Best way to use Sublim and Binaural files

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Best way to use Sublim and Binaural files

Postby Flow123 » August 25th, 2008, 10:17 am

I was wondering about the subliminal and Binaural files.

What is the best way to use them, in general. How loud do I listen to the Subliminals? Should I not be able to hear the file, should i just be able to hear the weird hum in the background, and not be able to hear the body?

With the binaural files, should those follow an induction? or should they be solo? What's the best way to use these files?

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Postby cardigan » August 26th, 2008, 9:57 am

Whether they work or not is a subject still being debated. But the best way to listen is to only hear the background noise and then quite faintly the murmur of the hypnotist - so weak that you can't consciously make out what is being said. Theory has it, that your subconscious will pick it up without your conscious mind to filter it out. You have no need for deepeners or awakeners, since you will not be putting yourself in a normal trance, but instead be sneakily bypassing your conscious mind.
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Postby lauramcan » August 27th, 2008, 9:37 pm

cardigan wrote:Whether they work or not is a subject still being debated. But the best way to listen is to only hear the background noise and then quite faintly the murmur of the hypnotist - so weak that you can't consciously make out what is being said. Theory has it, that your subconscious will pick it up without your conscious mind to filter it out. You have no need for deepeners or awakeners, since you will not be putting yourself in a normal trance, but instead be sneakily bypassing your conscious mind.

In such a case, how would one know the file worked? would I actually achieve trance? should we listen to the background sound/music and focus on it, or can we let our minds wander and think about other things while listening? See this is my problem...i overanalyze. i can't shut my brain off long enough because everything i hear i try to analyze! ugghhhh
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Postby Flow123 » August 27th, 2008, 10:45 pm

I just try listening to the file in sublim then. Been listening for a while. Maybe it will help when i listen to the files.

Iunno. I haven't tranced from it.
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Postby cardigan » August 27th, 2008, 11:15 pm

You don't go into a trance-like state when you listen to sublims. Actually the best thing is just to have them in the background when you are doing other things - like surfing the net, cleaning your house or anything where your conscious mind can be busy doing other things, but you are not engaged in conversation or listening to others talking - or reading. You should occupy your conscious with other non-verbal activities and then have it playing in the background. Just like at work if there's always a radio playing somewhere in the background. Just ignore it consciously. The effect you will eventually feel are the effects that the subliminal track tells you to. And if you don't know what they are (if another is playing it in the background and you have no clue what's going on) you might never know you were "programmed".

Now this is all theory. I have never tried it. I prefer the direct way through "real" trance.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Calimore » August 28th, 2008, 8:36 pm

Files using binaural beat effect, of course, require headphones to get the entire effect and it is also best to turn off any DSP your audio player may be using.

And some binaurals can produce a trance effect, especially when combined with similar files or 'looped'. Use them with caution.

Subliminals are, as Cardigan said, just another way to reach the subconscious. Remember too that subliminals paired with a conscious activity to reinforce them, such as the decision to try hypnosis, has been proven to be more effective than using subliminals alone.
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Postby Squirrelous » September 3rd, 2008, 8:39 pm

Actually, listening to subliminals during the day has done more for me than standard trances. I think it's because I was listening to it more during the day, mainly.

When I listened to the subliminal of CurceCCP while I used the computer, I got physical effects I never got before. My groin was really sweaty and felt slgihtly tired for a while, then after some time I had my leak.

So yeah, subliminals work for me. As I said, it's probably because I listened to it more often than I would normally. (into trance, then out, then in, then out... boring and frustrating, plus sometimes I feel really lazy afterwards)
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