Best files?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Best files?

Postby SynGirl » December 29th, 2008, 5:01 pm

I want to start file hypnosis and whatnot...
And I have a few questions.

1) Will they work/take effect/whatever while I'm asleep?
2) What's the best files for physical feminization?
3) Same as 2, but for personality feminization?

I'm looking for general female feminization, by the way.
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Re: Best files?

Postby PS360 » December 29th, 2008, 5:05 pm

SynGirl wrote:I want to start file hypnosis and whatnot...
And I have a few questions.

1) Will they work/take effect/whatever while I'm asleep?
2) What's the best files for physical feminization?
3) Same as 2, but for personality feminization?

I'm looking for general female feminization, by the way.

1) I have no idea if any of them work while asleep.

2) I heard SuperFemaleWhammy is one

3)I don't know.
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Postby Dubloons » December 30th, 2008, 9:20 am

I'm not sure if you would get anything out of a traditional file while sleeping. My guess is no, but seeing as I have not personally tried anything of the sort, I have no idea.

As for best files, I think the results you get vary from person to person. Some files may work better for some people and not for others, I suggest you pick some out and give them a try and see what you like best. The two files I read most around here as being effective are CurseStrokeSissy and SuperFemaleWhammy.

Recording your experience with the files you try may help you decide which are working better for you (aka... keep a journal!)

My $0.02
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Postby CycoMelody » December 31st, 2008, 2:49 am

I love how people like to give advice about things they know nothing about. Yes the files can work in your sleep. They won't be as effective but they will work. Hon try things for yourself. Don't go by what someone else says. Some people like to discourage others from trying things because they can't get things to work themselves. Its not fair and it flat out rude. Sometimes our parents were right when they told us, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." Take a chance. Good luck.
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Postby PS360 » December 31st, 2008, 11:36 pm

CycoMelody wrote:I love how people like to give advice about things they know nothing about. Yes the files can work in your sleep. They won't be as effective but they will work. Hon try things for yourself. Don't go by what someone else says. Some people like to discourage others from trying things because they can't get things to work themselves. Its not fair and it flat out rude. Sometimes our parents were right when they told us, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." Take a chance. Good luck.

are you saying this to everyone that replied above like me?
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Postby CycoMelody » January 1st, 2009, 4:36 pm

PS360 wrote:
CycoMelody wrote:I love how people like to give advice about things they know nothing about. Yes the files can work in your sleep. They won't be as effective but they will work. Hon try things for yourself. Don't go by what someone else says. Some people like to discourage others from trying things because they can't get things to work themselves. Its not fair and it flat out rude. Sometimes our parents were right when they told us, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." Take a chance. Good luck.

are you saying this to everyone that replied above like me?

No as you weren't discouraging. You were honest. I just have a problem with people who discourage others. Its rather unfair to the person trying. Someone did that to me early on. I was starting to have some results from a file and someone discouraged me. I gave up because I lost hope. It stinks to spend time working with a file and someone says how "it can't be done..." or "It's not real, all roleplay..." it crushes a person. If a person is negatively reinforced, they feel doomed to fail. If they are positively reinforced they feel hope. Hope is a powerful factor in hypnosis.

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RE: Negative Nellies

Postby Calimore » January 2nd, 2009, 8:52 am

Again, I find myself agreeing with Melody.

Hypnosis is as powerful a force as one allows it to be. For some it IS just role play because that's all they allow it to be. For others, it can truly alter the shape of their personal reality. Most people fall somewhere in between...

But yes, it seems hypnotism has helped many people seeking feminization. While that's not my thing, I'm sure that hypnosis can help one in that area as much as they believe it can. (And perhaps a smidgen more!)
If you only Believe in Hypnosis, It can Change Your Life.
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Postby Henrique » January 2nd, 2009, 12:49 pm

I don't know how powerful is the hypnosis, but if your subcouncious already want the change (even if your councious mind don't), the hypnosis can be an excuse to surrender to your subcouncious will, or a key to make it more powerful than the concious mind.

sry for the mispelling, drunk.

tl;dr hypnosis work, how we do not know (theories, not facts), but we do know it works
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Postby alonewolf » February 11th, 2009, 1:46 am

Well I agree with C.Melody and others about not letting what others say discourge you. Me I just posted (most likely in the wrong place) in success stories-under18yr old girl.Other then finding the curse files interesting ,I really didn't feel any results.But hey Maybe i need too listen more fequently,or Maybe thats just me.Perhappes like some people hear said maybe I am one of those who just treats it as a fantasy,or perhappes ,I am too recessdent or whatever the case ,thats just me.But too everyone else good luck getting results you want.

while I am at it speaking of interesting...I think a file that not only changes your sex but race whould bea interesting listen....anyone see something like that?
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Postby MacGyver » February 11th, 2009, 4:23 pm

myslf, i think i would have to agree with melody, eventhough some suggestions may stick for a very long time after you have stopped listening to a file, this is the reason i agree. take the fembutt growth file, i had gone 8-10 months without trancing with the file, just to see if the suggestions had stuck for that long, i said the trigger, and felt something for all of 2 seconds. i downloaded the body and played it over and over in my sleep, on a loop. after 3 or 4 nights of this, i said the trigger just to see if anything would happen, for the next 5-10 minutes, it felt as if my butt was swelling, to the point my butt was starting to tingle. yet i had not used the full file nor did i lay down to trance with the file, i just left it play on a loop in my sleep, the volume much lower than i would use if i were trying to trance, just high enough, my waking mind just could make out the words.

so, yeah, i have to agree with melody that the files could have an effect if listened to in your sleep.
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