EMg's newest or WMM'S newest

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Moderator: EMG

EMg's newest or WMM'S newest

Postby liljonny » December 24th, 2008, 5:21 am

I think that when you click on EMG'S newest or WMM'S newest it should take you to the complete description of the file. The way it is now, if you don't have premium membership , it only takes you to the premium membership page. Without a description of the file, it is hard to decide if you want to buy membership .
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Re: EMg's newest or WMM'S newest

Postby EMG » December 25th, 2008, 4:33 am

That is both a good idea and simple to do. I'll either do that or create a hover effect that allows you to see a full description when you put your cursor over the name of the file.

liljonny wrote:I think that when you click on EMG'S newest or WMM'S newest it should take you to the complete description of the file. The way it is now, if you don't have premium membership , it only takes you to the premium membership page. Without a description of the file, it is hard to decide if you want to buy membership .
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