light and The Light is in you.

Feel the white light cleansing your whole body, your whole mind and your whole spirit. Feel the beautiful

white light lifting away any impure thoughts or feelings. Feel the healing energy of the white light. This is

your light. You are the light. You are protected by your own positive psychic energy, your light, your beautiful

bright, white light.

Now let your mind wander back in time - over the years, going back - and back - and back. And the further

back in time you go, the more relaxed and calm you do become. And the more relaxed you do become, the

further back in time you go.

Remember now a childhood time -
bring forward a very special memory of that time, a time when you were just a toddler.
perhaps you can remember climbing out of your crib, playing with a special toy, or maybe you can recall the

trials of potty training.
I want you to recall this time as we walk the 5 steps down to the nursery.
with each step down I want you to relax and go deep in to these memories.

1. take the first step down, feel yourself going deeper into trance, see yourself as the toddler you wish to
be. Go even deeper now into these memories.

2. take the next step down, feel yourself relaxing even more, I want you to notice your diaper now. Feel how

it hugs your bottom and secures the space between your legs. Remember a time when you were always
diapered and carefree. go even deeper now into these memories.

3. take the next step down. understand that while you are fully potty trained, you still desire the security and
comfort of wearing a diaper. See the door to the nursery right in front of you. go even deeper now into these memories.

4. Take one more step. Take hold of the railing now baby, so you do not fall down. You see your reflection in

the glass panes of the nursery door. You see yourself in just a T shirt and cute diaper. Take a moment to

look at this image. Now, go even deeper now into these memories.

5. Here we go now, reach up and turn the knob to the nursery door. Push the door open and go on in.
There is a colorful mat on the floor, a rocking chair and a crib in your nursery. choose where you would like

to be and put yourself there. Now just relax and listen as I read you a story about someone just like you.

end of induction.
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Joined: April 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

toddler script revised for toddler induction.

Postby wohermiston » August 31st, 2008, 11:41 am


Once upon a time there was a cute little toddler, you know who, why it's you!
This toddler was very happy and hoped to stay this way forever.

The toddler knew that making the grownups happy is important, so the toddler tried best to use the potty whenever wearing grown up underwear . And this little one was very good at using the potty.
And you too are very good at using the potty when you need to be. You find it so very easy to use the potty when you have to.

But since the toddler was still very young and still learning, the grownups thought it would be best to let the
toddler wear diapers most of the time. The little tike liked this very much because he still worried about
having an accident.
You too, are still learning, and should be in diapers whenever possible so you can avoid accidents as well.

While in diapers, this little one would become very busy with activities and would forget about using the
potty. Do you know what happened next? That's right, the little one had an accident.. And that showed that the grownups had made the correct decision to keep the toddler in diapers after all.
You also find that you become pre occupied and busy with activities and though you feel the need to go potty, it just seems a bother to stop what you are doing. When this happens, you must use your diaper.
that's what diapers are for afterall.

As the toddler went on about things, one really big decision always came around at least once a day.
Do you want to know what the really big decision was? Yes, you know, do I run off to the potty now, or do I go poopy in my diaper. Poopy is a big deal for it makes a big mess for the grownups. And while they seem
understanding about it, the toddler knew they were not very happy about changing poopy diapers!
The toddler liked the feeling of making poopy but it was stinky sometimes. Also, the grownups would not change the diaper until the little one made pee pee as well. "No wasting 2 diapers just because you made
a poopy" they would say.
You too will have to make this decision at some time. Pee Pee is easy, but Poopy requires a little more thought. You think about that and make the best decision for yourself.

The toddler could not think of a better life. Things were so exciting and fun. Every day was a new adventure
and the comfort and security of haveing diapers as well. That is just icing on the cake.
You too find this all very exciting because you love to wear diapers. They feel just right and fit so well. They
are so comfortable and give you the safety and confidence you long for. You find using your diapers so very exciting and each time you do it, you want to do it again and again.

Being a toddler gives these special priveledges. There is little embarassment, the grownups are so
You too long to feel special and free from criticism. I want you to go deep into your memories now and let your subconscious recall a time when you were always diapered and carefree.
Now feel how the diaper hugs your bottom and fills the space between your legs.
Whenever you see, feel, smell, or hear you diaper crinkle, you will remember how much you love to use your diapers.

So, Whenever you feel the urge to go potty you will think to yourself
I have my diapers, and I am really too busy to go to the potty, I will just use my diapers.
so easy, so natural. This gets easier and more fun to do with each passing day.

