can someone make me a file, i bet nobody can hypnotize me?

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can someone make me a file, i bet nobody can hypnotize me?

Postby jaydel15 » December 22nd, 2008, 9:56 pm

ive tried the majority of "decent" files on this site and none have had any effects on me could someone make me a file (erotic one) and see if it works, it would need to be powerful. :D
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Postby Henrique » December 23rd, 2008, 2:42 pm

no file is better than a face-to-face hypnotist, followed by a phone call, then by text; since the hypnotist can adjust to your responses, something a file cannot.
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Postby Calimore » December 23rd, 2008, 10:46 pm

Most people find that if they try different inductions from the site, looking for ones that helps them relax and focus, and then listen to them for 2 or 3 weeks, they experience trance and are able to use other more 'difficult' files.

Perhaps it's too early in your quest to expect the mountain to come to Mohammad. Let me suggest EMG's Focus Induction, Blink's Basic Induction and Lutz's Bubble Induction. Those, and Accelerator, Suggestible and TrainSusceptible helped me a lot when I was first starting out.

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Postby jaydel15 » December 25th, 2008, 10:32 am

Calimore wrote:Most people find that if they try different inductions from the site, looking for ones that helps them relax and focus, and then listen to them for 2 or 3 weeks, they experience trance and are able to use other more 'difficult' files.

Perhaps it's too early in your quest to expect the mountain to come to Mohammad. Let me suggest EMG's Focus Induction, Blink's Basic Induction and Lutz's Bubble Induction. Those, and Accelerator, Suggestible and TrainSusceptible helped me a lot when I was first starting out.


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Postby cardigan » December 28th, 2008, 3:45 am

Right now you are giving yourself powerful suggestions that hypnosis will not work on you. You are expecting it to be hard to go into trance. - It isn't. But as long as you are giving yourself those suggestions, then this is what is happening. Oh, and you are actually good at acting on those suggestions, it seems - which means you ought to be easy to hypnotize! :-)

Files are great - if you have the correct mindset to begin with. But if you are a sceptic - or if you are convinced that hypnosis is a lot of "bull", and that you can't be hypnotized, then nobody will be able to help you straight away. You need to change those beliefs, relax and open up. Open up to the possibility that you CAN in fact be hypnotized.

Anybody who is able to concentrate for as long as it takes to count from 1 to 10 can be hypnotized. Trance is an everyday occurrence. We all go in and out of trance all day long - if we count ourselves to the human race. But many people have misassumptions about trance, so when they are actually in trance, they don't notice it. They think that when they go into trance, they will zone out and not be able to remember what happened, or that it will feel out of this world. Well, for the vast majority of people, going into trance feels almost just like sitting or lying down with your eyes closed and all your muscles relaxed. You remember perfectly afterwards everything that happened. Then after a long time of practise this can change and you can begin to feel other things as you learn to go deeper.

But trust it. Believe in it and keep trusting it - even if it doesn't feel like anything at all, and even though results are scarse at first. They will come eventually. Be patient. You can help things along the first times by pretending that it works. If the induction tells you that you should now not be able to move an arm or a leg when the count is over, then pretend that you can't. Pretend to try to move the arm or leg and pretend that it just won't work. You are not cheating. You are teaching your mind how to respond and this will actually help a lot. Remember: you are not trying to test whether the hypnosis can prevent you from bending that arm. If you let go of the nice relaxation (and go out of the trance you are in at the time) you will have no problem flexing an arm or a leg. But you are in fact trying to test the opposite: that if you relax enough and if you maintain that nice level of relaxation, then you will be unable to bend it. (And you will). :-)

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Similar problem...

Postby Ladon » January 17th, 2009, 11:55 pm

I feel like I'm in a similar boat as the OP. I do believe that hypnosis is possible and in fact easy for some. I used to be able to lucid dream quite regularly, which was fun most of the time. The trouble is: I purchased some DPF recordings a long while ago, I've used many of WMM's files, and I've even created my own, but nothing has had results.

The ultimate trigger I would want, if I had my choice, would be "Wet and Mess Uncontrollably when triggered by Mommy" or something like that. I've actually written my own script for that, and hope that we can get it to work eventually.

I like the "Bubbles" induction, and am confident I was in trance when listening at least once. I seem to be very aware of errors in the recordings, though. I almost always wake up a little when I notice the splice between one of EMG's inductions and the body of the file. Likewise, when Lutz's voice becomes binaural in Bubbles, it wakes me right up and raises my heart rate.

