is it possible?

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is it possible?

Postby MacGyver » January 7th, 2009, 10:46 pm

i am wandering if it would be possible to now be feeling effects of files that i have not experimented with in 9 months or more? for example, in the curse corset file, either ya wear a corset or heels and if you dont have them you will go out and buy them, and today i bought myself some heels and have been thinking alot on getting myself a corset yet it has been atleast nine months since i experimented with that file.

as for the curse gurlish figere, i onyl tranced with that one 2 or 3 times and now find myself getting workout clothing for women yet for me to wear. the excercise videos i have are aimed towards women and shaping the female body.

just so ya'll know, i have experiment with almost every feminisation file on this site except the pay files, and there is a set of those that i have been thinking about buying.

not quite sure what is going on, but am thinking that having a memory about like a steel trap could be working against me or at the least, maybe it is some sort of delayed reaction. i have not experimented with the fembutt file in about 6 months or so but, when i say the trigger, i start to get a tingly sensation in my butt.

here in my mind, things sometimes confuse me just a bit, ya know.
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Postby cardigan » January 7th, 2009, 11:48 pm

Suggestions that your subconscious readily accepts can have a life span that is infinite. There is a technique called the law of compounding, that we hypnotists can use, that will facilitate real, permanent change. But the subject's mind most readily accept the suggestions to begin with. It must say to itself: "I like that suggestion and I know it will work". Then you can have permanent change via those suggestions!

If a suggestion you once liked is now stuck, and you would like to get rid of it, seeing a real hypnotist and having it removed by hypnotherapy might be the only solution, I think.

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby MacGyver » January 8th, 2009, 8:51 am

your reply brings up yet another question, would it be possible for say, if i still want to lose this spare tire around my waist that until that day comes, the curse corset file could still come back for me whether i use it or not?

i mean, what if my subconsious mind is trying to use the suggestions from that file to make my body lose the excess fat from my waist and me buying heels and thinking seriously of getting a corset to wear as the file suggests, could it be that right now my subconscious mind thinks that is the fastest way to lose the unwanted tire around my waist?

now, i have longed for an hourglass figure like a woman with a nice round butt since i was young, but have no real interests in turning 100% female, i was also wandering if that could be the reason my mind does not accept but just certain parts of the files which will reshape my body into something more to my liking and would those parts of the files be most likely to stick with me?

it must seem as though i am askin alot of questions with this one post, but i think you know a deal more than i do on this, and my cosnsious mind is curious at the moment.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 8th, 2009, 9:02 am

Congratulations, MacGyver. And, thanks for confirming it.

Self-actualization happens in its own way and in its own time.

And it's unnecessary to listen to mp3s hour after hour. A single listen can be enough - especially if it feels right and gives you pleasure.

    - What you focus on...
    - What you love to focus on...
    that's what you become
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Postby MacGyver » January 8th, 2009, 9:22 am

so, with a feminine figure being what i desire most from the files, then that is why those are the only files or parts of files that seem to be affecting me?

for a few years now, i have thought about how much fun i could have around halloween if i had a figure like a woman, i could crossdress and with my male voice, scare the crap outta people. but, the figure has been something i have desired since i was around 13 or 14 years old and am now 32 years old. i was close to having the figure i desired before my knee injury, all i woulda needed was the nice round butt and the wide hips, which is the reason for the bicycle i am building with the high gear ratio, to help with shrinking my waist and swelling my thighs back up. before my knee injury, my thighs were huge, but instead of looking manly, they were kinda feminine looking, nicely rounded. womens jeans would have fit better than my mens jeans at the time i think.

to give ya some sort of idea what i used to look like, i had about a 36-38 inch waist but, my thighs were so huge, i had to wear size 50 in mens jeans, and those were even snug on my thighs. womens pants/jeans are made for the thighs to be bigger than the waist, or atleast that is my understanding of why womens jeans are different from mens. i used to own and ride a bicycle with a really high gear ratio, and when i get done with the one i am going to build, the high gear will be an even higher ratio than anything i have had before.

but i am a bit curious, i am wandering if maybe my subconsious mind thinks that until i get the bicycle built that the suggestions from the curse corset file for me to wear a corset could be what helps me lose my waist and if maybe the heels are to remind me to wear the corset maybe?

i dont have a corset yet, but have this feeling i may end up ordering one sometime in the next few weeks.
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