In our toddler story, the grownups are keen to keep good quality diapers on hand for the little one.
Never a worry for the little tyke. Like the grownups in the story, you need to keep on hand the best diapers that you can get. You want to keep any embarrassing leaks to a minimum! Your diapers should also be
invisible under clothing. You will need to strike a balance between how often you need to change your diaper and just how much then can hold. This is possible to do with some thought.

Now go deeper and deeper into trance.

You have the toilet skills of a toddler. You know when it is time to use the potty and you are very good at this when you are in your grownup underwear.

but because you are still learning, the grownups have decided that you should wear diapers most or all of the time just to protect you from accidents.

When you are in your diapers, you will find that you become very pre occupied with the things you are doing and you use your diapers instead. This is ok because you are still just a toddler.

Now feel how the diaper hugs your bottom and fills the space between your legs.
whenever you see, smell, feel or hear you diaper crinkle, you will remember how much you love to wear and use your diapers.
This is all very exciting because you love to wear diapers. They feel just right and fit so well. They are so comfortable and give you the safety and confidence you long for, just like when you were a carefree toddler.

You find using your diapers so very exciting and each time you do it, you want to do it again and again.

Each time you listen to this file you find it easier and easier to follow the story. The more you listen, the more you desire this and you will let the story play out for real.

now it is time to leave the nursery and return home.
go over to the door, turn the knob and push open the door. you can do it baby.
now go over to the stairs and wait. and no running!

I will count from 1 to 5
with each count you will take a step back up
when I reach 1 you will be fully awake refreshed and ready to begin your big adventure.

1 Hold the railing now and take one big step up.

2 Feeling a little bigger now, take one more big step up.

3 Sensing that something fun and exciting is about to happen
take one more step up.

4 Looking back at the nursery door, know that you can come back here any time you want to. You will want to come and visit often.
Take one more step up.

5 Now step up to the top of the stairs. wake up. feeling refreshed and happy.
Posts: 414
Joined: April 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

well done

Postby Duckypin » August 31st, 2008, 4:33 pm

thanks for a great script!
It reads well and I think will work for me.
Posts: 115
Joined: April 28th, 2005, 12:00 am

another thought

Postby Duckypin » September 1st, 2008, 7:15 am

I was thinking about the script and while I like the idea of toddler when diapered chooses to wet or mess his baby diaper. I also think that sometimes while deciding, when he is already diapered, toddler will have waited too long and feel himself wetting or messing his diaper. It feels good and right and he just goes back to doing whatever he was doing when he first realized the urge.
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Postby wohermiston » September 1st, 2008, 8:04 am

ok so in this part:
The toddler liked the feeling of making poopy, but it was stinky sometimes. Also, the grownups would not change the diaper until the little one made pee pee as well. "No wasting 2 diapers just because you made
a poopy" they would say.
You too will have to make this decision at some time. Pee Pee is easy, but Poopy requires a little more thought. You think about that and make the best decision for yourself.

we could change the last line to read:
You too will have to make this decision each day. Pee Pee is easy, but Poopy requires a little more thought. But don't wait to long to think about it or your body will make the decision for you.
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Postby Duckypin » September 1st, 2008, 8:57 am

I like it!
Posts: 115
Joined: April 28th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby baby-boy_forever8888 » December 18th, 2010, 9:23 am

Wohermiston do you mind if i combine the two scripts and modify them a little bit? I bet it would make a great file.
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Postby demigraff » December 18th, 2010, 1:23 pm

I think that's a very interesting script, I'd be curious to see how a script phrased like that would work. I've thought about modifying it to change the suggestions slightly, but I can't seem to come up with something that sounds natural in that style. I'll have another try later, maybe I'll get the hang of it with practise.

The suggestion "When you are in your diapers, you will find that you become very pre occupied with the things you are doing and you use your diapers instead. This is ok because you are still just a toddler." is just what I'm after, I think. But I'd rather not have the suggestions about wanting to wear a diaper most of the time, or things like "The more you listen, the more you desire this". Do you think that a file to satisfy the subject's desires without increasing them would be less effective?

Or, for those of us who already have a partner willing to play the "grown up", maybe it would be more appropriate to make it seem normal to wear a diaper "whenever your mommy says you need a diaper"; because mommy knows that sometimes the little boy will have an accident. Trust another person to choose when you need to wear a diaper, and then you can use that trust (the grown ups know the little boy is going to have an accident, and you know that the little boy's parents are right, so he will)

... sorry if this is a bit rambling, I'm being interrupted every couple of minutes with "What do you think?" followed by a 2 minute discussion to determine what she's noticed on TV ...
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