A thought about driving

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A thought about driving

Postby JadynMC » January 24th, 2009, 3:53 pm

I was in my car today and I heard the engine at a low rumble and the thought came to mind about low frequencies. I wonder if some cars engines produce low frequencies in the theta range or so which would help cause people to go into trance while driving, plus the other causes.

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Postby whatthe75 » January 24th, 2009, 4:20 pm

If they did you wouldn't hear them anyway.The frequencies that are that level ( i believe around the 5-8hz) are below 20hz which is the limit of our hearing.

Brian waves work by playing two different frequncies,one on each ear.They would only be diffenremces of about 5- 8hz.The brain detects the difference between them and the effect works from there.
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Postby Calimore » January 25th, 2009, 12:15 pm

Interesting thread...

In actuality, whatthe75 is referring to 'binaural beats', an effect used to create a specified frequency (or frequencies) within the mind of a listener.

While the frequency range dldrip is talking about may be below our threshold of awareness, that doesn't mean that it cannot effect us. Lower frequencies tend to travel and resonate quite well. I would not be surprised to find that there are loud sounds created by motor vehicles that are in the theta range, but I would be surprised to find that they didn't produce sounds in the other frequency ranges which effect the human mind, too (especially delta).

Want to get a colicky baby to sleep when nothing else works? Go for a drive - it works almost every time. And I cannot count how many times, as a child, I was lulled off into slumber after 20 minutes or more of just riding in a car.

Unfortunately, I doubt anyone of importance in Detroit would give a rat's ass about this kind of thing, but I bet there might be an engineer at Honda or Subaru, or maybe at SAAB, that would like to ponder and maybe even study this concept. Ultimately, this may be an addressable safety issue. A company that broke ground in this field could possibly use it to leverage themselves into a more favorable market position in what has become a very competitive industry.
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binaural beats

Postby JadynMC » January 25th, 2009, 4:50 pm

I understand binaural beats what if in a 4 cylinder car that one set of pistons was set to one frequency and the other set of pistons was set to be the 5hz off then you would get binaural beats off of your engine. But ya I totally agree with you calimore that the car companies should do some research here.

p.s. actually it dawned on me that it probably would be the sound of the tires on the asphalt minus the noise of the engine.

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Postby Blink » January 25th, 2009, 8:03 pm

The entrainment has more to do with hitting the right frequencies than with how you get there.

The object of the game is to generate a frequency in the range specified above (and previously on this site and in frequency tables on other sites, links all in the archives). The problem is that the frequencies you're trying to get to are below the threshold of human hearing and the capacity of most audio equipment to generate.

The mechanical operation of the car might generate the right frequency of its own accord. (And I'd expect that an acoustical engineer would have checked it along the way, probably when checking the general acoustical characteristics of the cabin.) But it's not a frequency that you can record and play back, 'cause the audio equipment can't handle it.

If your headphones won't play it, how do you get it in your head? A cute audio trick.

The theory of binaural beats is that if you play two frequencies that are offset a little and pipe one in one ear and one in the other, what your brain hears is the difference between the two. That way you can generate the 7 Hz or so that you want to create without having to invest tens of thousands of dollars in equipment.

There are tons of articles online about what frequencies are good for what states of mind and how to get from one to another. The archives here are rich. Google is your friend.

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Postby kiboe » January 25th, 2009, 8:34 pm

well, on another note about low frequincies, i am under one file (trigwerewolf) and the rumble on my tempo didn't put me under at all, so, yea,

about low frequincies, it would give one headaches more then anything, here is an example

i used to live near an Industrial Wind Turbine farm, every often when it was windy.."WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH" as the blades passed the tower, it didn't phase me.
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Postby Blink » January 26th, 2009, 6:45 am

I don't know where the research is with using low frequencies to get trance... or anything else for that matter.

I know that there was a lot of attention (a lot of text on the Web) about the US Navy setting up transmitter stations for low-frequency transmission. The Navy said it was trying to keep in contact with submerged submarines. The conspiracy theorists said it was all about mind control.

There's a lot of information available, but you've got to Google hard and read through it all.

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the LIDA

Postby Calimore » January 26th, 2009, 3:49 pm

Soviet investigators have also developed a therapeutic device
utilizing low frequency square wave modulation of a radio frequency
field. This instrument known as the Lida was developed by L.
Rabichev and his colleagues in Soviet Armenia, and is designed for
"the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders, such as
neuroses, psychoses, insomnia, hypertension, stammering, bronchia
asthma, and asthenic and reactive disturbances".

