Accepting suggestions

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Accepting suggestions

Postby livelonger8 » December 8th, 2008, 3:31 am

Whilst in-trance, should I imagine that of what is suggested or should I just simply listen (To repeat the phrase in my mind) or to interpret the meanings? Or, should I simply pre-occupy my mind from thought or imagination; to hear the words but to not be conscious of suggestions?

Can anyone clarify? Or if there are other ways of which I'm required to use in order to accept suggestions whilst in-trance.
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Postby whatthe75 » December 8th, 2008, 5:53 am

Your conscious mind shall do as it pleases and so shall your unconscious.All you need to do is learn.
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Postby livelonger8 » December 8th, 2008, 6:47 am

whatthe75 wrote:Your conscious mind shall do as it pleases and so shall your unconscious.All you need to do is learn.

Thank you for the reply, much appreciated.

I understand how my conscious mind will focus upon anything of which appears within my imagination, resulting in constant jumps from one vision to the next; I would visualize, hear and feel anything of which is thrown by my subconscious, similar to falling into a dream whilst going through a review process.

However, I don't understand as to whether I'm required to focus upon the words spoken; to interpret and understand the words that are spoken; to just merely skim the words; or to distract my conscious mind with thought and imaginative perception.

I understand hypnosis is different for each individual, but there surely must be a principle of which applies to all.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 8th, 2008, 9:58 am

It's a pleasure to confirm that, yes, there is a uniform principle.

When I was six, a school teacher sent a note to my parents. In that note, she expressed concern about my habit of spending a few minutes each day, sitting at my desk and staring out of the classroom window.

To this day, I still remember watching the treetops. And I still remember focusing on individual leaves; especially on days when the wind was strong enough to make them flick and flutter.

As an adult, I realize this was trance. I didn't know it at the time. And my child's mind was unaware that minds use trance to let go and to integrate new ideas.

Back then, it was just a pleasant pause. A calm, quiet time to set aside responsibilities of schoolwork and unfamiliar schoolmates.

And that's all there is to it, livelonger8. It's something children do intuitively.

The uniform principle you seek is not found in protocol.

    - It's unnecessary to focus on the words.
    - And it's unnecessary to distract with imaginative perception.
Instead, the uniform principle is found in letting go.

And if this is still unclear, consider taking a meditation class. The skills one learns in a meditation class are ageless - the same from generation to generation. Those skills are a gift one gives oneself.

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Postby livelonger8 » December 8th, 2008, 12:03 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:It's a pleasure to confirm that, yes, there is a uniform principle.

When I was six, a school teacher sent a note to my parents. In that note, she expressed concern about my habit of spending a few minutes each day, sitting at my desk and staring out of the classroom window.

To this day, I still remember watching the treetops. And I still remember focusing on individual leaves; especially on days when the wind was strong enough to make them flick and flutter.

As an adult, I realize this was trance. I didn't know it at the time. And my child's mind was unaware that minds use trance to let go and to integrate new ideas.

Back then, it was just a pleasant pause. A calm, quiet time to set aside responsibilities of schoolwork and unfamiliar schoolmates.

And that's all there is to it, livelonger8. It's something children do intuitively.

The uniform principle you seek is not found in protocol.

    - It's unnecessary to focus on the words.
    - And it's unnecessary to distract with imaginative perception.
Instead, the uniform principle is found in letting go.

And if this is still unclear, consider taking a meditation class. The skills one learns in a meditation class are ageless - the same from generation to generation. Those skills are a gift one gives oneself.

Thank you, all replies, including yours are greatly appreciated. :)
I've hit similar states many times, mostly when I wake up from a dream, I travel through many thoughts, solving and introducing many questions in relation to eliminating life constraints, ultimately improving upon daily life.

The trance you specified is something of which I had experienced during school; does this provide benefits in storing memory? I.e. would falling into this state upon learning or reading store that of what has been learned into the long-term memory? Or would it slip deep into the subconscious?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 8th, 2008, 1:18 pm

livelonger8 wrote:
The trance you specified is something of which I had experienced during school; does this provide benefits in storing memory? I.e. would falling into this state upon learning or reading store that of what has been learned into the long-term memory? Or would it slip deep into the subconscious?

