Question about hormones

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Question about hormones

Postby Deej » November 8th, 2008, 3:08 am

I had a question for those who know about or are taking hormones. But it isn't about like, how much to take or what kinds work best. Instead, it's about something someone had suggested to me. A friend of mine said that most dollar stores or local pharmacy's have these hormones for woman during menopause. They told me they were cheap and apparently worked quite well.

Now my major thing is, without androgen blockers, or if they are too much or too little of a dose for what someone needs, can they still work? Are there potenital drawbacks or even some dangerous repercussions?

If they aren't all that good, does that mean all of the non-prescription hormones like you can get online and such just as bad? Or can those work out alright? Thanks for any assistance or advice provided. I actually have a myriad of other questions in mind but this is my most recent and possibly important, so the rest can be asked later or PM-conversed.

Thanks again, Dana ^^
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Postby PeppermintT » November 8th, 2008, 5:39 am

Your friend may be talking about food supplements containing phytoestrogens extracted from black cohosh and soya etc. They are for relief of menopause symptons as your friend said but are not hormones as such
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Postby aaab » November 9th, 2008, 2:13 am

If you intend to take hormones of any kind, please make sure you do it under a medical supervision.

Prescribed hormones can have serious side effects if used incorrectly, such as liver/renal damage, or even thrombosis which could end up in stroke.
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Answer to query about hormones

Postby jessicam » November 9th, 2008, 10:44 am

Hi, I've been taking female hormones since the 1980's now, to be precise 7.5 MG of Premarin split over three separate dosages and 20 MCG of Duphaston split into two separate doses.

These were prescribed to me when I was classified as being a TS.

I have to have regular blood tests for liver and thyroid function usually about every six mionths and my G.P also checks on levels of blood fats triglycerides etc., at the same time.

Hormones are certainly not be be treated lightly, they can be extremely dangerous if taken by people (for instance) who have heart or liver problems or who have a history of Cancer in their family (especially breast) You should only ever take hormones under strict medical supervision and they should only be ontained through a legitimate pharmacy. My suggestion for what it is worth is never to buy hormones from an overseas or on-line outlet, they are notorious for selling out of date drugs, differing levels of medication - and in some cases you may even be buying a placebo. Any company that would sell a total stranger something as dangerous as hormones (even if they offer a disclaimer such as 'see your G.P before taking these drugs') is of a very dubious nature.

If you really want to take hormones safely, see your G.P, explain the problem, seek a referral to a psychiatrist - and if you get one - and are diagnosed as a T.S - he or she will probably start you off with a smaller dosage (perhaps - athough some can dive straight in and prescribe normal levels) and you will be required to have regular blood tests - that's the safe way - but like most things in life there are un-safe methods as described.

I used to take Andocur an anti androgen (testosterone blocker) but have remained with the estrogen and progesteron as mentioned earlier as the degree of feminisation is fine as it is. I probably have lower than normal levels of testosterone anyway - although I have never asked anyone to check.

Sorry for the long boring reply - hope it helps - and more importantly keeps you safe from harm.
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Postby the_vortex » November 9th, 2008, 4:36 pm

those things you can get in dolar stores do contain hormones, but they are herbal things called phytoestrogens, they are female hormones amde by plants, in theory they do work the same as regular hormones, in practice you would need to braisicly munch ont hem all day to get any effects, its better to get them medicly perscibed, even if you have to pay for your perscriptions its still cheeper than buying those herbal things
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Postby Wildsprite » December 7th, 2008, 2:41 am

fact: most manufacturers of the phytoestrogen herbals strain them for extracts, infact 99% of them do, if your going to take phytos make sure there is a guaranteed potency on them(they want your business so lying to you is unwise wince if they don't work you will go elsewhere)

myth:phytoestrogens arent as strong as estrogens, actually they are. ofcourse finding them in their full strength isnt so easy since as I said above most of them get strained before they are made into the capsules or caplets, be careful if you take the strained stuff, to see any results you would have to take poisonous doses, and some herbals at higher doses just make you sick and don't do what you want anyway a big for instance is the anti androgen herbal saw palmetto if you go at above a certain amount not only does it not work it will just make you sick
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