CurseTrigCatgirl Success!

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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CurseTrigCatgirl Success!

Postby pyroid » July 22nd, 2008, 2:07 am

Ok, I have been trying files for a while now and it seemed that none of them were working, but I have come to find out, I was wrong. I have been using the induction files and deepeners and I have gotten into many trance like states. It is either I blackout or go into paralysis like state, where the minds kickin but the bodies limp.

I tried trigwoman but no success, I tried trigmorph same thing.

I decided to go back and listen to EMG's inductions and deepeners. while I was doing this A friend stopped by and asked what I was doing. I told her I was trying to learn to go into trance and she asked if she could try. I let her look through the site, think up some weird ideas and then she decided to try CurseTrigCatgirl. Long story short she listenedto th file and it worked. Her demeanor changed slightly but it was her overall feline personality that suprised me. She was easliy excited and spoke really fast, and tended to repeat herself. I woul have swore she was acting then I saw her perch herself on the arm rest of my couch. She used only her toes and kept perfect balance.

I was amazed to say the least. As the day went by it lost it power. And as if it never happened she was back to normal. With this I was dead set toward using this file. So I downloaded EMG's Acceptor and Cat file and played them in a loop. I listen to both twice around. I don't really remeber what state I was in but It seemed to be sleepwalking. When I awoke the catfile was ending, and I sat up. At first I couldn't remeber the trigger phrase. That worried me but I came back to me. I said it once, I really didn't feel anything, twice... nothing, three, four, five times.... suddenly I felt light headed I started to feel girly and then I felt submisssive. Then I started to say "NYA" like the catgirls from anime cartoons. I got really happy and then turned on.

It happened so fast I couldn't keep up! I began pleasuring myself but I rubbed myself flat palmed insteaded of stroking it. I'd nya once and a while and till climax. I have never felt so hot in my life.

Personally, CurseTrigCatgirl gets an A+
Great Job EMG !Nya!
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Postby Cade » July 22nd, 2008, 6:41 pm

*really jealous* why is everyone else having quick success? ><
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Postby Flow123 » July 22nd, 2008, 6:56 pm

Dunno. I think I chugged some EMG Inducers hard! They always seem to bring me down. Bubble didnt work for me i think. All the noise was getting to me. I heard the whole dang thing. I was somewhat suggestible with lutz's commands... but I wasnt really feeling the trigger words... so I don't know. Maybe someone hypnofun me out of nowhere.
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Postby lettuce » July 22nd, 2008, 7:04 pm

Just curious, are you able to make the nyaa sound properly? Because when I tried to describe the sound so someone, I found myself completely unable to utter it like I had heard it. Might just be that my voice isn't cute enough. It would be kinda embarrassing if you went around making a sound with the intention of sounding cute, if doesn't sound cute in real life.
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Re: CurseTrigCatgirl Success!

Postby SDoll » July 22nd, 2008, 8:40 pm

pyroid wrote:So I downloaded EMG's Acceptor and Cat file and played them in a loop.

I assume you mean EMG's Accelerator file because I can't find a file by him called "Acceptor". :oops:
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Postby pyroid » July 23rd, 2008, 2:28 am

this was by no means a quick success. The accelorater (not acceptor lol, my bad) really helped I think.

The Nyaa is a difficult sound its more like meow but prenouced with a japanese accent {Nee Yow or Nee Yaa or may be Neowa} its hard to say, but I have tried the file sence and it truely does work. I haven't seen any perment affect yet but I have noticed I am not as shy anymore and I have come to the conclusion that I am more bisexual then I previously thought.

When I first thought of hypnotism I thought it was all about mind control and fun but I have come to enjoy the simple pleasure of just trance, I don't need anything else, take me under and leave me there for a couple hours. I have also found alot about myself through it. It has given me time to clear my thoughts. I enjoy it so much more now then ever...

{Twighlight zone music plays}

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Its good to feel free! lol
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Postby Foxgirl » July 23rd, 2008, 4:47 am

interesting sounding file.

Gotta wait till its free though.

curse the increasing bills T-T
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Postby secretmissondelta » September 18th, 2008, 11:39 pm

That would be awesome if someone recorded a vid of that.

The girl.
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Postby secretmissondelta » September 20th, 2008, 1:01 am

Did your catgirl personality traits remain after you were untriggered?
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Postby pyroid » September 28th, 2008, 5:18 am

Yes and no. Like i said I am no longer as shy as I once was and I feel happier with myself, but overall I'm still me.
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Postby PS360 » October 27th, 2008, 4:16 am

I tried this one out of curiosity last night and it worked on the first try.
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Postby livelonger8 » October 27th, 2008, 12:05 pm

Where do I find EMG's accelerator? I can't seem to find it:(
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Postby livelonger8 » October 27th, 2008, 12:08 pm

Found it :D
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Catgirl Trigger Curse

Postby pyroid » December 29th, 2008, 10:48 pm

Thought I'd up date again with this. I haven't been listening to this file as much as I would have liked to, but when I picked it back up last night in no time I was cat me again. Like before I was much more fenile feme and I didn't have much care for anything but fun and enjoying the file. After I still felt fuzzy inside and giggly, but I calmed down alot. Still no cat ears but I have felt the tail sensation phatom limb thing. Almost like a tickle, there but not there you know?
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Postby PS360 » December 31st, 2008, 11:34 pm

i just re-read your post again and i just remembered it was almost the same experience i had.
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Postby pyroid » January 4th, 2009, 6:18 am

Its a sense of joy that only can vome from completely forgetting about others thnk of you, and cats embody that completely. As humans we worry to much about our outward appearance and it sickens me.... *blink blink* lol went on a RANTpage for a sec there.

More toward the topic, I have started to listen to it again resenty and I still haven't managed any more then a phantom tail, but this time while under the trigger I felt more connected with myself like me and cat me were finally becoming one. I feel less and less changed the more I listen but I think thats a good thing because I'm becoming more and more catgirl as time passes.
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Postby PS360 » January 18th, 2009, 8:16 pm

I notice that if i watch any anime, i can connect with the female charaters more than the male charaters.
it kinda freaks me out but hey i think the file is doing it's work on me.
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Postby pyroid » January 22nd, 2009, 11:57 pm

I have a hard time choosing if I am a guy who acts girlly or a girl that acts manly. Someday I feel the need to show off my skills and do things that prove I'm better and then others I feel like cuddling up to my girlfriend and watching a movie and wondering what it would be like to be with her as a real girl. I was told there was something known as the third gender, one who can see both sides of the coin, and I cannot say I understand everything but it seems to fit my personality. Some people I act tough to and others I open up to. As I am now I cannot see myself in a relationship with another man but if only if I could be a girl for a little while I don't think dating a guy would bother me.
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