So I tried my first file...

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So I tried my first file...

Postby Zario » September 5th, 2008, 11:42 pm

This is the first time I have tried any form of hypnotism, and I was a little skeptic. So any who, I turned it on and played in bed listening to the introduction, and my body started to feel tingly pretty early in the file (Which surprised me a lot) and then my whole body sort of went numb , It was like when part of your body falls asleep except it felt very good, and it had less feeling. After listening for awhile more I didn't want to move, I was extremely comfortable. I found myself listening to the whole file without moving.

Afterward I could remember some of the file, but a lot of it I knew I heard it but I couldn't come to think what it said.

I'm not sure what I felt was a complete trance, since I've never felt it before, but this felt so nice.

any who, the file was trigwerewolf, I haven't tried the trigger yet as there are people in the house, but I hope to when I'm alone.

Although there's just one more thing, I found myself shivering a lot after the file like I was cold, is this bad?

Yeah, I just kinda felt like typing up my first experience and sharing it, I was surprised at how it went, I wasen't expecting much.
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Joined: September 3rd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby whatthe75 » September 6th, 2008, 12:44 am

Cool.Welcome to the world of trance. ( your explanation is a very good example of a medium level trance,only remembering some of the suggestion - the deeper you go the less you remember, until you cant remember any.)

Not sure about the cold bit afterwards.Some times when people make a change in themselves mentally they can get a small sensation in the body shortly afterwards.Might be that,which would be a great sign.
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Re: So I tried my first file...

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » September 6th, 2008, 6:18 am

Congratulations, Zario.

In addition to enjoying trance, you also took time to tell about it. You're doing very well.

When you relax without expectation, letting go of worry and pre-judgements - a whole new world can open. And your discovery is just beginning... that's exciting!

Zario wrote:Although there's just one more thing, I found myself shivering a lot after the file like I was cold, is this bad?

An excellent observation and question!

Your body will never lie to you, Zario. I don't know what emotion you were feeling at the time. And it's unimportant whether you remember. What's important is that your unconscious mind reacts. It's something to be proud of. You're an excellent hypnotic subject.

There are many ways an unconscious mind can communicate -
    - an adrenaline rush of strength & speed
    - an emotional outburst like spontaneous laughing
    - sudden paralysis.
Here in the WarpMyMind forum, the responses that get asked about most are itching and arousal. And even when these seem like distractions - it's good to realize they're signals.

Again, congratulations to you.
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Postby Zario » September 6th, 2008, 5:49 pm

Thanks for the kind reply's, I'll be sure to come back and update if I make any more progress.
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Re: So I tried my first file...

Postby Blink » September 7th, 2008, 7:53 am

Welcome to the party, Zario. I'd like to join the others in their praise. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Zario wrote:Although there's just one more thing, I found myself shivering a lot after the file like I was cold, is this bad?
You said you were shivering like you were cold, but you didn't say whether you really were cold. (There's a subtle implication that you weren't, but I'm going ahead with this anyway.) I'd suggest that the answer might be physiological, rather than psychological.

You were lying very still for a while. When you do that, your body naturally cools. If you were in a cool place to start, that drop in your body temperature could well have been enough to make you feel icy when you became aware of your surroundings again.

It's entirely possible that you could be reacting to an emotional response from something in the file or something as simple as the deeply-rooted belief that "Going into trance will be really cool!" If you didn't have an "a-ha!" when you read MN Friendly Guy's post, then I'd suggest finding a trance blanket.

Keep having fun.

-- Blink
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