Odd experience

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Odd experience

Postby zion_r_liengod » August 29th, 2008, 10:28 pm

Hello. recently i've been trying out a few of the hypnosis files.
I've listened to about 4 files so far, one of them I listened to, 3 times. over a span of 2 days. I fell into a deep trance 2 times for about 1-3 minutes. One of the files is EMG's accelerator. I believe, in it, that is asks for you to nod to certain things. During this hypnosis file, I find that as the file starts, my mind begins to walk the hypnosis road. I start, the longer I listen to the file, the more I walk the road, and the deeper the trance becomes. Then, when I find the border to a deep trance, I find that there's a big wall there, blocking me from getting to deep trance. I've only managed to bypass the wall 2, for about 1-3 minutes (as mentioned earlier) I seem to be fully aware of everything that's being said, but I think it is having an effect.

I find myself Nodding without intention at certain intervals. it's not much of a nod, but it's like... I start to nod, but I then stop myself, so I don't ruin the trance, but I end up ruining it anyway...

But the biggest peculiar thing... is that after half of the file is over, I find that there is a strange pressure right above my nose between my eyes. during the very ending, (Where it says to wake up, in yet, i've never been in full trance anyway) that the pressure travels to the very middle of my nose, then, right to the right side of the pressure, there is a little funny ticklish feeling.

The file doesn't mention anything about these feelings in my nose and forehead. It's rather strange (because I still feel it long after the file is over) and I wonder if anyone else experiences strange things such as this.
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Postby BeMine » August 29th, 2008, 10:36 pm

Well, to begin with, you've got to realize that nodding is alright. You can do just about anything in a trance, at least, any simple thing, but you've got to accept that it's possible to do and remain in trance. Don't get so caught up thinking about going deeper, and just obey what's being said, if that's what you want to do.

As far as the "wall" you reach, that's a block you placed there, because something, somewhere inside of you feels it's necessary. In order to really get by that wall, you have to find that place, find out why you believe the wall is necessary, and then work out a path to overcoming the wall, if that's what you decide you want to do.

Walls come up when you have a reservation about hypnosis, about a suggestion, or about reaching a trance state. If you can't go deeper, it's because something in you doesn't think going deeper is a good thing. Are you worried about anything? Do you find anything intimidating? Do you doubt the hypnosis could work? Those are all reasons for wallls to pop up, and to bypass the wall, you need to address these reasons to your self.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » August 29th, 2008, 11:17 pm

I see. I don't doubt the hypnosis, i've seen the results, a few of the hypnosis files i want to try, I believe that the result i'm seeking ofthe file is different then what the result will actually turn out to be... to try and make sense, an example...

Say... if I find a curse that make me permanately see my hair as red...

Now, I might want my hair to be red, like a bright red maybe, but the file actually gives dark red hair, you gt my meaning at all?

That, I think is why the wall is popping up. (After you told me what reasons might cause a wall)

Overall... the wall is there because i don't think i'm getting the desired results.
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Postby BeMine » August 29th, 2008, 11:22 pm

So what you're saying is that the effects the file is meant to give are different, ever so slightly, with the effects you desire? Yeah, that's definitely a reason for a wall.

What you can try to do is to edit the file, I've used audacity after seeing it recommended on here, and I have to agree, it will get the job done.

You could take out the part you don't like, and put in something agreeable, and see if that works. You'd need a microphone.

Again, though, with the head nodding, you just need to accept that moving, moving your head, neck, or whatever is alright for being in trance.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » August 29th, 2008, 11:30 pm

Thanks! I'm going to google Audacity. The microphone is not a problem at all. (my brother is into WoW, and he loves to party with a mic)
Would I need permission to edit scripts and such as that?

Also, what do you make of that pressure in my nose ordeal? The pressure only happens when I listen to a file, and it shifts position after a while.
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Postby BeMine » August 29th, 2008, 11:32 pm

I know absolutely nothing about the nose pressure. Nothing at all. I won't even try to guess why you feel that, if it's something in your mind, if it's completely real, or whatever.

As far as editing the file goes, there should be no problem as long as you do not redistribute it.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » August 29th, 2008, 11:37 pm

Thank you. You really helped me. I'm going to look up audacity right now, I hope this works. Wish me luck, eh?
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Postby loony28 » August 30th, 2008, 2:53 am

What other files are you listening to zion?
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Postby demigraff » August 30th, 2008, 10:33 am

As far as the nose pressure goes, I'd say try not to worry about it. I know a few people who associate particular sensations with trance. Maybe because the memory of some similar sensation is in a part of the brain close to the critical censor. My last girlfriend said she suddenly felt the need to pee right at the end of the countdown deepening, followed by that urge receeding with the wakeup coundown. Another friend reports a slight dizziness, the feeling of falling over backwards. I used to get something similar, but recently I find that at the start of a file body, I open my eyes and am completely distracted by what I can only describe as synaesthetic (sp?) hallucination until the file or playlist ends ... I assume my subconscious is listening at this time.

