I found a free script online and modified it slightly.
appreciate any comments.
Stepping Into The Light
Visualize yourself in a long dark tunnel. If you can't visualize, just imagine or feel or sense yourself here in
this tunnel. It's a large tunnel with plenty of space and at the end of the tunnel is a small, white light. You are
floating headlong through this tunnel, speeding towards the white light. It is somewhat cold, but that doesn't
bother you for you know that you are safe. And as you move down through the tunnel you draw closer and
closer to the white light, and as you draw closer and closer to the white light, the white light becomes bigger
and brighter, bigger and brighter, bigger and bigger, brighter and whiter, until you are right up to the bright,
white light, the bright, white light just in front of you. You are no longer floating, you are standing, but if feels
as though you're stepping on soft, fluffy clouds which gradually evaporate into the path upon which you
stand. Now, I will count to three, and at the count of three I want you to Step Into The Light.
One. Two. Three. (Pause).
You are now standing In The Light. It is a pure, white light. Feel the light streaming down through the crown
of your head. Feel the white light being drawn downwards, through the body, the head, the neck, the
shoulders and arms, the chest, the stomach and thighs and legs and feet. The beautiful bright white light is
in you. You are In The Light. You are The Light.
The Light is childhood and You are The Light. You are the child. You are protected by your own positive
psychic energy field. Your beautiful white Light. You are In The Light and The Light is in you.
Feel the white light cleansing your whole body, your whole mind and your whole spirit. Feel the beautiful
white light lifting away any impure thoughts or feelings. Feel the healing energy of the white light. This is
your light. You are the light. You are protected by your own positive psychic energy, your light, your beautiful
bright, white light.
Now let your mind wander back in time - over the years, going back - and back - and back. And the further
back in time you go, the more relaxed and calm you do become. And the more relaxed you do become, the
further back in time you go.
Remember now a childhood time -
bring forward a very special memory of that time, a time when you were just a toddler.
perhaps you can remember climbing out of your crib, playing with a special toy, or maybe you can recall the
trials of potty training.
I want you to recall this time as we walk the 5 steps down to the nursery.
with each step down I want you to relax and go deep in to these memories.
1. take the first step down, feel yourself going deeper into trance, see yourself as the toddler you wish to
be. Go even deeper now into these memories.
2. take the next step down, feel yourself relaxing even more, I want you to notice your diaper now. Feel how
it hugs your bottom and secures the space between your legs. Remember a time when you were always
diapered and carefree. go even deeper now into these memories.
3. take the next step down. understand that while you are fully potty trained, you still desire the security and
comfort of wearing a diaper. See the door to the nursery right in front of you. go even deeper now into these memories.
4. Take one more step. Take hold of the railing now baby, so you do not fall down. You see your reflection in
the glass panes of the nursery door. You see yourself in just a T shirt and cute diaper. Take a moment to
look at this image. Now, go even deeper now into these memories.
5. Here we go now, reach up and turn the knob to the nursery door. Push the door open and go on in.
There is a colorful mat on the floor, a rocking chair and a crib in your nursery. choose where you would like
to be and put yourself there. Now just relax and listen as I read you a story about someone just like you.
end of induction.