Having trouble trancing?

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Having trouble trancing?

Postby hypnointerest » February 2nd, 2009, 8:09 pm

It is entirely normal for it to take up to three weeks and longer for someone to gain the ability to trance at will.

A few things you should know:

You have to really want it. The Files won't just take over and Change You if you don't want the changes.

If you happen to be aroused by the files you listen to, You must resist the urge to masturbate as you Listen. (unless specifically directed to do otherwise in the file... How do you expect to go into trance while you are physically exerting yourself? :lol: )

Just a few Listens may not do anything for you. It can take time(again, 3 or more weeks for honing your ability to trance and possible weeks for a file.) for your subconscious to accept it, especially if while you listen you are thinking "this isn't working......". Though I have seen exceptions where You don't have to do anything, the subject is just naturally adept at going into trance.

Try to not even actively listen to what is being said in the files. I'm not saying you need to completely shut it out, just don't actively try so hard to hear each sentence. Instead, Focus on your Breathing or the background tones provided in some of the more intricate files. Try Focusing on abnormalities in the hypnotist' speech. Their tempo, tone, the cadence of their words, their Warmth. If it's just a plain file with only the hypnotists voice, I would recommend listening to Brain Wave Generator as well.

Some people report that simply pretending that the file is Working the first few times they Listen- imagining the sensations the hypnotist is talking about, Dramatically Increased the reported Effectiveness. Before long they didn't need to pretend.

A man once came to me and told me that he could not be hypnotized. Not for lack of trying, he said. A few of his friends were telling him lots of good things about hypnotism, how they had fixed a lot of there personal problems in trance. He wanted to be able to drop into trance so badly but just couldn't figure it out. I told him "When you let your mind wander, You're already In Trance. When you've been doing the days mundane chores on autopilot, You're Already in Trance. You've been looking so hard to find the key, but the door is already open and directly in front of you. You just have to turn the knob."

He didn't believe me. I asked him to explain the process he goes through when he tries to go into trance. I then requested he act out his "strategy" for me. 'Well, I find a quiet spot and Relax...' All the normal stuff. Relaxing, Focusing on One Thing, With each step I simply confirmed More and More that whatever he did was the correct way to trance, "Yes, That's Right. Just like that." I would say as he went on. 'And then I would try and make my breathing as long and even as possible like this.' "Yes, That's Right."

This guy didn't need any help whatsoever to trance, he was just Unaware that he was already there. He expected something huge to hit him- a paralysis, or amnesia, like he heard about from his friends.

It didn't take long to get him into trance. Convincing him he was in trance proved more difficult. He was very stubborn. His Resistance actually helped him go Deeper. It kept his mind so busy that he just didn't see the subtle cues right in front of him.

So, you may be wondering what my long, drawn out point is?
It's usually the ones who just can't get into trance that are already there.

Maybe You should just give it another college try? There Are so many files to explore In Trance. So just get out there Already!
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Joined: October 4th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Ladon » February 9th, 2009, 9:47 am

It seems to me that in cases of that sort of reaction to hypnosis, a pro would be exponentially more effective than a file. A file is not able to judge the subject's reactions, to use that mental judo to use their reservations for their benefit, though I'm not suggesting its impossible. There is no resistance, only reactions, which can be used to deepen the trance.

I recently read about several individuals that were given a suggestion that they were not to be hypnotized again. Rather than fighting that 'resistance', the hypnotist utilized it and acknowledged it, and in the process, was able to change the old suggestion to something more helpful in the future.
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Postby hypnointerest » February 9th, 2009, 3:24 pm

I agree, [url]http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=5361[/url]
Posts: 50
Joined: October 4th, 2008, 12:00 am

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