I've never been able to experience hypnoamnesia, even when the suggestion for it was given. I have yet to experience an 'unintentional' reaction to a trigger, but I hope to eventually. I ache to have Mommy say "You're such a baby" and find myself wetting and messing before I have a chance to try to stop it.
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Postby MacGyver » January 18th, 2009, 7:26 pm

now, if you have insomnia, it can be hard to get your mind to be quiet long enough to achieve trance, which as stated a few times before by those with experience, trance is learned, so you have to keep practicing with it, but to help get a noisy mind quiet, try blinks basic induction, trust me, been there, done that. my insomnia is not nearly as bad as it was 6 months ago, and i am finding that when i try to trance, my mind quiets down alot faster so trance comes easier, so, that file has helped me in 2 ways.
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Postby Ladon » January 19th, 2009, 12:05 pm

Never had a problem with insomnia, but no kidding Macgyver, that file really did quiet my wandering thoughts and sucked me right in. I didn't lose time or anything, but I loved it.

I noticed, though, that it felt like just before I'd really zone out, my heart would start racing. I have a minor heart abnormality that tends to make me feel my heartbeat more clearly than most people, and it sometimes literally skips a beat then tries to catch up.

It was most obvious when Blink got to the part about noticing changes, and suddenly he ... ... paused, and got a little quieter. It was like 'Whoosh! what just happened?'
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Postby dood185 » January 19th, 2009, 4:09 pm

. Likewise, when Lutz's voice becomes binaural in Bubbles, it wakes me right up and raises my heart rate.

I had the same problem. But if you've listened to it enough times, you'll start to expect the change, and get used to it. After a while I didn't even notice the change anymore.
I ache to have Mommy say "You're such a baby" and find myself wetting and messing before I have a chance to try to stop it.

Maybe you are focusing too much on the results, when/before you listen to the files... Again, I did the same thing. Then I stopped thinking about the file I was going to listen to, stopped thinking about the results and just enjoyed the file, then it actually started working a tiny bit better.
I'm still not there yet, but it just takes practice and patience I think...
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Postby ftslave67 » January 19th, 2009, 4:53 pm

Yeah, if you are determined not to go into trance, then no one can make you, against your will (unless you've been properly trained, in advance). However, conversely, if you want to go into trance, no one can stop you. In addition to the other great advice given here, I would suggest listening when you are not too tired, but relaxed, maybe a short time after coming home from work, or whatever. Right before bed can be a good time if you're not too tired. Don't be on drugs or alcohol, and just listen to the voice--pay attention to it, and I'll bet pretty soon you'll be trancing away. Try different styles, maybe confusion induction if you are an analytical type, like me.
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Postby Kharon » February 3rd, 2009, 8:26 pm

Ironically, wanting a file to work -- especially an erotic one, can also hurt the experience. Your conscious mind builds a double expectation -- you *want* it to work, but you know going in (the first time) that it doesn't work (yet). Thus your mind reinforces the negative belief, "this trigger is useless", which encourages posts like this. Likewise the extra excitement from a strong interest in a file (especially if it's sexual to you) can make it harder to relax and experience trance, since you get worked up beforehand, and if you don't release that stress, the induction won't necessarily do it for you.

This is why it's a good idea to start by building some very simple suggestions up, which you have no particularly strong feelings about. For me, rushing into, say, TrigFurryTransformation was a horrible call, those years ago when I tried it first. In the time since, I've been able to determine that using freeze and strip triggers as tests, I can prove a response, and by using a modified incarnation of the Enchanted Keyboard Curse that gives me great logical flow and precision in what I want to write, and the order in which I want it to occur (if any order), I've not only demonstrated the ability to program myself from outside of trance, but to have very creative interpretations of how to achieve things and also to increase my suggestability.

How? Simply by writing that I am suggestible, and that when I choose to listen to a file, I listen to it fully (so that I don't stop a file I chose to start halfway without good cause, and go back to it when possible). I also added a control over what suggestions actually get accepted by allowing myself to wake up at a "bad" suggestion, but still listening through to identify the bad, for the sake of editing.

I still have visualization and hallucination trouble, so I recognize that I'm not yet fully ready for TrigFurryTransformation, but I've been working on it by using triggers that aren't simple turn-ons for me, and by using hypnosis recordings, before that, which were simply trance and deepening, to help alleviate how much of a turn-on just hypnosis (of myself or another person) is for me.

Keep at it, and try simpler files. A lot of people have written well of Lady Rio's Female Orgasm, and I advise the Freeze trigger (either version) as a good starter suggestion. Also, as long as you can control the use of it, the strip trigger is good. If you're worried about being triggered at random, or being interrupted while training the trigger, avoid it in favor of Freeze. Also, keep in mind that training yourself to respond is as much a part as actually planting the trigger "seed" -- what good is a trigger to strip if it never once gets used to make you strip? Eventually it fades from your subconscious memory unless it's used.
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Postby Hypnosisdom » March 20th, 2009, 7:51 pm

Jaydel, let me say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You decide how deep or how shallow your state will be. Cardigan is correct in his/her statements. If you decide not to be hypnotized then you won't be. I go extremely deep when in hypnosis but only with those I allow it with. Instead of trying to listen or question what is being said, just relax and hear it as if it were background sounds.
But as Cardigan stated if you say you cannot be hypnotized or it is not working then you are correct.
Wish you luck
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