It is covered by U.S. Patent # 3,773,049. In addition to the
pulsed RF field, the device also delivers pulsed light, pulsed
sound, and pulsed heat. Each stimulus train can be independently
adjusted in intensity and frequency.

The radio frequency field has a nominal carrier frequency of 40 MHz
and a maximum output of approximately 40 Watts. The E- field is
applied to the patient on the sides of the neck through two disc
electrodes approximately 10 cm in diameter. The electrodes are
located at a distance of 2-4 cm from the skin.

Optimal repetition frequencies are said to lie in the range from 40
to 80 pulses per minute. Pulse duration is typically 0.2 sec. In
an 8 year trial period, the instrument was tested on 740 patients,
including adults and children.

The full text about this device can be found at: * Russian 'Medical' Device - The Lida *.

The question we have to ask ourselves at this point is not whether or not it is possible to embed suggestions within radio waves of this type but to what depth and degree it can be done effectively. The next question one may then ask is "What suggestions would agencies like the US Navy be using and on whom." With Naval recruiting being at about the same level as ever, I'm willing to bet that it's not "Yvan eht Nioj". ;)
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 27th, 2009, 6:16 am

Saes eht Lias nac uoy sey
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Postby Blink » January 27th, 2009, 9:11 am

The VLF and ULF stuff and Lida, especially, are all old news. Your link starts with the photo and the article from the AP (I recall it being originally published in a California paper) about a Lida machine being used to quiet ward in a VA hospital. That article has been floating around the Internet forever, as you can tell from the photo. The patent includes plans. Any tinkerers with a research bent can build one in the basement.

The Mind Control Forum is a rich source of information on the latest declassified information and on research projects that have been closed and classified by government agencies, for that matter. There used to be a list of patents, but I haven't looked in quite a while. The forum, for fairly obvious reasons, also attracts a large number of people who are clearly very seriously mentally ill. Read carefully.

Regarding the recruiting information that has slipped into this thread, I think you'll find, if you ask yourself sincerely, that Richard Bandler's statements on the subject hold true. In working with the military, there is an imperceptible presence that seems to hang in the air. Some might think of it as power, while others might think of it as force. Regardless of one's personal views, it can be uplifting to think about such things from the lofty heights as one's sense of personal achievement continues up, up and... well, you know.

-- Blink

In the interest of perpetuating inter-service rivalries, I'll note that the Marines often refer to the Air Force as "an honorable alternative to military service."
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Postby whatthe75 » January 27th, 2009, 4:29 pm

Wow - i have a sudden urge to Join the Air force,and start flying a plane. 8O
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Postby Blink » January 28th, 2009, 12:41 pm

whatthe75 wrote:Wow - i have a sudden urge to Join the Air force,and start flying a plane. 8O
I'm totally ripping-off Richard Bandler's story. Since it ties in nicely here, and since I've already stolen it, I'll tell you the rest.

He was describing how he's the best trance subject he knows. He said that he was going around one day, doing his usual stuff, in his usual trance, maybe surfing the Internet--who knows, really--and he saw an advertisement that said, "Find yourself in the Air Force."

...And that's exactly what he did.

...With no clear memory of how he got there.

I'm sure that Richard would tell you that he found the Air Force a less-than-spectacular place to find yourself. He's found himself doing other things, since then, and having much more fun.

NLP was a product of the 1970s and it came at the same time as a lot of other self-help movements. There was a lot of effort being put into "finding yourself." And there were, and are, lots of different ways to find yourself and lots of different places to find yourself. Most of us here, though would agree that it's most pleasant and productive to really find yourself in some kind of pleasant trance, now.

And you can go anywhere from here.

Relax. Enjoy.

-- Blink
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Postby whatthe75 » January 28th, 2009, 4:24 pm

What's NLP? :?
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Postby Blink » January 28th, 2009, 7:33 pm

whatthe75 wrote:What's NLP? :?

I mean....


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Postby whatthe75 » January 28th, 2009, 7:45 pm

Lol sorry couldn't help that one.I run my own NLP practice.

P.S. Bandler should run for president.He is god.
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Postby Blink » January 29th, 2009, 10:42 am

whatthe75 wrote:P.S. Bandler should run for president.He is god.

I mean....


SO not gonna happen.
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