A computer stores new data into memory - a simple operation. But our minds are different. They're much more complex and wonderful.

Our minds integrate new information. As new information is added, our minds interconnect it with other memories, other experiences, and other information.

    - That's why a scent can cause people to remember something that happened long ago.

    - That's why people can hear the start of a song and feel an impulse to dance or to cry

    - That's why the sight of a child in the street can cause drivers to slam on the brakes with no need for an active decision.
When you ask the question "would it slip deep into the subconscious?", it reveals a misunderstanding. Our subconscious minds are active entities in the same way our conscious minds are. They have different functions, mind you. But both entities access the wealth of information and experiences that've been integrated into memory.

It would be a mistake to think of the subconscious as a separate storehouse of memories.

    - Your subsconscious is the entity that cautions you to be wary and stay safe.

    - Your subconscious is the entity that causes you to seek out your favorite people, favorite things, and favorite activities.

    - Your subconscious does these things while it simultaneously remembers to breathe for you, and control the beating of your heart, and digest and much MUCH more.
So complex and wonderful.

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Postby whatthe75 » December 9th, 2008, 5:33 am

There is nothing that you hear or see that isn't noticed by your subconscious.There are things that you dont see or hear that are also noticed by your subconscious.
Seriousness is a deadly disease.
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Postby livelonger8 » December 10th, 2008, 12:37 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:
The trance you specified is something of which I had experienced during school; does this provide benefits in storing memory? I.e. would falling into this state upon learning or reading store that of what has been learned into the long-term memory? Or would it slip deep into the subconscious?

A computer stores new data into memory - a simple operation. But our minds are different. They're much more complex and wonderful.

Our minds integrate new information. As new information is added, our minds interconnect it with other memories, other experiences, and other information.

    - That's why a scent can cause people to remember something that happened long ago.

    - That's why people can hear the start of a song and feel an impulse to dance or to cry

    - That's why the sight of a child in the street can cause drivers to slam on the brakes with no need for an active decision.
When you ask the question "would it slip deep into the subconscious?", it reveals a misunderstanding. Our subconscious minds are active entities in the same way our conscious minds are. They have different functions, mind you. But both entities access the wealth of information and experiences that've been integrated into memory.

It would be a mistake to think of the subconscious as a separate storehouse of memories.

    - Your subsconscious is the entity that cautions you to be wary and stay safe.

    - Your subconscious is the entity that causes you to seek out your favorite people, favorite things, and favorite activities.

    - Your subconscious does these things while it simultaneously remembers to breathe for you, and control the beating of your heart, and digest and much MUCH more.
So complex and wonderful.

Thanks again for the reply, much appreciated. :)

Damn, if only all understanding of the mind could be clarified. One area may state how x functions, whilst another statement would be completely distinct in contrast to how the previous had discussed of how the component functions.

I've always presumed the subconscious to be the unconscious; the unconscious to be a process of which you are unaware of; subconscious to be sub-awareness; unconscious.

When I mentioned the deeper into the subconscious, I was meant in a similar way to dreams; dream memories are stored deeper to the waking reality. Think of it as a cave, the deeper you go into the cave, the more you find related to inner-occurrences, such as; dreams, whereas the further out of the cave, the closer to conscious awareness as it is to the waking reality; the conscious mind to become more and more active, as it would become less and less active the deeper into a sleep or into the subconscious.

With hypnotism, I kind of see it as taking a rock from outside the cave and into the cave; part of you forgets that you are in the waking reality, whilst one aspect may alert you (The rock) that you are only hypnotized or are dreaming; to become lucid.

As a separate warehouse for our memories; all memories are stored within our minds, access however, is the most important factor. Regardless as to whether they exist or not, memory is of no use if no access is available. For instance; memories from the waking reality are more easily accessed under conscious awareness when our conscious minds are more alert; dreams would also be more easily accessed if to be less conscious in a dream. Sometimes, when dreaming, I'll remember something of which had never occurred in the waking reality, later to consider of how it may just be a memory of a previous dream that I may have more access to when in a dream-state of mind. However, I do believe it is possible to take the rock inside in order to maintain your curiosity; to prevent yourself from believing that walking into a wall would win you the lottery, but rather to take a good guess of numbers whilst in-dream; to think more logical.
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Postby livelonger8 » December 10th, 2008, 12:42 pm

whatthe75 wrote:There is nothing that you hear or see that isn't noticed by your subconscious.There are things that you dont see or hear that are also noticed by your subconscious.

