Quick question, did I go under?

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Quick question, did I go under?

Postby Blarghwut » January 8th, 2009, 8:54 am

Hey guys, I'm curious what the most common feelings associated with being in a trance are. I listened to Cardigan's gradual induction file last night and I think I may have gone under but I don't know for sure.

Heres my comment from the file -

"I don't know if it was the induction, but when I listened to this, the last thing I remember was my legs being REALLY tingly and my entire body being really relaxed. Next thing I knew, I was awake and it was 6 o'clock in the morning. I don't remember listening to the entire induction, so I'm not sure if I blacked out and fell asleep at the end, or just fell asleep mid-way. Any comments? At any rate, I'll try this again. Perhaps I've finally found an induction that works for me. Thanks!"

Any comments on that would be appreciated.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 8th, 2009, 11:06 am

Thanks for a posting that made me chuckle, Blarghwut. Two things come together to make me smile - both related to you.

As of this moment, you've posted two messages in the WMM forum. Everything I know about you comes from those two messages. That's not very much - and yet it's enough.

    The first message you posted reveals a mind that's creative and aware... able to perceive possibilities from seemingly unrelated items. Specifically: using a text-to-audio website to make an audio of a hypnosis trigger.

    Your new message confirms a mind that's curious - and curiosity is what drives creativity.
I'm chuckling because I suspect the two of us might have similar personalities. And if this suspicion is correct, it won't be long until your wonderful curiousity leads you to begin studying hypnosis - how to do it. And we both know where that will lead. :-)

You've asked about the common feelings associated with trance. For the sake of this response, I'd like to define the word "trance" as everything in the mind that's not in conscious awareness.

There are several possible feelings, each depending on the type of trance.

    - There's 'elevator' type trance - where you briefly allow yourself to be on hold - lost in thought. How would you describe the feeling for this type of trance?

    - There's 'book' (or 'cinema') type trance - where the plot of a story engages you so completely that you lose track of time. How would you describe the feeling for this type of trance?

    - There's 'immobility' type trance - For example: when you're eating and you raise a forkful of food partway to your mouth and then just hold it there until you finish speaking. (Since you don't consciously hold your arm stiff to prevent spilling, it's considered a form of trance) How would you describe the feeling for this type of trance?

    - There's 'sensory' type trance - where you allow yourself to be lost in wonderful sensations your body is experiencing; great sex, for example. How would you describe the feeling when conscious thinking goes away so that you can live in the moment (trance)?

    - There's 'reverie' type trance, too. That's where you re-live memories & experiences; especially if you reexperience emotion for those memories. How would you describe the feeling for this type of trance?
Blarghwut, I realize you're asking about the feeling of guided trance. The answer lies within all the answers you've given for the different types of trance. Sometimes it's a physical sensation, in the head, the stomach or even a tingly feeling in the legs. Sometimes it's just a period of time that disappeared. Sometimes it's an emotional sensation. And sometimes, it's a blend of those sensations.

My best to you as you study and explore.
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Postby loony28 » January 8th, 2009, 3:58 pm

Well it might have been a trance though I'm thinking you just fell asleep. Of course you could have tranced and then drifted off to sleep which does happen to people. You know in your heart whether or not you tranced. It's nothing specific, you just know.
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Postby Blarghwut » January 8th, 2009, 4:05 pm

Normally, I wouldn't be so unsure about it. It's just that I normally take a long time to fall asleep, and this time I had no prior memory of it, and trust me when I say I don't recall falling asleep like that in a very long time. I'll take another listen tonight, thanks for your help and advice fellas *bows deeply*
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Postby MacGyver » January 25th, 2009, 9:54 pm

well, with blink's basic induction, i never make it to the end, it relaxes me to the point i fall alseep easily, it slows and quiets my noisy mind so i can sleep.

now, as far as going into trance, sometimes, my forehead will pulse, like it is swelling and shrinking over and over, when i feel this, i go really deep, really fast. infact, i went down so fast, it kinda spooked me. sometimes when i trance, i get tingly, starting in either the hand and arms or the feet and it goes all the way through me, sometimes i feel as if i am floating and extremely happy, and if i have a small fan running by me, the sound of the fan will go away and the voice comin through the ear plugs will be the only thing i am able to hear, and a couple of times, i have gone so deep, it felt like i had fallen asleep, but at the end of the file, when the last number was spoken to wake me up, my eyes flew open.

trance is not the same for everyone, and for me, it is not the same every time. sometimes, just before i acheive trance, i will feel something like electrical shocks, sometimes from my lower ned to the back of my head, and soemtimes from my head to my lower neck, then it si not long after that i am in trance, sometimes i achieve trance halfway through the induction.

so, if you feel any of the things i do, chances are, you are achieving trance, if not, just keep practicing. practice makes perfect, and the more you do it, the better you will be when going itno trance, plus the more you do it, the easier it gets. been there, doing that.
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