Help please...I really want it.But it isn't working...

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Help please...I really want it.But it isn't working...

Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 13th, 2008, 1:28 pm

I just want to find a way to get it work.
I already tried everything,my mother language is german and I already tried Lutz's german induction.
It was kinda relaxing,but when my mp3 player switched to the file of EMG I got disturbed and could'nt hold the effect.

I want to make the TrigWerewolf transformation of EMG.
Has someone already experience in this?
Or can help me anyway else...?

I really tried everything.
-Lutz's german induction (4 times)
-Lutz's bubble induction (3 times)
-Confusion induction (2 times)
-I've listened to it while i was sitting (3 Times)
-I'm listening to it once per day.
-I've tried it completely relaxed in my bed (concentrated on the voice and with mind wandering,each like 7 times)
-I'm doing it already one month and can't see any effect when I say the trigger phrase.
-I've tried it while i was doing something,for example while playing World of warcraft,watching TV,eating (cause I heard that this should help,too)

Description of my deepest trance.
(I hope it was one...)

First I'm realxing then I can't hold my eyes open.
Then I start to get some thoughts.
I can hear the voice very clearly.
But then I dream a bit,and can't really concentrate on the contents.
I am like sleeping,but when EMG says things about the transformation,I get horny and wake up a bit.
But when the awakener comes,I try to wake up as slowly as EMG counts.
Then I'm tired and feel like I just got up at the morning.
These changes of the sound between the bubble induction or the german induction and then in the middle of the TrigWerewolf file are just confusing me and I can't relax really.

Anyone Help!!!

I would be really really really HAPPY about it! :cry:
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Joined: October 6th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CHR » October 13th, 2008, 2:31 pm

Edit the file so it only has commands, put it on loop and fall asleep to it.
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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 14th, 2008, 1:00 pm

OK I will give it a try^^
thanks anyway :D
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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 15th, 2008, 2:57 am

So...I tried It last night. :?


I edited the file and put it on loop on my mp3 player.
It was difficult to sleep because I had to concentrate on the file...
But when I was finally "sleeping" (It was more a trance than a sleep)
the headphones disturbed.
Cause I can only sleep when I'm lying with the face to a wall.
I can't sleep on my back.
Then,I think I slept a bit cause I can't remember very good...
But then I started to sweat and my ear hurt.
I just couldn't sleep like that... :cry:
The next morning I tried the TirggerPhrase...I was so happy and I really believed that this time I would transform.
But NOTHING happened,I searched for a effect.
I couldn't see or feel any changes.
I said It several Times,but nothing happened... :cry:
It was just a normal,but a bit strange phrase in my mind...
I imagined and wished it with all my might...But nothing happened.

I'm just so desperate!
What can I do?
Please! Maybe a guru could reply.

But anyway! Please!Anyone! Help...T-T
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Joined: October 6th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby abunidal » October 15th, 2008, 7:30 am

Maybe you're trying too hard. Trance is more about letting go.

Plus, from what I've read, transformation files are the harder ones getting to work. Maybe you should stick to something more simple, e.g. itching foot.

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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 15th, 2008, 11:06 am

Wow...Itchy foot sound not very nice... :?
I don't really want a itchy foot.
I heard that hypnosis only works when you want it.

Has somebody other good and effective newbie files?^^
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Postby Ilisha » October 15th, 2008, 11:42 am

Well i can give a little advice on this.

I got the file from a friend i was curious but my freind had an account and i thought i'd give it a go.

Yeah i did just join but i have had hmm around 3months experimenting with the trigwerewolf file. Has been interesting so far.

Anyway for me nothing seemed to happen, no trance nor effects nothing, but i stuck with listening, i have really small headphones(earphones) as i call them, but anyway and i simply went to be listened to the file once or twice then tried the phrase, though for the first month nothing.

Seemed i was rather resistant to trance, or something was getting in the way, anyway it was around starting into the 2nd month when i had a mild success with the phrase, i could feel tingling on my hands and face, that seemed to persist....weird but i said the end phrase and it stopped so must be linked.

kinda renewed me so i continued with it, now i can feel my body wanting to change, and it is stange and uncomfortable, still not being drawn to all fours or anything or doing wolf like things, but it is having an effect, i can feel the changes happening somewhat along my face, my hands and ears, i can even feel my muscles wanting to change. Though thats about it.

I'm still trying with it though and getting there slowly, so just do what i did, persavier with it and see how it goes, its took me 3 months to really feel the changes, so far the newest thing is my hands feeling odd and a little stiff, somewhat like paws. though i don't really have a 'Trance' i just relax and listen, that or read a book whilst listening, seems to work for me anyway.

So give it time and i wish you luck, don't force it to happen, just let it happen, its something i realised mid 2nd month. well now i'm onto forth and may take me another few to get furthur with it but keep trying.

Oh and my deepest trance well....i belive it was a trance, my body was all tingerly, i felt weird, i could move but....i just didn't want to, even when i tried. This lasted for the entier file, and ended with the contdown...its happened only once or twice for me. So for me trance seems hard, but file is still working, so keep listening and trying.

Oh one other thing, i was also given the depening files, but i found that the more files i listened to the slower things went, it may be just me but try just 1 induction file with trig werewolf and stick with them, it will come hopefully, don't worry if nothing seems to happen, i did and now i am beleiveing this may work.

Good luck
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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 16th, 2008, 4:49 am

Oh thanks... :D
Your story was really...I don't know how to call it...It just seems like I said that!
cause that is really what I was waiting for^^
I didn't try it,but somehow I can feel that this is the right way,the way wich will bring me succes.

Thank you very much,I will take the german induction and Trigwerewolf now and stick with them.
And I will let myself go,just don't trying to push myself. :)
...and I won't download each and every induction <_<'

So...thanks to everyone in this thread!
But especially to Ilisha! ^-^

So If you have any other good advices,then you can just post them.
But no special need for it anymore! :D
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