What I'm basically wondering, is whether or not if suggestions where to bypass our conscious minds would be most effective.

I.e. as a result of the conscious mind being much slower to the subconscious, for suggestions to bypass awareness and to be absorbed by the subconscious; would memory last longer subconscious? Would it be more easily accessed? Would it be adapted towards either negatively or positively? (I.e. as a result of the subconscious accepting anything, good or bad, would it still carry out orders? I.e. if you were to suggest for someone to have sex without their conscious mind knowing, would they do it?) Or is memory more easily accessed if the conscious mind is aware of suggestions?

I'm slightly lost. :(
And thanks for the reply also, much appreciated. :)
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 10th, 2008, 2:14 pm

There are several situations where suggestions can bypass our conscious minds. One of them is hypnosis (trance). Among the others: intense emotion or instructions given by an authority-figure.

And all of this is unimportant to enjoying trance.

When someone loves to be relaxed, all this detail is simply trivia.

It's unnecessary to know the conscious mind is faster than the subconscious mind. Wispy, flitting consciousness grows tired and takes its rest while the slow-moving, powerful giant presses on - never pausing, never resting.

It's unnecessary to know the conscious and subconscious minds cooperate to access memories.

What you focus on -
What you love to focus on - that's what you become

    The man (or woman) whose trances focus on the pleasure of obedience will become obedient.

    The woman (or man) whose trances focus on sexual responsiveness that's intense at a physical level and quiet at a conscious level, will find their sexual responsiveness change.

Trance is a thing so basic, a child can do it without training

It's so easy that this simple phrase can be enough:

- I love to be relaxed

For the man or woman who genuinely loves the feel of trance, this simple phrase is enough. It's enough, because for them it's true and real.

*Organic changes excluded
Last edited by MN_FriendlyGuy on December 11th, 2008, 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TheIconoclast » December 10th, 2008, 4:48 pm

livelonger8 wrote:What I'm basically wondering, is whether or not if suggestions where to bypass our conscious minds would be most effective.

It's important to remember that whatever the conscious and subconscious mind agree upon is easiest to make manifest. That is one reason that a reluctant subject who is still willing to pay for a session is likely to go under and take to suggestion - they have already decided that it was what they wanted consciously and probably have desired it subconsciously for a long time before they booked their session. They want the change to occur - the hypnotist is just there to facilitate it. Often all the hypnotist really has to do is live up to their expectations.

That is also one reason subliminals work better when you know what's being said to you. Your conscious mind has a chance to look it over and approve, giving a full green light to the subconscious to use the material it receives without conscious attempts to resist.

As for what to do when listening to files, I suggest you try to do what the Voice directs but do no more than that. Don't analyze. Don't study inflection, Don't try to create a more vivid imagery of what's being said. When the Voice says to Relax, try to Relax. When the Voice says Listen, just try to Listen. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and every good hypnotist is merely a guide. Try to let the Voice guide you into a nice relaxing state and you'll probably end up in trance, with practice.
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Postby whatthe75 » December 10th, 2008, 5:36 pm

livelonger8 wrote:
What I'm basically wondering, is whether or not if suggestions where to bypass our conscious minds would be most effective.

I.e. as a result of the conscious mind being much slower to the subconscious, for suggestions to bypass awareness and to be absorbed by the subconscious; would memory last longer subconscious? Would it be more easily accessed? Would it be adapted towards either negatively or positively? (I.e. as a result of the subconscious accepting anything, good or bad, would it still carry out orders? I.e. if you were to suggest for someone to have sex without their conscious mind knowing, would they do it?) Or is memory more easily accessed if the conscious mind is aware of suggestions?

I'm slightly lost. :(
And thanks for the reply also, much appreciated. :)

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Seriousness is a deadly disease.
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Postby livelonger8 » December 16th, 2008, 10:53 pm

whatthe75 wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:
What I'm basically wondering, is whether or not if suggestions where to bypass our conscious minds would be most effective.

