An Odd Occurance

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An Odd Occurance

Postby CycoMelody » February 11th, 2009, 3:40 pm

Ok I don't have a problem going into trance. I never have. About 2 months ago a friend put me under. He gave me a suggestion that was intended to help me. It was simple. Basically it was to dump negative memories that had hurt me for a long time. When he did that ended up snapping out of trance as every memory flashed in front of me that hurt over the years. Since then I have not been able to take suggestions. I can still trance but no suggests seem to stick. Its really starting to bug me and I find myself exceptionally envious over others who are taking suggestions so easily. So I guess the question is, how can I undo the damage that was done so I can take suggestions?
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Postby whatthe75 » February 11th, 2009, 4:50 pm

Interesting.Its a shame you dont have the exact words he used in the suggestion.

What suggestions have you tried that haven't worked.Could be your subconcious didnt like what he said so much it is no longer taking any suggestions.But it s more than likely just suggestions that your subconcious doens't like

You need to (on your own) to go inside and ask your unconcious what its positive intention is for not allowing you to take any suggestions.
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Postby zapnosis » February 11th, 2009, 5:47 pm

Hmmm... interesting. Best guess is that deep down you don't trust hypnosis any more so your mind just isn't opening up. Have you tried going back to files you listened to when you were just starting? Get back into it gradually as it were?

Failing that, perhaps a different kind of induction - one you haven't used much before?

On the other hand, if you needed to take a complete break from hypnosis for a few weeks, you wouldn't be the first. :D

Oh and out of curiosity, did the suggestion work at all?
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Postby CycoMelody » February 11th, 2009, 8:21 pm

Ok Thank you both. The suggestion itself was not that bad. It just had a different reaction then the tist thought. I have taken suggestions in the past. Quite a few of them to be honest. My goal was to get to where I was really suggestible so when i took suggestions they would be really strong with me. This sadly was a step back. I have tried convincing my subconscious to accept suggestions again, and I have started listening to more of the files I started with. Hopefully things will get sorted out because this is really depressing.
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Postby hypnointerest » February 12th, 2009, 10:26 pm

Maybe your subconscious believed your hypnosis session to be impacting you in a negative way, and it complied with the suggestion by closing the "trance door" in your head.

You just have to let your subconscious know that going into trance is beneficial for you. Write down a list in your head of the beneficial elements of hypnosis for your subconscious to review. Perhaps all you have to do is sever the tie between hypnosis and negative impact.

P.S. It is also possible that your hypnotist decided to implant a suggestion for only their trance capabilities to work on you.
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Postby Ladon » February 16th, 2009, 12:15 pm

Sometimes simple suggestions can backfire if the hypnotist isn't paying careful attention. 'All other experiences fade away as you listen to my voice.' That seems like a good suggestion in some ways, but in order to let those experiences fade, you have to notice them FIRST. If you weren't aware of them when the suggestion was made, you would have to go find them, experience them, then let them fade. In the end this suggestion might actually make the subject more aware of said experiences.

Perhaps the hypnotist used similar speech, meaning to help you forget them, but instead said you should 'not remember' them, which meant you had to remember them first.

You'd probably be well served by seeing an in-person (or at least online) hypnotist again, since a good hypnotist can use hypno-judo and help your subconscious work out the trouble. Obviously you can still comply with suggestions if you want to.
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