I need specific suggestions/ideas on topics...

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I need specific suggestions/ideas on topics...

Postby MRhello » September 4th, 2008, 10:01 pm

Hello, all:

As some may have noticed, I am quite new at hypnosis script writing. I have posted a few modest files on the site, but not many, and not of great quality like Cardigan and EMG's. I, myself, am interested in many things: furry, Time Dilation (make time go by slower), general helplessness, minor slavery and many, many more. Anyway, what I need from this great community of subjects and hypnotists alike is a few pointers: One, the voting page is a little too general: I would like to do specific files for specific minorities/majorities. In short, I would like to write a script that appeals to specific groups. The poll attached to this post should help in that regard. If you vote in the poll, I would like you to post suggestions/comments/constructive criticism on my ideas. After all is said and done, I will make scripts/files out of the most popular ones, with some (if not all) of the suggestions and ideas posted.

Thanks in advance,


PS- if you vote without reading the post, a Yeti will come to your window at night :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby Kenn » September 4th, 2008, 10:20 pm

I voted for the one that keeps the orgasm feeling for long after it actually happens. I think its a good one because it'll fit just about any group (well except for the people who enjoy chastisy, but it'll fit all the others). Though I must admit, the sex doll one and the helpless but aware one also sounded pretty good. Then again, being a sub, I can't say that's suprising.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » September 4th, 2008, 10:30 pm

I'm into furries, big time. And the perm. furry thing sounds awesome. A file where you feel, and see yourself as a furry of your choosing. But only yourself.

And something a little extra, would be like the catgirl file, where personality traits of a furry rub off onto your own personality, So as time progresses, you become more and more like a furry, personality wise!
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Postby Squirrelous » September 5th, 2008, 1:33 am

Orgasm lengthener sounds good, but choosing one, I'd have to pick furry.

The only question is whether to allow multiple character choice, or to just choose one (in the case of a fursona).

I'd imagine the best way for it to work is to introduce the character into the listener, and to merge the personalities if they are different. (the listener could type the details in a text file to make it easier for complicated fursonas) Along with this, the listener would hallucinate the feelings of being the character during trance, then gradually progressing to being their character, hallucinations and all, when they are alone and not doing something that has to do with their human appearance/IRL things like work etc. The switch from human to character would be natural and wouldn't feel weird at all.

Also, whenever the listener imagines themself, it'll be the character, and any dreams will be having the listener be the character, in whatever world he/she wants to be in, defined by the likes of the listener and the world of the character. They could also be given a trigger to experience a hallucination of a fantasy whenever they wanted to, feeling all the feelings and smells and tastes and visions completely, but hallucination would stop in case of IRL emergency.

Could possibly be able to twigger-switch into another character/fursona with a minimum of time they have to stay in it. Maybe also a curse that the listener wouldn't be able to have sex with a person unless they were furry too. At the very least, increasing obsession for furry characters to a point of no return.
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Wow! thanks for the great input!

Postby MRhello » September 7th, 2008, 8:31 pm

Thanks, everyone. I hope that the file I write will please everyone who listens to it. Please keep the suggestions rollin in, and again- Thanks for the help!
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Postby Draygone » September 8th, 2008, 8:24 pm

I voted for the first time dilation. Why?

Permanent furry TF? Any file could work that way. Just don't use the reversal trigger.
Aware but helpless trigger does sound interesting, but the very idea of being unable to move kinda scares me.
Sexual preference change, there's already multiple files for that here.
Sex doll training, I'm antisocial and thus don't know anybody that well to even consider doing this with.
Same for the second time dilation.
Pleasure cruise, I'm trying to knock masturbation as a habit, and making it feel better certainly would not help.

The first time dilation seems most interesting to me because, in a way, you could get more time out of things. Like if time seemed to move half the speed as normal, that would allow you twice the reflex response time for stuff. It would also allow more time to daydream and brainstorm (which I myself do a lot).
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Postby lettuce » September 9th, 2008, 1:23 am

Draygone wrote:I voted for the first time dilation. Why?

Permanent furry TF? Any file could work that way. Just don't use the reversal trigger.
Aware but helpless trigger does sound interesting, but the very idea of being unable to move kinda scares me.
Sexual preference change, there's already multiple files for that here.
Sex doll training, I'm antisocial and thus don't know anybody that well to even consider doing this with.
Same for the second time dilation.
Pleasure cruise, I'm trying to knock masturbation as a habit, and making it feel better certainly would not help.

It's surprising how accurately this could go for my opinion. I second everything in that post.

And if you ever want to explore another theme, I really wish someone would make stuff more focused on the dominant male. But this thread doesn't seem to be asking for other suggestions, so I won't go deeper into it than that.
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Postby catgirlatheart » September 10th, 2008, 2:46 am

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