I.e. as a result of the conscious mind being much slower to the subconscious, for suggestions to bypass awareness and to be absorbed by the subconscious; would memory last longer subconscious? Would it be more easily accessed? Would it be adapted towards either negatively or positively? (I.e. as a result of the subconscious accepting anything, good or bad, would it still carry out orders? I.e. if you were to suggest for someone to have sex without their conscious mind knowing, would they do it?) Or is memory more easily accessed if the conscious mind is aware of suggestions?

I'm slightly lost. :(
And thanks for the reply also, much appreciated. :)

Why Why Why Why Why.How long is a piece of string?

What will this knowledge gain for you?

Knowledge gains enlightenment; I like to know more.
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Postby livelonger8 » December 16th, 2008, 10:54 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:There are several situations where suggestions can bypass our conscious minds. One of them is hypnosis (trance). Among the others: intense emotion or instructions given by an authority-figure.

And all of this is unimportant to enjoying trance.

When someone loves to be relaxed, all this detail is simply trivia.

It's unnecessary to know the conscious mind is faster than the subconscious mind. Wispy, flitting consciousness grows tired and takes its rest while the slow-moving, powerful giant presses on - never pausing, never resting.

It's unnecessary to know the conscious and subconscious minds cooperate to access memories.

What you focus on -
What you love to focus on - that's what you become

    The man (or woman) whose trances focus on the pleasure of obedience will become obedient.

    The woman (or man) whose trances focus on sexual responsiveness that's intense at a physical level and quiet at a conscious level, will find their sexual responsiveness change.

Trance is a thing so basic, a child can do it without training

It's so easy that this simple phrase can be enough:

- I love to be relaxed

For the man or woman who genuinely loves the feel of trance, this simple phrase is enough. It's enough, because for them it's true and real.

*Organic changes excluded

Ah, okays. Thanks. :)
Also, how do you mean by.. "Organic changes excluded"?
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Postby livelonger8 » December 16th, 2008, 10:56 pm

I know it may be of annoyance, but this still hasn't been fully clarified: should I imagine or should I just let the voice pass by?

For instance; I fall under an induction, I feel in trance and feel extremely relaxed. However, when the hypnotist requests for me to imagine something, do I imagine it? Or do I just let the voice pass by?
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Postby Calimore » December 19th, 2008, 7:01 am

TheIconoclast wrote:As for what to do when listening to files, I suggest you try to do what the Voice directs but do no more than that. Don't analyze. Don't study inflection, Don't try to create a more vivid imagery of what's being said. When the Voice says to Relax, try to Relax. When the Voice says Listen, just try to Listen. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and every good hypnotist is merely a guide. Try to let the Voice guide you into a nice relaxing state and you'll probably end up in trance, with practice.

That almost says it all, livelonger8. Just try to follow the tist's instructions. If he asks you to image you're watching a volleyball game on a nice warm beach, try to visualize that and nothing more. If the tist says your hand is feeling light, and it doesn't, then just PRETEND it does. That works, too.

Also, try visualizing yourself going into a very deep trance at different points throughout your day and ESPECIALLY before you have a session. Try to affix that image in your mind, imagining also how relaxed your body feels now that all the tension's gone from your it. You'll soon begin to see that image becoming more and more real. Once it seems as real to you as it can get, see yourself becoming that image. Imagine yourself standing there admiring how deep THAT guy is in trance and simply become him, laying down where you see him laying so that you can enjoy your new reality.

Try to make it clear to your mind that you fully need and expect to start having deep trances where you are highly responsive to suggestion. Barrage it with the concept. Eventually it will "get the picture" and realize that this is somethings that's GONNA happen. Then, you will only have to ask your mind if it chooses to experience a pleasant, deep trance now, or an hour from now... ;)
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Postby d3aTh_nDk » December 23rd, 2008, 11:49 am

whichever your most comfortable with. its different for everyone.
try both, and do whichever you like best, whichever seems to work the most.

its best to just quiet your mind. if you start to drift off dont do anything to stop it. if you dont drift off, dont try to force it. if you have visualizations just let them flow. watch them, but dont try to control them. If you dont see anything, dont force yourself.

just let it all flow. let your mind do what it wants to do. and dont try to control anything.

thats how i usually have best results.
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