Also, I notice that you say several times that you aren't going into a full trance. You said you find yourself nodding (or starting to) without a conscious intention, which sounds like a pretty good trance to me.

My gut feeling on reading your post is that you are going into trance well. Your "wall" is simply a way of describing an inability to feel how you believe a trance should feel. Discard your preconceptions - it could be that the wall is just a distraction; that you are in a full, deep trance and you don't even realise it. What reason do you have to believe you could go further?

Possible alternative theory: You go a little too deep for suggestions to be effective, and your subconscious pulls you back. (The existence of "too deep" is a matter of some debate. But why not try just trusting your subconscious? Let it stop where it wants to, and trust it to interpret the suggestions in the way you want. Whether it helps much or not, you'll gain more varied experience, which can only be a good thing)
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Postby cardigan » August 30th, 2008, 11:07 am

It sounds to me like you are over-analyzing your experiences in trance. My gut feeling tells me that you are monitoring yourself as you go into trance. Don't. Just go with it - trust it and only do files that you trust, that you've peeked at before listening so that you know that they are good for you and you need not be nervous, but can relax. Don't try to monitor how deep you go. Just remove all wheel-blocks and head for the skies!

In short you need to dismiss your conscious mind alltogether when you listen to hypnosis files - or in person! Just relax physically and stop watching over yourself. Your conscious mind is watching over your trance like a hen-mother! Stop it from doing that. Don't even listen to the words - your mind will pick them up anyway. Just let go of everything. You should be so far gone that you see no walls or anything, my friend.

Good luck. I find hypnosis to be the most powerful drug in the universe, by the way.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » August 30th, 2008, 4:44 pm

Loony28: Some files include A susceptible File. The furry transformation and a 4th that i'm going to keep underwraps. For I am the type of person who'd keep my most darker secrets... well, secrets.

Demigraff: The reason I believe I can go further, is I can still hear everything, I'm perfectly awake, I can open my eyes, move do anything I want at any particular moment. but the two times I think I went fully under, it felt like I fell asleep... (might've actually...) As for the pressure, I wasn't worried about it, it actually made me believe that the pressure happened because my mind accepted some of the suggestions.

Cardigan: I think I do analyze it. The last few times i heard that if you keep your mind busy, it lets your subconscious go to work. So I imagined certain scenes in my mind as I listened, which drowned out the file as I imagined the scenes. I'm not sure if it worked or not. I appreciate all your advice, I have a gut feeling that things might go just a little bit more smoother, now that I know what's going on (aw, i thought i had strong mind ._. lol)
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Postby MacGyver » August 31st, 2008, 7:17 pm

well zion, a little over a year ago when i found this site and got into using trance/hypnosis files, at fiorst i could only trance with a file that was done by a woman. for the first 3 weeks, i could not git any file with a male voice to get me into trance, i too had hit a concrete wall that would not let me through. now, however, i seem to be able to start getting there as if the wall is crumbling down. @ first, the thought of bein put into trance by a guy kinda had me weirded out, and maybe now, my mind is accepting it.

a year ago, i could not trance with anything by cardigan but, while listening to one of his files, i found myself just going down. and yet, i have never had a trance or hypnosis file take me down so fast before.

as for hearing everything, as you listen, from the very beginning of any file, it may help some of you think, this file is going to work, and say ya listenin to a file by EMG, also think "the only thing i can hear is EMG," or whoever it is that is talkin on the file. this kinda helps me a bit, as well as EMG's accellerator file which suggests your resistance will be turned around to acceptance.

as for the feelings of going into trance, it may not be the same for everyone, for example, when i go into trance, sometimes my forehead seems to feel as if it is expanding and contracting. other times, i may feel as if i am floating on a cloud and there will also be a sensation of lots of hands on me, holding me so i dont just float away. hopefully, this post will be some help to you.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » August 31st, 2008, 7:55 pm

Thank you, Macgyver. For your thoughts and advice. I'm going to try your suggestions, and try different things. Perhaps I can fall into trance easily, just not this way. And if you say That the feeling of trance is not the same for everybody... perhaps I am going into trance, without even knowing it? If that is the case, then it is a very peculiar thing, being able to trance... and keep track of things in the real world.

I found EMG's Subliminal Accelerator to work quite good. I was going to listen to it once, but forgot I had loop on >_<, I ended up listening to it like... 4 times before realizing, something doesn't seem quite right... lol.
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