A dilema with internet hypnosis "Too many masters"

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A dilema with internet hypnosis "Too many masters"

Postby Jeshi » March 17th, 2009, 11:33 pm

Also every hypnosis file I've listened too that revolves around obedience has the hypnotist mention at some point that they are my master.

The problem here is of course that in the course of listening to 3 new files to see if I like them, I presumingly gained 3 new masters.

If the moment came in my life that I were to actually meet somebody and fall in love and they were also into Hypnosis and had them be my "Master".

According to all the different files I've listened to I would be cheating on him with 19 other masters.

Thinking about it, the solution would be for somebody to make a script or file that would remove all masters except 1 of which would be of the subjects choosing/The master reading the script.

There are files to remove every hypnotic effect ever and clean the slate, files that create conditions for other hypnotic effects to work, but I seem to be the only person to have realized what a big problem this would be if this ever expands beyond the level of something to fantasize about.

So what do you all think?
Is it a problem if subconciously you have 5893 trigger words?
Is it a problem if 58 Hypnotists have the ability to trigger you over the internet when you've already found somebody in real life?
Would having just the one "Real" Master put them under and attempt to remove all the stuff done to them by other hypnotists work? or would every single one of the hypnotists have to revoke their triggers, or would a proffessional hypnotherepist have to get involved?(Imagine explaining that! "Well I listened to all these audio files and now I'm the slave of all these people I met on the internet and I just want to be the slave of my significant other!")

Am I just making a big deal out of something that even if it would be a problem is the described scenario that the described scenario would probably never actually happen anyways since Hypnosis isn't that common a fetish and finding a partner in real life without the use of the internet (in which case it would probably be just about sex anyways) is incredibly unlikely and there isn't exactly any sort of bar or club for people interested in Hypnosis to gather so it's not like you could be identified or triggered in any situation by the mentioned hypnotists unless you had set up a way for you to go to them first since any way that they could trigger you over the internet without you arranging something can be terminated the instant you don't actually want them triggering you anymore(Instant messaging=Block them, eMail=Delete the eMail/Block them, Phone=Lawsuit for sexual harassment if they don't stop when asked multiple times, ect, ect) and if you REALLY don't want any of the previous hypnotists being able to trigger you anymore then the power of your own mind would overrule any sort of hypnotic suggestion given to you anyways since in the end they're all really just suggestions and even if you think you're being forced to follow them if you want to hard enough you could definitely get rid of the suggestions without anything but willpower, and the reason that doesn't happen much is because if you're listening to a file and you know what the suggestion is in advance then you really just want it to work in the first place?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » March 18th, 2009, 6:40 am

Trust yourself, Jeshi. You're doing better than you realize.

It's possible for someone to spend an enjoyable evening watching television without ever watching a program.

It's easy to surf from channel to channel.

But when you find a program you like, you stick with it. And while you're watching a show you like, awareness of all the other channels disappears.

When you find a program you like, you know it. You know what you like! And, commercial breaks are a bit annoying.

Go ahead! Enjoy your time surfing 'masters'. It's a way to discover what feels right... to learn what you want and need.

When you find the right one, you'll know it. You'll feel it. Without trying - awareness of all the others will move into that area of your mind for forgotten things.

Trust yourself

There are many who prefer to surf. Many folks like switching from channel to channel. That's good too. And if that's what you like, then it doesn't really matter how many channels, does it?
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Postby livelonger8 » March 18th, 2009, 5:06 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Trust yourself, Jeshi. You're doing better than you realize.

It's possible for someone to spend an enjoyable evening watching television without ever watching a program.

It's easy to surf from channel to channel.

But when you find a program you like, you stick with it. And while you're watching a show you like, awareness of all the other channels disappears.

When you find a program you like, you know it. You know what you like! And, commercial breaks are a bit annoying.

Go ahead! Enjoy your time surfing 'masters'. It's a way to discover what feels right... to learn what you want and need.

When you find the right one, you'll know it. You'll feel it. Without trying - awareness of all the others will move into that area of your mind for forgotten things.

Trust yourself

There are many who prefer to surf. Many folks like switching from channel to channel. That's good too. And if that's what you like, then it doesn't really matter how many channels, does it?

I must say, I absolutely love your use of Philosophy!
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Postby nanaki001 » March 19th, 2009, 9:11 pm

How about you don't automatically assume that based on the file, the hypnotist has to be your master?

I tend to think that hypnosis is about relaxing the mind and showing its true power and flexibility, not force it under conditions it can't possibly comprehend out of trance. But that's my own view anyway. :?
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Postby missypuss » March 21st, 2009, 4:17 am

Ive listened to lots of files by lots of different "Masters" and trust me, its not a problem if you dont make it one....

Besides there is only one Master for me .... :wink:
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Postby Jeshi » March 25th, 2009, 10:22 pm

nanaki001 wrote:How about you don't automatically assume that based on the file, the hypnotist has to be your master?

I tend to think that hypnosis is about relaxing the mind and showing its true power and flexibility, not force it under conditions it can't possibly comprehend out of trance. But that's my own view anyway. :?

I was talking about files in which the hypnotist specifically identify them self as your master.

It happens a lot more then you might realize.
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Postby demigraff » March 26th, 2009, 4:47 am

I've been working with my fiancée recently, building on feelings of obedience as well was furry t/f. One of the suggestions we've been trying to build is that when I give her a collar (which fits both the D/s and owner/pet dynamics), it will be symbolic for becoming completely owned and submissive. Once she accepts the collar, there's no looking back.

However, we can't be together quite as often as I'd like. We're currently studying at different universities, and can only see each other at weekends (except during holidays). So I considered giving her EMG's file "The Pet Collar" to listen to. I was thinking that such a similar suggestion could reinforce what we've been working on - but now I'm not so sure. I couldn't help noticing that the file is liberally scattered with phrases like "obey me". I don't know how compatible this would be with the training to obey only me.

Sorry, I'm rambling ... very stressful day ... but I'd appreciate your thoughts
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